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� . , <br /> f� . • � . <br /> � � �..,�,1 t,�. ..;��-�r�: <br /> ''"r.�_ '' � . . . . . , . ti�t . <br />. .. ... .. _ _�..r.rrrr._..._' ' " . . ._ . .." "' ' _'."'_ '........-� ._ . ..' _ <br /> . - . . . . �. ., ,,�.;' .�.lk_ - <br /> . , . . • . . . �.�:�lir�l�i. _ <br /> ,. , . , ,.�yw,r . <br /> . . , �� �O��J ' .. <br /> � . 5. Hazard or 9'roperty Insurance. Bonowcr sUall ke�p tlie improvement� now extsting or hereafter erecced on tl�e • <br /> Property insured agaiast lass by fire, hazards tncluded within the temi "extended coverage" �uid any ather hazards, including <br /> floods or flcx�ding,for whicb Lender requires insurnns;c.Thls insurance shnit Ue ivaintxi��ed iu die amoun�s and for the periods <br /> .,,,,,.;� that Lender requires. '!be insurance carrler providiag the insurance sh�ll be chosea by Boaower subject to Lencier's appmval '. <br /> � -•1 whi��sUall not be uure�uonably witWield. lf Hoxrowet fails to maintaiu coverxge descrlbed a6ove, I.ender mny, at Lender's .. <br /> :,�!*"�` option,obtain cover�tge to prot�ct Lender's righ�5 In ttxe Property in accordauce with paragraph 7. <br /> All i�uance policles and renewals�iwll be acceptable to Lender and shall include a standard martglge cla�ue. Lender �• • <br /> . sU�ll hwve the r1gHt to hold the policles and renewals. If Leuder requires, Hortower shall promptly give ta Lender all receipts of <br /> �. paid premiums and renewal aorices. In the event af loss,Borrower shall give prompt nodce to the insurance carrlar and Lender. -_�,�.�'. <br /> Lenalar inay make ptoof of loss if not made prompdy by Dorrower. �- <br /> Unless Leivier and Bonower otherwise agree in wtidng,insurance pxoceeds shall be applled to restorntlon or repair of the "�"=- <br /> ; �';_ Praperty clamaged,If the restoration or repair Is econornically feasible auti Lender's security Is not Ie.cs�ned. If the restoradon or :=,_°�<<. <br /> repair is noi ewnomically feitsible or Lender's security would be lessened,the in�uance proceeds shall be applled to the sums -.���;s� <br /> sec:tated by Wis Secuxiry Insm�ment, whether or not tben due, wlth any excess paid to Bonower. If Bonower abandons the �;�-__ <br /> Property,or dces nat atuwea within 30 clays a nodce tiom Lender that the insurnnce carrier has offered ro settle a claim, then ____ <br /> . .� � Lc�d�r may coliect tbe in.,�vraace proceeds. Lender may use the pmceeds to repair or restare the Property or ta pay sums -__ <br /> .� s�rua!bp WL°S�-�ty In:uun�ent,�rhether or�ot then d��e.The 30-dny period will begin wben the nodce is given. __i,rr <br /> uu <br /> Unless L,snder and Honower otitieawise agree iu wridng, any �pp►lication of procceds tn princlpal shall not extend or ��� <br /> postpone the due date of the monthly payments refened to in paragaphs 1 and 2 or change the amouut of the pAyments. If under °` .. <br /> `� � paragraph 21 the F'rc�perty is acquired by Lender, Honower's right to any insurance pollcles and proceeds resulting from �'��� �� <br /> damage ro the Property prior to the acquisidon shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secu�d by this Securlty Insmiment �:,.; <br /> • 'i ' immediately prior to the acquisidon, � <br /> �•j , 6.Occupancy,Preservation,Maintennnce and Protection of the Property;�orrower's Loa�Appltcatlon;I.easeholds. �'�;:-- <br /> -. Horrower sball occu�sy,establlsh,and use the Property as Horrowct's�iiuclp�il a-esid r�wittun s3xty dxys aRer the er.ecuti�n of Y - <br /> -__ �• ..,; • tbis Secudty Insmmaent and shall continue to occupy the Property as Horrower's principal residence for ut least one qear after �",' <br />'_-�,�',�," the date of occupancy,unless Lender otherwise agrees in wrldng.whIch consent aha11 not be unm,a.,onably withheld, or unless _ <br /> ' 7' � ��s. n a � • cfa Pc nrtct �yhirh nl� he ond Borc�ewer's conuol. Borrower S '�1 IlUL (ICS�LOy, clamb�e or impair tbe <br /> .:�s�•'�:.:i C.....B,.si�IIo �2�.141..�..�� _�_ y -- <br /> .. ;..� Property,allow the Pmperty to deteriotxte, or commit waste on the Property.Borrower sLall be in default if any forfeiture —_- <br />,l "'• '`-' sction or pmcee�ing.whether civil or crIminal, is begw that in Lender's good faith judgment wuld result in farfeiwre of the � <br />�,-;�:',: ,,:�. , .�._ <br /> ::�:;.