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<br /> __— pedoda that Lender�equi�s. The insurance cw�rlcr providing thc insuriutce shall 6e c6osen by Borrower eubject to L.ender's
<br /> _ - eppraval which�hall nat be unr•.asonably withheld. If Bcnrewer fu�ls to maintain coverage described aix►ve. l.ender may,at �__
<br /> } ,, ,, I,ender'�o�tion,obtain coverage to protect L.enderk rights in�he Prapeny in accordance with paragmph 7.
<br /> All insurtutca policles and renewula shAll be acceptuble to Lender ond shull lnclude a standard mongage clause. Lender
<br /> shull have�he right to hnld�he policies and renewals, if i.ender requires.Bornnwer ehall promptly give to L.ender oll recciptx
<br /> Ff� of pAid premiums und rcnewul natices. In the event of loss,Bortower shall give prompt notice ro Iha Insuranco curier u�d �
<br /> �� Lender. Lendrr may ma�ka proof of loss if no[ms�do prompdy by Borrower.
<br /> �•�� Unlcss Lendcr end HaROwer atherwise agree in w�iting,inxurance proceeds shull be applied to restomtian or repair of _
<br /> � the Property damaged, if the restoratlon or repair is economically feasible and Lender� security is nat lesuned. !f the
<br /> - •-R-°^�� rcstoration or repair is not economically feasible or Lender� security would be lessened.the inaurance proceeds shall be
<br /> �'��� applied to ihe sums secured by this Secu�ity Incwmont. whether or nM then due, wfth any ezcess paid to Borrower. lf
<br /> ��_.,���,�,
<br /> �R,,,= Borrower ebundons the PropeRy,or does not anawer within 30 duys A notice from L.ender that Ihe insurunce c er as
<br /> �s:.:_�:.:•��'�'•�:� r • offercd ta settle a claim,thrn Lender mny collect ihe insuronce proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repair or reswre
<br /> -�-�`�"'�-� the PrupeAy or to pny sums secw+ed by thia Security lnstrument.whelher or not then due. The 3Miuy period will begin when -
<br /> ��;,�y�,-o�Y� the notice iF given.
<br /> _�: � �•� Unleas Lender und Borrower othenvfse agree in writing. any upplication of proceeds to principnl shall not extend or
<br /> � postpone 1he due date of the monthly paymerxs referred to in parngraphs I und 2 or change the amount of thc payments. If
<br /> a�a�� under pt�rragraph 21 the Pro(►erty is ucquired by Lender. Borrowar's riglx to uny insuronee policies und proceeds resulting
<br /> -i i� from damage to the Property priar to ihe acquisition shall pass to L.ender to the extent of the sums secured by this Secudty
<br /> � - ••�--�1''�" Inatrument immediately prior to the ac uisition.
<br /> __ . �,�•,�,es.r:.
<br /> �;o— 6. Qccupaacy, Prcservadon, sintenance and Protection of the Property; Borrower's La�n ApplicAdan; �°
<br /> � ,��' ''',;' � :• I.easeholde. Bo�rower shs�ll occupy,establish,nnd use the Property as Horrower's principal residence within sixty days nfter
<br /> -`, . • �:-~'°'• �"�"`"� the execution of this Securiry Tnstrument and shall continue to accupy the Property u.g Borrower's principal residence for at _
<br /> �'. �;.,., a.,, ,,,.,;.4;;;;,;; leust one yeat nfter the date of occupancy, unless Lender othenvise agrees in writing, which consent shall not be
<br /> unreasonubly wlthheld,ar unless extenuating circumsiancas exist whicf i mc 6eyund i3arrower's control. Barrower shall not �
<br /> . �� < desvoy,dumage or impair ihe Property.allow the Piroperty to deteriorate,or commit woste on the Property. Borrower shall
<br /> " i;' „ - 6e in default if any farfeitute nction or proceeding,whether civil or criminal,is begun ths�t in Lender!�good faith judgment
<br /> ' could result in forfeiture of the Property or othervviisc materially impair the lien created by this Security Insuument or
<br /> "`'�� �• Lender's secudry interest. Horrower may cure such u defAUit und reinstate,As provided in paragruph 18,by cnusing ihe ac�ion
<br /> �'' - ""• �+ or praceeding to be dismisscd with a ruling that.in I.enderk gaod fai�h determina�ion.precludes forfeiture of�he Borrower's _
<br /> - �•"`'''•"'` �6 � interest in the Property or other materiAl impairment of the lien crested by this Security Instrument or Lender�secudty -
<br /> '' � '`. ,,.' �,: .� : interest. Borrower shull also be in defnult if Borrower, during the loun applicatian process, gave mnterially false or =-�
<br /> - ����'-• - inaccumte informat�on or slatements to L.ender(or failed to provide Lender with any material informatian)in connec�ion with
<br /> °--- , ,a1d:y�.,:;..�=-'_'►° -� .
