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<br /> ,� �,��.� = � THI8 TRUST DEED,mado 1hM ��—daY ol u us ,�g�tiy��p�p Cer 1 E. Dietz
<br /> . :,;�..ri= ��n�`•• - and Cerol A. Dfetz, husband and wife as o nt tenants an not as tena�ts in
<br /> : •.�.,�'. �"�: y���r,p��(� CommOn 1407 Lilly S e � Wood River� E 6AAA3
<br /> , , �,
<br /> � � ti:�:K��•••, (�n"Tn�lor'7i�nd 11�N M��14wfiow m�ltnp addr�u M P.O.Box 487�Woad River.Nobrak�8A863�(hardn"TruttN,••ind��8�nolicfuy'�).
<br /> a;;. . fOR VALUABLE CON5IDERATION. inckidinp tlr ird�bt�ss Ind�ntifi�d i��in ad th�ttust h�nbt cnot�d. tM r�aipt o1 which is ha�b�r
<br /> - .� �,° ":4:�°.;•"•.a aknowbdp�d T t � sipns to TrustN, IN TRUST. WITH POWER OF SALE, fa tt�b�fit ad
<br /> � .. ; ;,�.. .�,. , rustor in�vocabl�qran s,transf�►s,com� s,and a:
<br /> , .�-.'',„',�'r..:y!"r��} �1t�r af�ficiory�unda and wb�ct ro tFM t�rnn and eandMions of this DMd of TnKt,tb�ral popMy dherib�d as follo�e�
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<br /> --- � � ^ "`���»� ., Lot Eight (8), in Block Three (3) , in West North Lawn Second
<br /> ��� ' ,;,a _;�, ' Addition to the City of Wood River, Hall County, Nebraska.
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<br /> TOGETHER WITH,all rents,profits,royahies,ineome and otiwr benefits derivad from the real prapertyr all leoses or subleoses covering the
<br /> . reol property or any portion thxeof,now or hereaher existing or�ntered into,and all right,titla and interest of Trustor thereunder: all in-
<br /> � tarests,�stata or other claims,both in law and in equity,which Trustor now has or may hereafter otquire in the real properryi all easements,
<br /> riphts-of-way, tenements, hereditammts ond oppurtenances the�eof and thereto, all oil ond qas riphts and profits,water rights a� woter
<br /> •�-.. stak J all riqht,title and interest of Trusta,now owned or hereofter aequired,in and to any land lyinq within tho ripht•of-way of any street or
<br /> � , „ hiyhwoy adjoininp the real proporty, ony and oN buildinys, fixtures, improvemants, and appurtenances now or Iwreafter erKted thereon a
<br />, „ belonginp thereto,(herein refeRed to as "ImprovemenY'or"Improvements");and any and all owads made for th�takin�b�emirwnt domain '
<br /> • : or by any praeedirg a purchase in lieu thereof,of the whola or any pa►t of the real property.
<br /> �� All o�th�foragoing estate,prape►t�and intenst horeby conveyed to TrustQe har�in collectiv�l►r referrQd to as tht"Propen�'.
<br /> � " (o Th�poyment of indebtedness evidenca!b�Trustor's note of even dote h�rawith in the principal sum of F`.j.�+�
<br /> � . . . ,; ..
<br /> �� . ' �housand and no/100---------------_-----------------Dollars (S An_.OIlQ..OA— ).
<br /> � *•� • topetlwr with inierest at th�rote o�rotes provided therein, (herein,toyether with any and all renewals,modifications,and e�tQ�sions the►eof,
<br /> �. ,-;r-,, r�ferr�d to as the"Note")both principol and interest on the NotQ beinq payable in accordanee with tha terms set forth therein,refeente to
<br />� � �. , which is hereby made,the finol poynwnt af printipal ond interest, if not sooner poid and if no nnewals,modifications a extensions are mado,
<br /> ' �� � �� • due ond payable on.Tanuar�_15, 1993 and an� renAwal a or x naionG thereof _____,
<br /> � (b)The pe►formance of eah ayreemont and covenant of Trustor herein contained;and -
<br /> Y , (c)Tiw payment of any sum or sums of money with int�rest tlwreon which moy bQ hereaHer poid or advanced under the terms of this Doad of
<br /> '� • • Trust.
<br /> � (d)The payment of any future advances necessary to protect the security or any future advance made at the option of the porties;and
<br /> r (e)The performante of an oblipotion of any other person named in this Trust Deed to o beneficiory.
<br /> • '°`� • � 1.h�Mf of hindMl Md hM�nd.Trustor sholl promptly poy when due the principol o}ond interest on the indebtednessevidenced by the
<br /> Note,and all othar charpes and fees os provided in the Note,and the principol of ond interest an any Future Advances secured by this Deed of
<br /> " . Trust.
<br /> 2.w�n�t�of Titb.Trustor is lowfully seized and possessed of good and indefeasiblc title and estate to the Prapeny her�by conveyed and
<br /> • � has ihe right to grant and convey the Property;the Property is free and clear of oll liens and encumbronces except liens now of record;and
<br /> Trustor will warrant and defend the title to the Property against all cloims ond demonds.
<br /> ' , • 3.Ql�t�e��nd CosepYena wkM lawt. Trustor shall keep the Praperty in good condition and repoir and sholl not cammit woste or permit
<br /> • impoirmeni or deterioration of the Property and shall comply with the provisions of any leose if this Oeed of Trust is on a leoselald.No improve-
<br /> ^ ment now or hereofter erected upon the Property sholl be altered,removed ar demolished without the priar written consent of Beneficiory.
<br /> i Trustor sholl comply with all laws,ordinonces, regulotions,covenants,conditions ond restrictions affocting the Property ond nat commit,suffer.
<br /> or permit any act to be done in or upon the P�operty in violation of ony low,ordinante,regulatan,covenant,condition or restriction.Trustor
<br /> — "?`'---"---�� -� shall complete or restore promptly an0 in gooO woricmaniiice monner ony improvemenr on me rroperty wnicn moy oe oamaqeo or aesiro�eo ond
<br /> ' • pay,when due,all tloims fa lobor pe�farmed and moterials turnished therefore and for ony olterotions thereof.
<br /> 4. M�w�ne�.Trusta, at its expense, will mointain with insurors approved by Beneficiary, insuronce with respect ta the Improvements ond
<br /> � personal prope►ty,constitutinq the Property,ayoinst loss by fire,lightning,tornado,and other�erils ond hozards covered by stondord eKtended
<br /> coveroqe endorsement,in m amount equal to at leost one hundred percent of the full replacement value thereof and insurmce against such
<br /> other hotards and in such amounts as is customarily tarried by owners and operators of simulor properties or as Beneficiory moy require for its
<br /> � � protection.Trustor will comply with such other requirements os 8eneficiory moy from time to time request for the protettion b�insuronce of the
<br /> � interests of the respective parties. All insurance policies maintained pursuant to this Deed of Trust shall nome Trustor ond Beneficiary as in-
<br /> • ' sureds,os their respective interests may appea, and provide that there sholl be no cancellotion or modification without no ks s thon 15 days
<br /> � prior written notification to Beneficiary. In the event any policy hereunder is not renewed on or before I S doys prior to itsexpiration dote.
<br /> 8eneficiary may praure such insurance in otcordance with the provisions of poragraph 7 hereof.Trustor shall deliver to Beneficiary the original
<br /> , ' policies of insurance and renewals thereof a memo copies of such policies and renewals thereof.Foilure to furnish such�nsurance by irustor.or
<br /> renewals os required hereunder sholl,at the option of Beneficiary, constitute a default.
<br /> 1 ,
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