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<br /> _______ ��� • �q• a�'���" 4.As�ddidon�l�eeu�ity,Y�uetor hereby giva to and confers upon BeaeBciary the dght,power�nd authoricy,dudag the eoatinuuice �_r __ ___
<br />— — ' �' of thue Tnuu to ooUeet the reats,iww aad proflt�of�aid Property.re�srvir�uato 14wtor tbe rl�ht,p�ior w any det�ult by Truotoe
<br /> . • ." ia�ne at d sny indebtedaea�ecured hereby or ia poeformance of 4ny agroem�nt h�reuad�r, to wllect ead rotaia�uch nub,laue�
<br /> � �'�• � � �nd proflt�w tiiey bxome due uidpayable. Upoa eqy �uch default, Beaetkfaryr may et Rny tf�ne arithout noHce,aither la panon,by
<br /> __ �� �ent,or bq a reoefver to be wppointal by a cowt. �nd aithout regeed w the adeqwcy of any eecurity for the indabtednee�hereby�ecueed,
<br /> ��� `� • � enter upon aad t�ke powewfon of wid proparty or any part thereot,in hi�own nnme eua for or otherwi�e ooWct mch rent+�,IMtte�and
<br /> ��,�. ' Protib, iacltuling thoM put due and unpaid,and apply the wme upoa�ny lndebtedneu�ecurad henby.�nd in�uch order a�Beaedefary —�
<br /> n
<br /> --- twy detarmine.The eateelag upon wd taldng po�eMSlaa of wid Propeety,the collection of�uch reab,Iwun�nd pmBta and the�ppUaidon
<br /> • `' ° H�snof��torowid,�11 not cura or waive�ny d�fwlt or nodco of defiult hee+eunder oe inv�Ndata any�ct dono punu�n!to ntch notfca.
<br /> `-��,��; ' ` . 6.Upon defaul!by Trustor ia the payment of�ny indebtednero eecured hareby or in Che performance of ony agreement conWlnod Iwrein, - -.
<br /> _: � • 6.��,,.�*,�;,, ' oll�um�rscund hereby ohall immedlrtely bacoue dua�nd payable at the option of tho Beneficipry. ln�uch event and upon written rpue�t --
<br /> o[&n�ficfary,'hwta��h�ll�all the tnut pmpert�, in acandence with the Nebrwka Tnwt DMd�Act,�t pubHc euction to fho hiQhaR
<br /> bidder. My penon ntapt Tru�tes m�y bid at Trwtee's wle. R'rudee ehall �pply the prasede of the�ale a�followr.l ll to tho oxp�nw -
<br />`: h .. :�. of th��als,iacludin��np�onnbb TeuRM'�tp;12)to t}w ob1lQaUon Mcund by thi�llpd of 71rwt;131 eM�urplw,if any,�1uli bo dfdrlbutrd v� ..-_
<br /> -. , to th�p�non��ntitl�d th�r�to.
<br /> "• B.1'rwtes�h�ll ddiver w th�purehuer et thv�al� ib deed,without wqrr�nty, whieh�hd)convsy to th�pu�th�ar tho fnton�t in -��_�=
<br /> �� • � th�prop�rty Mhlch TwWr h�d or Fud the powi� lo conv�y�t th�tlm�oP bl���ecutlon of thi�i�d of 7'►wt,�nd�uch u h�m�y h�v�
<br /> ., ,, ..� �aq ulnd tFMn�fb�. Tnuw'� dMd�hdl r�cite th�fecb�howlnR thrt tha wlo w��wnducted In compB�nce wit6 dl the �qulnm�ota s�-•:�+�.
<br /> of I�w�nd otthb D«d of Tnut,whlch ncltal�h�l b�prlma faci��vfd�nc�ot�uch wmpll�nn aod conclu�iw�vld�na lh�rwf in fivor �j'"".��'.
<br /> of bon�IW�purch�Mn�nd�ncumbnnc�n tor vdu�.
<br /> ° •� 7.Th�pow�r d�ab canfirrrd by th�Dwd of Y�t b not an�selwlvo nmrdy;Wn�Oci�ry m�y aauw thb DNd otTrw!to b�foncloNd
<br /> ��aa�aQ�.
<br /> • •.: +�� q. [p �►�w�vw�t nf tyw diuEh, i�w�ity,dfiubillty or ►wfg�utfon of Trww, B�rullci�rv truy �ppoiat fn wrltinR� ��«�r tru�t�a.
<br /> �� �nd upon th�woordfnp of�uch rppoinemone in the mortgpge record�of tho cuunty in whle6 thi�Ae�d of 7'rwt is reeorded,tM sucoeuor ..-
<br /> �„ • • tru�Ge dull be ve�ted with all powero of the adginal trust�e.The twtee ie not obliged w notify any pa►ty herew of pPnding ala undar C��-��:
<br /> ' �ny other l�ed of Tnat or of any acNon or proce�dina in whieh TwoWr,Twta�a or B�n�fici�ry �MII b�p party unl�u wch actlon or �.�_-
<br /> � , proc�sdinQ is broupht by th�Trwteo. •�'.� -'. � -
<br />. ° , 9,Thi�Deed of T'rwt epplie�W, inuree to tLe benefit of,and is bindlnR not only on the partie�herew, bue on their hein,devhee�, ��
<br /> "`�' legatee�,edmini�tnWn, e:ecutoro, auxes�ors md aa�fans.Thf term BoneBclary�h�ll m�an the holdQr and ownar of tho notr weurod
<br /> �+r,.. +,x....__..,
<br /> ' ::» �� • henby,whotM�or not named iu Benedciary Fwroin. " i�,
<br /> 10.Etequs�t for Notia of Default or Notiee ot Sale.It is requeated that a apy of any Notice of D�fault or 1Votia of 9�1a b auil�d to 's'
<br /> ' -•� - -' �ach perat►who b namod ro thb Trwt Ueed at tha mefling eddreoa of auch perwn w rat out�bove. �-��••� --
<br /> Qr'�7-,�..,
<br /> . ' ' � NOTICE TO CONSUMER: 1. Do not eign this paper before you read it. 2.You are entltled to a copy �-�
<br /> of thie paper.8.You mey prepay t6e anpatd balance at any time without penalty and may be entltled --°=-
<br />