�;, : Property or othemise matetially impair the IIen cteated by thts Security Insuument or L.ender s security interest. Borrower may <br /> �`"�i� cure such a defaidt and reinstnte,as provided in paragraph 18,by causing the acdon or proceecling to b�dismissed with a ruling --_° <br /> ,'_�"��.�� thut,in Lender's good futh detemnination, precludes forfeiture of the Bonrwer's interest in the Property or other maurial <br /> ±m���.y� impairment of tlie l�en created by tLis Secariry Insaument or Lender's security interest. Borrower sball also be in default if <br />_-�;��,�;� Borrower,durIn�the loau applicadon process,gave materially false or inaccurate inforwadoa or statements W L,ender(or fslled <br />�;:�.��,•�� to pmvide Lender with any material infomnadon)in connecdon with the loan evidenced by the Note,i�luding,but not lunited <br />,_.�,,. <br /> ������`��-� to, npreseutadons conceming Borrower's occupancy of the Property as a principal residence.If tliis Security lnsiruwent is on a <br /> -�� leasehold, Bonower sUall comply with all the pmvislons of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee dt�e to tb.e Property, the <br /> -°- leasehold and the fce dtle shall not merge unless I.ender agrees to the merger in wrl�ng. <br /> ~ 7.Prateckton of Laidaas RiYMs in the Propaty.If Borrower fails to perfocm the covenante and agrcements cantained in <br /> :===s«�� Ihis Security Insttument,or tl�ere is a legal proceeding that may slgni8canfly afftct Leuder's ri�ts in the Property(such as a — <br /> � procxdiag in bankraptcy, ptobate, for condemnndon or forFeiture or w enforce laws or regulaflons), then L.eader may do and <br /> __—= pay for w4atever Is necessary to protect the value of the Property and Lender's rights in the Property. Lender's acdons may <br /> - include paying any sun�s secured by a lien whieh has priority over tbis Security Insdument, appearing in court, paying <br /> -- v reasonable attorneqs'fees and entering on the Property to make��epairs. Although Lender may take acdon iwder tlris puagraph _ <br /> -`a,� %. Lender does not 6ave to do so. <br /> -_-__�= Auy amounts disbursecl by Lender under tlus paragraph 7 shall 6ecome addid.onal debt of Borrower s�tuted by thts <br /> ,,,��,� 5ecurity Insuument. TJnless Borrower ansl Lender agree to other teims of payment, these amounts shall bear inrerest from the <br /> ----_-- date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payable, with interest, upon nodce from I.ender to Borrower requesdi�g - <br /> _�_,�= p�yment. <br /> --�'�"'R� B.ModgaQe Imurence.If Lender required mortgage insurance as a coa�idon of making the loan secured by this Securlty =-• <br /> ""`� I�asuumxnt, Borrower sl�all pay the premiums required to maintala the murtgage insurance in efFect. !f, for any reason, the �- <br /> -- .,,�a �, _- <br /> - martgage in,gurnuce coverage requirec!by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect,Borro�ver shall pay the premiums requimd to -_ <br /> ,�,�:�;ai?,�:., obta{u covernge substantially equivalent to the mortgage insuxance previously ineffecs. at a cost substantially equivalent to the == <br /> . cost to Borrower of the mortga$e insurnnce previously in effect, from an altetnate mort�age ipsurer appmved by Lender. If �.�" <br /> "� • subslandally equivalent mortgage ineurance coverage is not available,Bormwer shall pay ro Lender each nionth a svm equal to ����-'- <br />" ' one-twelftli af the yearly mortgage insuraucc premium beiug paid by Borrower when the Insurance coverage lapsed or cpscd to f�'=�=-- - <br /> ' � be in effect.Lender will accept,use and retain these payments as a loss re.eerve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Lass rese�ve k���=-- <br /> .. '�?�-`''-°=°°- <br /> _ ' Form 3028 9180 � _,;.-- <br /> - • - �m�6RINE)ies��i.o� v,�.3 or o irye�a.;,�lc{„�� : =:':`-• <br /> :-f'� ,?,t'+,f';_�': <br /> -=-- - <br /> _-- <br /> -- ---�- - - <br /> .,..� . . .:ti° <br /> . ,� <br /> ..�---� .,.._._ <br /> . . <br /> '•__..,�-----��-�.------.••—••----- —.__-----�a^„�— . - . yF.wnr—.•,.,.,F . <br />- y �pyyne#?U:�w:ii.:�a,}rHrd;yrara�i . . '�� <br /> . .. Y <br />. ., .. . „ .. . � 4 <br /> <1 .. . .. .� � i_.. � � - .. �� <br /> . , � .. .' .� � y � ` ''.. �- .i. , � � <br />- ' . . � ' . 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