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<br /> ' TOGSTHBR VVI'fH x�l tlie improvemenGS now or liereafter ere.�:ted ou the pmperty, ttnd all easements,appurte�u�nccs,nnd . ' , -
<br /> fiatures now ar hereafter a part af t�e property. All replac:etnents Hnd additio�u s�all also be covered hy this Security ' .�, �
<br /> Instrument. All of the foregoing is refen�ed to in this Securlty InstnuueaatAS �a'Property." _
<br /> BORROWBk COVHNANTS that Bonower is lawfully seised af the e�tate ltereby conveyed and hFGw the right ta grtnt and � _
<br /> canvey the Property and that the Property is unencumbered, except for ettcwnbrAnces of record. Donower wamanGe itnd wlil `
<br /> defend generally the dtle to the Property against all claims and deu�auds.sub�ect ta nny encumbrances of record. . �
<br /> ,.;,:,�.:,:+�� TFiIS SHCURITY INSTRUMENT combines unlfom�covenants for n�Gonal use and nan-uniforn�covenants wid�limited "
<br /> �•� vuindons by jurisdicdon ro constitute a unifotm security instrument coverin�rea�.property. '
<br /> UNIPORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender wven.�u►t and agree�s(al;ows: -
<br /> 1. Payment of Prtncipal and Interest; Prepayment and Late Cl�rges_ Bonrower sh�ll promptly pay when due dte �' " ,;�.� :
<br /> principai of and interest on the debt evidenced by the Nate and any prepaym�n�a�d lac:chasges due uuder the Note. - �' :•� �.,
<br /> - 2. Ftinds for Ttuces aadd Insuranee. Subject to applicable law oc to a wrimn vY�tv�t by Lender, Borrower shall pay to �, � . �`�i�:-
<br /> I.�nder ou the day mowIily pnymenrs are duc umder the Note,u�til tlie Na: is pi-.d in full,a sum("Funds")far: (a)yearly taxes �°'���-'
<br /> . �� arid nssessments which may attain priority over this Security Iestrument as a l�:n�n the Property; (b)yearly leasehold payments ';;�:;�
<br /> • or ground rents on the Pmperry, if any;(c)yeaaly ha�ard ox property ins�a premiums; (d)yearly flood insurance premiums, -°--
<br /> if an • e earl mort a e insurauce remiwns,if en a�i �� -`�'r
<br /> ,. Y. ( ?Y Y g g P y: (� any suins pa�xle by Borro�ler to Lx:mler, in sccordance��ItFr ,:�,�;_:
<br /> . the pmvisions nf para�ph 8,tn lieie of the payment of mort�n�e insu*_�anc� premiums.These ttems are called"Escrow Items.' •;,,:;�-_ ----
<br /> " I.ender may, at any time, collect and hold Funds in an amount aot to excad tl�e maximum nmount a leader far a federally •� '�'-_._...___
<br /> nlated mortgage loan may require for Borrower's e.urow account under ti�e federnl Real Hstate Setderaent Procedur�es Act of .,�;.�:
<br /> ,, �� 1974 as amended from dme to time, IZ U.S.C. Secuon 2601 et seq. ("RRSPA"),unless another law tliat applies to the Fuads =��
<br /> sets a lesser aniount. If so, Lender may. at any time, c�llect and hold Nunds in an amount not ro exceed the lesser unount. �,�k;aF'
<br /> - '` �' I.ender may estimate the amount of Punds due on the basis of current dat� aud masonable esdmates of eapenditures of future -`
<br /> . ,:'�''�;�. ' Bscrow It�ans or otherwise in accordance with applicaUle law. �����+�-
<br /> ' �` �'�� Thc I"vnds shall bc held in an institurion wbase d�pasits ar2 znsur�by a federal agency, instrumentality, or endty ��--
<br /> ,� .. _ -- -
<br /> "-,�'• � (lncluding l.ender,if Lender Is such an institution) ar In any Federal Hon�e ioan Bank.Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the
<br /> �:i�;�z F:" Escrow Items.Lender may not chuge Borrower for holding and applying the Punds, annually analyzing the escrow account,or
<br />_ .. _ ,�'. verifyin�the Hscmw Items, unless Lender pays Bormwer intr.rest on the Aurulcanct annlira(,Ir law�,rr��Y pr r�r io ma!?�+��k --- ';;�
<br /> �' a charge. However, Lender may require Honower to pay a one-dme chazge tor an independent real estate tax reporting service ;��,. �''�:'
<br /> used by Lender in conaection with tLis loan, unless applicable law provides otherwIse. Unless an abmeeraent is made or s�. ;��::
<br /> applicable Iaw requires interest to be paid.I.ender shall not be required ro paq Bairower rny interest or earnings on the Funds.
