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<br /> - --_ ---___�--_---_� RliCN liLL 1KLN HY TABBB PRBSSNTS a
<br /> That wa, 8TIINI�Y 1fB8TSR and EVELYN 1�STER, hu�band and wilot
<br /> - coRll�tig MSBT$R, a ainql� pernont ��7►R� N. 11AI+�NBY, a singlo
<br /> par�oa� ROBEAT 11S8TER, � siagl� p�rson� �,�nd 8U1�iI�iS B. M11LOl�tEY, a
<br /> singis p�wraon, horaby appoint B. J. CvNNiNGHADt, JR. , ot c3r�u►8
<br /> � ,z.=-_.�.--_-�-_. Isl�nd, Rall county, Nsbra�ka, our truo er�d lawful Attorney in
<br /> � Fdat, !or ua and in our nnae, to liat, sell, tranator and aonvay,
<br /> � th� loilowing doscribad raal prop�rty ownad by ua:
<br /> The Southerly Fifty-Two Feet (85Z• ) of Lot One (1), in
<br />— Bloak Eigbt (8), Original Town of arand I�lend, Hall
<br /> —_. _ County, Nebra4ka,
<br /> �� ---- on suah tsrm� a�nd aonditions as our said Attornsy in i�aat shail
<br /> ��.� da�n baat in his sola di�aretion, and further authorize hi� to
<br /> -` '�"-��`� employ brokera, agantg, aua��.on4ars and othex persons anA to do Any
<br /> ��° and all other thinga n4cassary or inaidental to tho sala o! the
<br /> -;:� abova desoribed real property, and to lurthar exeautA� aaknowlodge
<br /> �=_- -- - and dsliver daede oP aonvayanae for tha same, with or without
<br /> �` eeyenants and warrentyt to recaiva tha proaaocls from aaid sale and
<br /> -_�'�= qenarnlly to aat in aonnection with the sala as ePPeatively as we
<br /> _:�- and eaah o� us could do if personally present, ho�eby ratifyinq and
<br /> = contirming all ttsat our �aid 1►ttorney in Faait ahall lawPully do
<br /> - hBr�llri$e*_'.
<br /> :=� ;
<br /> :�'t IN WiTNESS WHEREOF, we have heraunto set our hande and �teals
<br /> ,�,`; , �'�� thia �_ day of �}���/ , 199Z.
<br /> .�..' t �
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<br /> -=' •��. �„�•_.... I+1EST M. MALONEY �
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<br /> r��°
<br />-��_ ,`����,.��;i'A°.' STATE OF NEBRASRA )
<br /> , .:�: ''.�:.,.'
<br /> �.�.. ; ) 88.
<br /> .- '�:"�`'�� ` COUNTY OF HALL I
<br /> ..,..:--:.��i..
<br /> �• "`� ; The foregoi g 3nstrument was acknowledqed before me this 23
<br />_ ::� �.� �.'`�'; � da of �. , 1992, by STANLEY MESTER and EVELYN
<br /> .. +
<br /> ' � . �� , MESTER, h and and wiPe; CORI STER, a sin persont and �
<br /> ..� � � . HARBAItA M. MAI+ONEY, a single per on. /� /���
<br /> __ ' ...�,,• ....�.-., ��M�Iih ��/ �/ G2;�..�ir,Z, .
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