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<br /> CQVENAN'f8 �����a � ��•��-�
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<br /> 1. PaymMt�. Borrower apree� to meke all paymento on the 6ecured dobt when due. Unleea Borr� end 4endor uprqe otherwi�e, eny
<br /> paymento Lendor rocoivae from Oorrowor or iqr Borrow�r'e bonofit will bo opptlod ffrot to nny amounta Dorrowor owon on ihn eocured ds�61
<br /> nxclualvo o}Intcroot a�princlp�l,socond to Intcio3t, nnd thon to princlpol. It partlal propnymont oi tho nocurod dobt otcurtf for ony roocon,It velll •
<br /> not reduce or excu�e any�chmduled peyment untll the aecured debt ie pntd in full.
<br /> 2.Cltlm�AQsintt TtNo.Houow�r wlll pay�II taxeY.�ttesYmentl,and othe►cho►pe�ettrl6utable to the proporty when dus and wlll dofend title
<br /> to the proparty�pdn�t eny cl�lm�whlch woutd Impalr the Ilen of thl�deed ot trust.Lender mey requlre Bor►ower to erelpn any riQhte, cl�lms or
<br /> delencee whlch 9orrower may h�ve�p�imt pertlos who suppty labor or materfela to Imprave or malnteln the property. .
<br /> 9.InrurMC�. Borrowsr wlil k��p the prop�ny intured under terms �cceptable to Lender st Borrower'�exponi� and tar Lenda�'�benefit. All ,
<br /> Inauranee policie�thail Include�tt�ndard mort��pe cl�usa In favor o}Lsndar.Lender will be mmed��lo��p�y��or�s ths Inaured on any�uch
<br /> Inaurence poticy.Any Inaurance proceed�mey e appllod,withln lender'e dlecretlon,Yo alth�r tho reetaretlon or repalr o}the demeped proporty
<br /> or to th�sscured debt.It Lender raquirai mortp�pe In�u�a�ice, Borrower aVree�to rnelntoln such Insuronce for ao lonp aa Lender requirea.
<br /> .� 4.Prop�rty.Borrower will keep the property in paod condition end meke etl repelre ressonabiy necosnry. ,
<br /> �„�"" 6.Exp�na�s.Borrower apreea to pay ell Lender'�expen�ei Includinp rea�onable ettorneye'feet,ff Borrower breeke eny covenantt In thlt deed
<br /> . � of tru�t or In eny oblip�tlon secured by thle deed of trust.�orrow�r wlll pay these emounte to Lander e�provided in Covenent 9 of thie daed of
<br /> tru�t.
<br /> 8.PHa Secwtty Int�rait�.Unteie Bortower first obtelna Lender'e written consent,Bortower wiil not make or permit any chengea to any prior .
<br /> eecurity intereste, Bo►rower wfil pertorm all of Borrowar'�oblig�tiom under any prtor mortflege, deed of truet or other sacurity apreement,
<br /> tnctudlny Borrawer'�covenant�to meke payment�when due.• ° '
<br /> ��„
<br /> ..A.•c+ ';�i-:_:
<br /> 7.As�Ipnrt�t of R.M,.nd P�ofln.Bor�ower aasipm to Lender the rents and profite of the property.Unlese Borrower end Lender heva apreed • ,,,s,r
<br /> ` othe►wlae in writing, Borrower may collect and retaln the rente os long aa Borrower ie not in deTault. If Bnrrowor defauite,Lender, Lender'e ° 4.`�_r•----
<br /> �.;I agent,or e court eppointed recalver may take possession and menage the property and coUect the rente. Any ronts Lendor collecte ahell ba ,„_- �
<br /> �i appUed ilret to the coste of managinp the property, Inctuding court costs and ettar�eys'fees, commlaslona to rentel agento, end any other `.,.i;-.`
<br /> necestery related expenses.The remefning emount of re�ts will tha�epply to payments on the secured debt as provided in Covenant 1. '.�;t,-
<br /> �` � �R --
<br /> � 8.L�atM�oldr Condomintumr.PlanMd Unit D�v�IopmN�t�.Borrowo�aGroea to aomply with the provisions of any lease if this deed of truat ia on �_ _
<br /> a has�hold.I�thlt de�d ot trust ie on a untt in a condominium or a planned un(t development,Borrowor wftl poriorm eil of Borrower'e duties
<br /> � �
<br /> ur�dar the covan�nta,by-laeaa,or rcpulatlona of tha condominlum or plenrtsd unft development. �`�-'°"`
<br /> 9.Autl�ority of LonsNr to Peiorm fa 6ortow�r. if Borrower faite to�,oeSorn any of Garrower'a dutias undar this d�ad of uu�.t,Lc�dsr msy 'L�`�'
<br /> � _,�_:.. - -
<br /> �� con tr ction on the p�ropertyia discont�irtued or not�caried on in e rcaao abla�manner,Len�er m�y do whateve�r lalnecesearyLo�pr�otert Lender'e ,:-.