<br /> Bnnower and I.ender may agree in wrlting,however, that intemst shnil be paid oa the Funds. Lender st�all give to Bonower,
<br /> � �'���'� without charge, an uununl accoundng of the Funds,showing credits and de6ics to the Fnnds and the purpose for which each •
<br /> � :,`,;,.,::r�. .
<br /> _ � <•,;,'°� debit to the Funds was made.The F���ds are pledged as addidonal securiry for�l sums secureci by ttus Security InsuumeAt. �.z- !"
<br /> ° - If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts pem�itted xo be held by applicable law,Lender shall account to Borrower �;r
<br /> - for the excess Funds in accordance wiU►the requirements of applicable law_ If the aznount of the Funds held by Lender at any +•
<br /> - " °`" dme is not suf&cient to a the Escrow Items when due,I,ender ma so noti Bonower in wrid
<br /> . p Y y �y ng,and,in such case Borrower
<br /> -- , shall pny ro Lender the amount necess�uy W make up the deficiency. Borcouer shall make up tlte deficiency in na more than '_
<br /> �,, - �.;� twelve raonthly payments,at Lender's sole dlscreuon.
<br /> �-�=�<:�r"�'• ' Upon payment in full of all s�uns secured by this S�urity Iastrument,Lender shall pmmpdy refiind to Borrower any ����
<br /> �:°`;II=s'• - Puvds held by Lender.If,under patagraph 21, Lender shall acquire or sell clu Property,Lender,prIor to the acquisition or sale =
<br /> 9-•��"�'(!�'c�; of die Property, shall apply any Funds held by Lendcr at the dme of acyuis3tion or sale as a credit egainst tlie sums secured by —
<br /> '�"�'a�'+:,;,+, this Sec��dty Instiument.
<br /> "�"������'°�� 3.Applicatfon of P�yments.Unless applicable 1Qw provides otherwise,all payments receivcd b p� ,graphs .�,.
<br /> �,.. ;,,,;.,;,;.: y L.ender under 1rz _
<br /> _ .:i�: 1 and 2 shall be applied: first,to any prepayment cLarges due under the Note;second,to amounts payable under para�aph 2; — -
<br /> � - •`"`' third,to iuterest due;fourth,to ru�ci al due;and last, to an late char es dtie under the Nore.
<br /> ,;'4:,.. .� P � P Y 8 — .
<br /> _::�..::�: , 4. Chargc9;Idea9.Borrower sUall pay all taxes, assessments, charge.�,flnes and imposidons attrlbutable to the Property - -
<br /> — �-;= • wluch tnay attain priority over this Securiry Inswment, and leasehol3 pay3aents or ground rents, if any. Borrower shall pay -- --
<br /> ��0�"�� � these oUligadons in the mwner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in Ibat o�nnner. Borrower shall pay them on tune direcdy �����
<br /> ,�,.i,.q,;�t:r:•., �n �ti��v�,. _.�.
<br /> =,:j.,w:;�'.> . to tlie person owed payment. Borrower s1na11 promptly fumish to Lender all notices of amounts to be paid under this puragraph. ���,
<br /> ° `'''"""� If Borrower makes these payments direcdy,Borrower shall promptly furnish toLender receipts evidencing the payments. r'�'
<br /> ;,<.�.--�-
<br /> ...V. `:�'"; '" Bortower sl�all prompdy discharge any lien whIch has priozity over this Secauity Instrument unless Borrower:(a)agmees in --
<br /> _ � . wridng w the payment of the obligation secured by t�e lien in a manner accepable to Lender; (6)contests In good faith the lien ' - ---- -
<br /> �!�"• by, or defends a�ainst enforcement of the lien in, le�al proceedings whic6 in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the ' �=1a
<br /> ,�`` enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the hotdet of the lien an asreecneot 5atisfactory ro Lender subordinadng the lien to ? '��'��`°�'
<br /> �
<br /> this Securlty Instruwent. If I.ender detetmines that any part of tlie Propeny is subject to a lien which may attain priority over '��;��"'�':
<br /> this Security Instrument,Lender may�ive Dorrower a nodca identifying�he lien_ Borrower sliall satisfy the lien or tnke one or �•'•�� .�N''
<br /> more of the acdoms set forth above withln 10 days of the giving of nodce. ., ��',!t;,;;.;� • .:m::
<br /> � Foim 3028 ��`0•±- ,�•�
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