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<br /> TOGETHER WITH ull the improvements now on c�reaftee erected on tl2e properry�d ull casemcnts,nppurtcnanca, r�d •
<br /> fixtures now or hercafter it par[ of the property. All rcplacements und additfons shull nlso F,c covered by thls Stcurlty „
<br /> Instrument.All of the foregoing la referrcd to in this Security InsUUancnt us thc "Properay," �_:�-;.
<br /> � ; BORROWb;t COVBNANTS that Bonower ia luwfully seised of the cstnte hercby wnveycd ac�d hxs thc right ro grant and R;.
<br /> • convey the I�roperry nnd that the P�•operry is unencumbered, oxcept for encumbrnsices of record. Borrower warrnms and wlll
<br /> � defend generelly the title to the Froperty egalast ull clalms anA demand�,subJat to any cncumbrnnccs of rccord. �,_"
<br /> �� THIS SECURITY INSTRUMBNT combines unifora�covenants for n�tional use and non-unlfbnn cavenants wtth Ilmited
<br /> f � variations by jurisdiction to cocudtute a uniform security instrumeat oovering rea!properry. ��..`
<br /> -��'�'�� UNIFORM COVSNANTS.Borrower and Lender co�•xn�nt and agne as followa: '
<br /> ;....., ... ;,�'
<br /> , � 1. Paymeni o!Arincipa! and Intere.stt Pre{wy�ent enzl Late Charges. Borro►��tr shall promptiy pay when duc thc :_
<br /> prirzci�l of and interest on the d�bt evidenced by the Note a�sd any pnpayment and lite chnrges due under thc Note.
<br /> ° •� Z.F�und9[or Toxes and Iasurance. Sub ect to a licab'.a law or ta a wdtten waSver b Lender, Borrowcr shall a to �'`'^--
<br /> �• .I AP Y D Y i�-°
<br /> Ixader on the clay monchly paymeats arc due under the Note,uniil ths Nate iy pald�n full,a aurn('Funds')for:(a)yearly taues ;.`
<br /> and assessmenu wpich may attain prlorlry over this Securiay In3erurmnt a�a lien on the Property;(b)yearly leasehold payments �`-'"
<br /> , !� or grouad mnts on the Property.lf uey;(e)yearly hazard o�pro;trry instuana premlums;(d)yeazly Aood insurance premiums, �+•_�•��:
<br /> if�y;(e)yearly mortgage insurance premiums. if any;an�d(� any sums payable by Borrower ro I.ender,ta accordana with `-��`
<br /> , �. du provisions of paragraph 8,in lieu of tlte payuseas of mortgage insurance pramiums. These items are called 'Escrow Items.' -
<br /> , � L�nder may, at any time, collect and�023 Fu�in an amaunt not ta exc:�d the maximum amow�t a lender foc a federally `:�
<br /> related mortgage loan may require for Bortower's escrow account u�dtr the fed�ral Real Hstate Settlement Procedures Act af a��
<br /> ° � ��� 1974 as amended from time to tirr.e, 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 u seq. ('RESPA'), unl�ss another law that applies to the Funds "
<br /> �;:,.
<br /> „ seu a lesser amount. If so. Lender may, at any time, collect and hold�unds In an a�ount not to excad the lesser araount. �_
<br /> �• Lendet may sstimate the amaunt of Funds due on the basis of current data and reasonable estimates of eapendltures of future —
<br /> Escrow Items or othenvise in accordance with appllcable Iaw. —
<br /> 11�e Funds shall be held in an instinition whose deposits aze insured by a federal agency. instrumentality, or entity
<br /> � ' (iac➢ading Lender,if Lender is euch an institutlon)or in any Federal I�Eome Loan Bank. Lender shall apply the Fuads to pay tha
<br />" Escrovt Items.Lender may not chaege Borrower for holding and applyi�g the Fumis,aunually analyztng the escrow account, or ---
<br /> veri�ying the Escrow Items.unless Lcnder pays Boaower inte►�est on the Funda and applicaLl�law pernnits Lendor to make sn.ich
<br />- a charge. However, Lender may require Bonower to pay a one-tLne charge for an indepeadent real cstate Gu reparting un*ice
<br /> .,;n, ��� n; t�n.�Pr � ��na?��i�a �it� tlze I�a.n. tsn!� �glfrsble la:u gra�?� as�sr��l:e. Lrl�.° wa a^reez�ent i� z�:,".� �r
<br />= ' applicable law requires interest to be paid, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrowez•any interest or eamings on the Funda.
<br />_���,.`�••.� � Bonower aad L,ender may agree in writing,however. that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender shall give to Borrowet,
<br />�=���� •;' wis�aut ehcuge, an annual acco�nting of the Funds, showing crediu and debits to the Flmds and the puipose for which each
<br /> -=-""'��°:•.- debiY to the Funda was made.The Fund;are pledged as addiHanal securiry for all sums securcd by�his Securlry Iasuument, �
<br /> ��:�;;:`�,i"" If the Funds held by Lender exceed the emounts permitted co be held by applicable law, Lender shall acccwnt to Borrower
<br /> ��'���'''''�• for the eacess Funds in accordauce with the r uin�enu of a l�cable law.If the amount of the Funds held b L.ender at an
<br />-__::�•r..'..:.��, �I PP � Y Y
<br />`.""��•�t!"s"• tirne ia not sufficient to pay tlte Fscrow Items when due,Lender may so notify Borrower in writing,and,in such c�Borro�ver
<br /> , �:;��.� sha11 pay to I.cader the amauat necessary to niake up the deficiency. Boerower shall make up the deflciency in no mo7e than
<br /> °�`��" ' ' twelve monthly payments,at Lender's sole diacretion.
<br /> '°�`� U n a ment in full of all sums secured b tlus Secud Ip�wment, Lender shall rom 1 refund to Bonower an
<br />_-.:y.`;;��• Po P Y Y tY P P�Y Y
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