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<br /> � 17. TranSfer a�'the Pro�erty or n Beneticlal Interest In Borrower. [f all or any patt of the Property or any in�etest iu it
<br /> � is sold or trnasferred(or if a heucficlal interest in Horrower is sold or uai�sferred and Bonower is not a��.�tur►I persou) wiQiciut
<br /> [..ender's prior wrttten wn�ent, l.ender may, at i�s opdon, requlre inunediat� payment in full of all sunts secured hy tliir `
<br /> Sccuri�y Iustrumeut. However, this opdon st►all nat bc:exe�cisecII by L.epdcr ii'cxerciae is pruhibired by federnl law as of dte dnte
<br /> .,�� of this 5ecurlty Instrument. f' A_
<br /> �' If LenJer exercIses this opdon, Lender shall give Borrower nouce of acceleration.The notice shall provide a pednd of nnt
<br /> � less than 30 days from the date d�e notice Is dellvered or mailed withln wLicl� eorrower nmst pay all sums secured by this �• .+�
<br /> =^'��"�� Secutity Instnimeat. If Honuwer fails to pay these suu�s prior to the expiratlon of this period,Lender niay invoke ctny remeclics ' __.
<br /> • gecwitted by this Security Instcument witb.out further nonce or demand on Borrower. � - -
<br /> 18. Borrower's RIQht to Relnslate. If Borrawer meets certafn condidons, Borrower sdall t�ave the right to have '`-=
<br /> , : enfancment of this Security Instcument cDiscondttned at any dme prior to die earlier of: (a)5 days (or such ather period as ,�,•'
<br /> � applicable law may specify for reiustatement) before sale of the Pmperty pursuant to any power of sale contained in this --
<br /> - Security Iastnunent;or(b)entry of a judsment eaforcing this Security Instcumeat. Those condidans are that Honower:(a)pays ' �'i'
<br /> Leuder all sums wbich then would be due under this Securiry Insuument and the Nate as if no acceleratIon had nccurred; (b) .
<br /> cure�any default of any olher covenants or agreements; (c)pa s all exFenses incwred in enforcing this Secudty Instrument, •.'��
<br /> e
<br /> r including. but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees; and(d�takes such acdon as Lender may renson:sbly m.quire to assure �-�
<br /> , that tlie lien of this Security Insuument,Leader's dghts in the Property and Bomower's obllgadon to pay tue sums secured by --
<br />, � this Security Insuument shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Bonower, this Security Insm�ment and the �'�;>:�•__ -_-_,
<br /> obligauons secured hereby shall remain fully effective as if ao acceleradon had occurretl. However, this right to reinstate shall �� •
<br /> �wt apply in th�uue of acceleradon under paragrapL 17,
<br /> 19. Sale of Note; Change oF Loan Servtcer. The Note or a partial interest in the Note (together with this Security � -
<br /> Insuument)may b�sold one or more dmes without prior nodce to Bomower. A sale may msult in a change in the endry(known
<br /> es the"Loan Servicer")that coUects monthly payments due under the Note and thIs Security Instrument. Theee also mAy be one `�'.'-.
<br /> or more changes of the Loan Servicer unre9ate3 to a sale of the Note. If there is a change of the Loan Servicer, Bo�TOwer will be r��;�.�--
<br /> � g iven written nodce of the chan ge In accord a n c e w i t h p�grap h 1 4 a bove aa d app lica b le law.'I be nodce wi l l state ehe name and �
<br /> � address of the new Lo�n Servicer and the address to whicb payments should be�1de. The nodce will also contain any ather �!�*?�=-
<br /> imfoimadon required b�appl�cable law. _
<br /> Z�. P.s�;�atv ��-tr�ces. Bur.owcr si�all uoi caus�or pemuc tbe presence, use. disposal, storage. or release of any �.�;��-
<br /> • Hazardous Substances on or in the Pmperty. Horrower st�nll not da, nor allow anyone else to do, arything affecdng the -��-�_
<br /> Properiy that is ia violation of any Snvirownen4al Law. Tl�e preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence, use, or ,. '���
<br /> storage on the Property of smail quanddes of Hazarc�ous Substances tl�at are generally recogntzed to be appropriats to notmal :',�rn�
<br /> ,; residenaai uses and ro maincenance of the Yroperty. . -''
<br /> • Borrower sbaU prompdy give Lender wntten nodce of any invesqgauon. claim, demand, lawsuit or other ac:don by any
<br /> govemmental or regulatc�ry agency or private party involving the Property and any Hazardous SubsG�tnce or Bnvironmeatal l.aw �,,��4,'-�
<br /> ,:;,i� � � of wWch Bonower has actual knowledge. If Borrower learns,or is notified hy any government�l or re�ulatory authority,Wat 1..:.—_
<br /> �,����'�
<br /> uny removal or other remediadon of aay Hazudous S�bstanc�aftecan�the Property is necessary, �orrawer shatl promptly take :�_
<br /> ':;''�• all necessary reraecUal acdons in acwrdance wIth Bnvisc►nmental Law. ��
<br /> As used in this para�aph Z0, "Harardous Substt►nc�s"are those substances defiued as toxic or haa,ardous substances by �i,�� �`
<br /> Environmental Law and tme following substances: asoline, kcrosene, other flamroable or toxI C�"`�
<br />_"�,�.: 8 c petrolewn �roducts. toxic
<br /> _ , pesdcides and herbicides,voladle solvents. materials containing asbestos or forwaldehyde,and radloactive matenels. As usecl in ���
<br /> _ . �,,�� this paragraph Z0, 'Bnvironmental Law' means federal laws and laws of the jurisdicdon where tl�e Property is �ucated that �-=-=
<br /> . . „ relate to health,safery or envlronmental proter.tion C�
<br /> NON-iJIJIFORM COVBNANTS.Bonower aud Ixnder turther covenant and agree as follows:
<br />'� {� " 21.Accderxtion;Rea-,edies. Lender shall give aottceto Borrower prior to acceleration followin�Borrower's bnxch �'' --
<br /> '"-.l�ti�:�r f1.5�-�r
<br />�r"=".�,�;.t;,," of ttny covensnt ar a�nent In thls Secarlty Instroment (but not prior to �tccelerittion undd� paragcaph 17 unlessi
<br /> ' •'• appUcable IAw provfldcv othenvise). 'The notice shall specify: (A)the default; (b)the actton�equired to cure the defauit; � ,Y
<br /> S�:K•,� (c)a date,no¢less ti�aa 30 days from tl�e date the notice t�given an Boreuwer,by which the default must be cundi�d
<br /> __, �;�,�,-_� (tn that failure to cure the default on or btfore the date specifled In the notice n�ay resWt �n accrleraat[on of tt�su�v `-
<br />