<br /> ' �ecuriry intereat In tha property.Thia may Include complet:np the conaVUCtion. �'�.>��R�—
<br /> �Li.�'*—
<br /> �. Lender'e failuro to perform wifl not pro�iude Lender irom exereisinp any of ite othtv rights under the lew or thla deed of truat. ---
<br /> � �ain,��;
<br /> Any amountt ptkl by Lendor to protaot Lender'�secuNty Interoet will be Qecurod by thl�deed of truat.Such amounte wfil 6e due on demand ��`""�
<br /> e n tl will baar interest frcm the dete of the payment untlt paid in full at the(nterest rnte fn eNect on the aecured debt.
<br /> �• 10. [Hf�utt�nd AccM�nUaf. it Borrower teile to make eny peyment when due or breake any covenents under thla deed of truat or any �-
<br /> oblipetbn secured by this deed of trust or any prior mortpege or deed of trust, Lender may�cceterate the meturiry of the securod d�bt and _`'`--' - -"
<br /> demand Immediue peyment and msy Invoke the power of aNe end any other remedies perrrtitted by�ppliceble Uw. .��
<br /> 11. R�qu��t tor Notic�of D�fauk.It Is heraby requested that copiea of the noticee of defeult end sele be aent to eech person who fa e partyr -
<br /> haeio,et the address of eech such person,ss set forth hereln.
<br /> 12. Pow�r of S�N.If the Lender Invokes the powar of saie,tha Trustee sh�li first record In the offico of the repister ot deed� oi each countyr
<br /> whereln the uun property or some part m parcat thereof la situeted e notice oi defauk contetnln the In}ormetion raqulred hy iaw.The Trustee
<br />� .'. sh�tl �ISO md) copies of the notice of dafeult to the Bo�rower,to e�ch percon who is a party�ereto,end to other persona ss�escribeJ by
<br />- sppUc�ble law.Not Ieas than one mon4h eiter the Trustee recorda the notico of defauit or two montha If the Vuat property �not In eny __
<br /> ' incorponted city or vilisgs and i�used fn f�rminp operetiona cardod on by tho trunor,the�'ruttee eh�il pivs publla nodce of uie to the persone =__--
<br /> a;�. � • and In the mmner pro�cribed bY eppplicable law.T r ueioe,without demand an fsorrowar,ehall�eil the praperry at publia aucUar+to the hiphsa;t —�----
<br /> bidder.If requked by the Fsrm Home�tead Protection Aat,Truetee shell offar tha property in two separate salea ea requlred by applicable l�w.
<br /> Trustee m�y pottpone s�ie of all or eny pucel af tho p►operty by public annou�cement et the time end pt�ce of any prevlously acMduted awle.
<br />= Lender o►Ite daslgnaa may purch�se the property at�ny*aie.
<br />-�;�..,,•,� .. ..
<br />-T� : � Upon rocelpt of paYment ot the prtce bid,Trustee shall deliver to the purchaser Trustee'e deed conveyin0 the proporty.7he recfttala contained in
<br /> Trustee's deed nhell be prime facle evidlence o!the truth of the etatemente contnlned thereln.Trustee shell epply the proceed�of the eale In tM
<br /> . . toilovainy order: (a) to all expense� of the sala, fncludinp, 6ut not Iimfted to, reasonable Truatee'e tees, reaaonoble attorney's feea and
<br />_.. . relnstatament fon;Ib)to elt sums sacurad by this deed of trust,end(c)the balance,if any,to the persona lopally ent(tled to recsive It.
<br /> �k` 18.Fonctowr�.At Lender'a option,this deed ot trust may be foreclosed In the menner pravlde by eppllca6le Isw for foreclosur�of mortpa�et
<br />�•'"'�.�'-' on real proparty, �--
<br />��,�=1^l1:..`v�.
<br />_ ____ "`�"'� 14. (nopea9lon.Lender msv entGr tha property to Impeot It fT l.ender givee Borrower notice beforohand.7he notice muat etete the reataneble __.
<br /> �' ' ceuse ior Lend3r`o mspection. __—_ -
<br /> `---����.;.., .. _-
<br /> i+c:-� r'�•�� 16.Cond�ewwtlon.8orrower eaaigna to Londer theproceeds of any award or clafm for damagea connected with a condemneilon or other takinp
<br />