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II Borrower meets r.erlaln conditions, Borcower shall heve tha right tn have entorcement ol <br /> this Socurity Instrument discontinued at any time prior to iho eariler oi:(a) 5 days (or such other period as applicable Inw may specily ior <br /> re(nstotement) belora snlo ol iho Property pursuant lo flny power ol snle contained in ihis Security Instrument; or (b) nntry ol u �udgment <br /> � nnforcing thls Security Instrument. Those conditions ero thet Eiorrower: (u)pays Lender nll sums which then would bo duo under this Securily <br /> Instniment and lhe Note had no ucceleratlon occurred; (6) curas ony detAUlt ot eny othor covennnt or ugreemenis; (c� pays all expenses <br /> incurred In enloreing thls Securily InstrumenL Including, but not limited to. reasonnblo attomoys' tees: and (d) tnkos such aciton es Lender <br /> mny repsonnbty roqulro to asaure thet the Ilen o1 this Security Insirument, Lender'a riqhts In the Praperty and Borrower's obllgatlon to pay �� <br /> ihe e��ms socurod by this Security Instrument shall contlnuo unchenged. Upon rel�stetement Uy B�rrower, this Securily Ins�rument nnd iho <br /> obligatlons soairod heroby shall remnin (ully ofloctivo ns il no ncceterat�on hnd occurrod. Hownver, thls rfght to roinsteto shall not apply In � <br /> Sho cnso ot accelorGlion under pAreyraph 17. <br /> 19. S�I• af Note; Change o} LOStI S�NIC�I. Tlio Noto or o paAlul Interost In lhe Noto (loqoiher wilh Ihi� Securlly <br /> mny bo aold ono or moro Iimes without prlor nollca lo Barrower. A sule may result In a chango In tho ontlly (known as Iho <br /> w�,,,,w� 'Lo�n Servlcor') ihet colleots monthly paymento duo under tho Nota nnd thls 8ocurity Inattument. Thoro nl�e mny bo ono or maro ch�n�os <br /> ..,,,,,,.,�..,a�r oi tl�o l.onn Servicer unrotated to a ealo 01 iho Nola. II Ihern Is o chanpa of tho Loan Servlcer, Borrovrer wlll bu plven wrilten notieo ol tho <br /> clian(�o in �ccordancu wlih pnre{�raph tA nhovo and opplicablo luw Tho notica wlll otnto thu nnmo nnd addrnsa o1 Iho now 4oan Scrviccr , <br /> and lho nddres5 lo whlch peymenls should hm m�do. Tho noiico will Wlso eontoln nny other Informallon roqwred by npplicablo law. '�. • <br /> 1� 20. NIIY�Id0U3 SUbstenCSS. Borrower 3hall not causo or permit llia prosenca. usa, disposal, storaqo, or release ot any 1 <br /> �" Hazardous Subntunces on or In tho Property. Borrower shell not do, nor alla�v anyono elso to do, nnything nffectinq tha Property thel is in � <br /> <� :t. vlolallon ol any Envlronmental Luw. The precedinq tvro sentences shall nol apply to tha presenco, use, or storapo on Iho Property ol sm311 ,_,'�+,� <br /> s::. <br /> � quantltlos ot Hnzardous Substances that ere generally rocognliod to be approprlate to normal rasldenllal uses and to malnlenance of tho r,.�;� <br /> Property. `}�� <br /> Bortower shall promptly give Lender wdtten notico 01 any Investigetlon, clalm, demond,lawsuit or other actlon by eny e�ovemmentctl or G;'-;u <br /> , , regulatory ac�ency or private pnrty Involuing iho Property and sny Huzardous Substance or Envlronmental Law o1 whlch Borrower hAS actunl �,;;_ <br /> ��i knowlAdge. II Borrower leams, or Is nottlied by eny govemmental or regulatory authodty, thet any removal or other remodiatlon of 7ny -- - <br /> „� Hazerdous Substance ettecling the Property Is necessery, Bortower shall promplly take nll necessary remedlul actlons In accord�uico wiih ,��;_ <br /> .. Envlranmental Law. '"" <br /> � As used In this paragraph 20, "Hezardous Substances" are those substances detined as toxic or hozurdous substanees by _ <br /> ' Envlronmental Law and the Io1lowing substances: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or toxic petroleum products. toxlc pestiddes and +-�-_, <br /> , ,� herblcldes, volatile sotvents, materials eontpining as6estos or formaldehyde, aod radloactive materiels. As us�d In thls paragraph 20, ;;;__ <br /> • � 'Envlronmentsl Law' means federal laws and laws o} the Jurisdiction where the Praperty Is located lhat relata to hoalth, salery or ,1,�___. <br /> f envizonmental protection. <br /> r:'.