<br />--.,.. --_---:. �_�- the ioao evidcnced by ti�c iVoia, inclu3ing. I3iii ROt IliiiliCa i8, rcprescntatior�;concecs�ing Borroe+�trs occupancy of the �--
<br /> T ' "� Propeny as a principu!residence. If this Sewriry Instrument is on a Icuschold,Bortower shnll camply with all the provisions
<br /> .. ...„„- of the kase. If Barrower acquires fee title to the Property.lhe lenschold and the fee tide shall not merge unless l.endcr agrces �
<br /> ', .. , .- to the merger in writing.
<br /> - . ,� o h; 7. Protectbn of Lender's Rights in the Property. If Bortower fails ta perform the covenan�s auid agreemrnts ,-
<br /> , contained in this Security Inspument, or there is a kFal procecding thut may significundy uffect Lenderk rights in the �'-''�
<br /> ''" • Property(such as a proceeding in bankruptcy,probute,for condemnation or forfeilure or to enforce laws or regulutions).Ihen
<br /> .;; ; •
<br /> ., Leoder muy do tind pny for whatever is necessary ta protect the vulue af the Propeny and Lender�rights in the Property.
<br /> ' Lender'.s actions may include puying uny sums securcd by a lien which hus priority over this Security Instrument,uppeuring
<br /> ;� , : �• . � in court, puying reasonnble attomeyx'feec and entering on�he Propeny to make repairs. Although Lender m4y tekc nction ___
<br /> under this paragraph 7,Lender dces not have to do so. �
<br /> ��,. , Any umounts disbuned by Lender under this purugruph 7 shull become udditional debt of Borrower secured by this
<br /> -� . a Security Instrument. Unless Borrower und Lender uFrec to other ierms of paymenb thesc amounts shall bear in�erest from the �= -
<br /> y ' �. date of disbursement at the Note rate ond shall be puyuble,with interesl,upon notice from Lender to Bomower rcquesting
<br /> �l`: paymenl.
<br /> ' , 8. Mortp�nge InsurAnce. If Lender reyuircd mortguge insurance us a cundition of muking the loan secured by this �`��=
<br /> n
<br /> " Security Instrument, Borrower shall pay Ihe premium� reyuired to muimpin the mortgege in�urance in effect. If, for any =_
<br />��, �: � ��J ` reuson, the mortgage inxurunce coveruge reyuired by Lender lap�ex ar ceu�es to be in effect, Borrower shall pay Ihe
<br />���� � � �'�' remiums re uired to obtain covera e substontinll e uivulent to �he mor1 a e insurunce reviousl m effect,ut u cost
<br /> p q S Y 4 B'8 P Y � �
<br /> , , substuntially equivalenl to the coxt to Bcxrower of the mongage intiurunce previously in effect,from un ultemate mortguge
<br /> - ' � � insurer approved by Lender. If substantiully cyuivulrnt mongage insuruncc coverugr is not uvoiluble.Borrower sholl pay to ---
<br /> e� . " Lender ench month u sum cyual�o one-twclfih oP�he:yeurly moqgnge imurunce prcmium being paid by Borrower when the —
<br />� ` . �r=�� insurunce coverage lup.sed or ceutieJ to Ix in effecl. Lendcr will ucrept,ux:►nJ retuin thcxr puyments us u loss reserve in lieu
<br /> ` � of morlgoge insurance. Losx rexcrvc puyments muy no longer be requir�d, ot the opiion of Lendrr, if mortguge insuronce -
<br /> - � covern�e(in the umount a�d for the pericxl that Lendcr rcyuires)provideJ hy un insurer upproved by Lender aguin becomes �';�
<br /> . ��A'AC '
<br /> �:..,, uvuilable and is obtuincd.Borrower.hull pay�hc premium,reyuircd to maimain mongage in.urance in effect,or to provide u ;;,
<br /> . .• � • Ivss reserve,until the reyuiremem f'or monEuge imur:uir�enJx in acconiance with uny written ogRemrnt betwe�n Borrnwer
<br /> and Lender or applicable law.
<br /> " 9. Inspectlon. Lender or ils a�!cnt muy makc rcawnuble entrie�upun unJ in.pectiunti of Ihe Property. Lender shull
<br /> . give Borr�iwer notice at thr�ime of or priur to un in,Exrtiun.p�ril'yin�rrasonable caa�e ti�r the in��xrti��n.
<br /> � 10. Condemnatlon. The pnxeeds of any awurJ ur rlaim fur JamaErti,Jirerl ar rum�yuentiul,in runnrction with any
<br /> � . Single Family•-Fannle Nue4'reddM�1uc l�\IFIIR\1 INtiTRI'�fE\T-•Uml�,m�Co�cn•rnt. 9/9e l�4/l'�'`�rJ 6�4���'�1 �..
<br /> � .. . � •. �irat luln&Warse Fmna lar.■
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