- <br /> , NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowar and Lend�r turther covenant and agree as toflows; � <br />• � 21. Acceleratio�; Remedles. l.ender shall glve notice to Borrawer prior to acceleratlon 1'ollawing �_� <br /> : <br /> � Borrower's breach of any covenant or egreement In thls Secu►ity Instrument (but not prlor to � <br />.4i��'�. , 8C0618riT10(1 under paragrapn i7 Yn�656 tl�7'1111iMV=O iari �iiiJ�L'�oS a:�ioPt'J:�^.�. Thg nQlin�o aha�l $nac11V: �B� - <br />` ' the dafault; (b) the actlon requlred to cure the default; (o) a date, not less than 30 days from tho date the <br />-_ - • notice Is given to whlch the dafault muat be cured; and (d) that fatlure to cure the dtfis►u!t on <br />` � or before the date speclfied in the notice mny roault In accsler�tlon of the sums secuvad by thla Seaurity <br /> ':���lj;:,,;� Instrument end sa9m of the Property. Th� notlae shall turther Inform Borrow�� of tho rlg'he,to rolnatate sfler <br />�=�.�__�'_•� ' acceleretlon and the right to bring a co�a►t ac4lon to asae�t tho non-exist�nco of a d�lau[t or any other <br /> :�,:;: .,,:y�•- <br /> - =•�i`�•` defenas of Borrower tv acce�er�tion and 8ale. If the default is not cured on or before the dats spec(fled n <br />=3=�`"'"'� the �otice, Lender at its option may requlre Immediate payment in full of all sums secured by thla S�curfty <br /> -,�-..a��. <br />��.,- Inetrument withaa� further demand end Qnay invoko the power of sele and any other remedles permitted <br /> �=ti�'�;�' by appllcable law. Lender ahall be enililed to collect all expenses Incurred tn pursuing the romedles <br /> =N?;;H� provided in thla paragraph 21. including, but not Iirnfted to, reasonable ettorneys' teea and costa of title <br /> _:.�,•...��.� <br /> _ �_..-,�-�. evldence. <br /> ��°£���-=�=� If the power o4 eale is fnvoked, Trustse shall record a r+otiCe of de�fault In eauh county In which any <br /> .'r�.;YSa.'_,�r'• <br /> part of th�Proper3y Is located end shall maii copies of such natice In the manner prescribed by epp ca e <br /> -'�� law to Borrower and to the other per�one prescRibed by applicable law. After the tlme �equlred by <br /> -_,;� � epplicable law, Trustes shall give public notice of 9i19 to the person� and In the manner praecrlb�d by <br /> __-�;r:,,..�. <br /> --:_:,;�.. ; appUcable law. Trustee. wfthout demand on Borrower, shall sell the Property at public auctian to the <br /> -,:�:�:°"' higheet biddar at the time and place and under the terms dasignated in the noUce of sale in one or mora -- <br /> n='�� pa�cela and In ar�y order Trustes determines. Truetee may postpone sale of all or any parcel of the <br /> '.:�f�-=!:�I <br /> :-��, Propsrty by publlr. annoancement et the time and place of any previously scheduled eale. Lender ar It� <br /> �'`-�`� deslgnee may purchase the P�operty at any sale. <br /> ��� Upon recelpt of paymant of the }�rice bid. Tru�tee shall dellver to the purch�ser Trustae's deed <br />---._��_.,-,�..,-.� <br /> `=°y,,,..°�'�;�,. conveying the Properiy. �he rea(tals In the Trustee's deed ahall be prima tacle evldence ot the t�uth of <br /> -�'�'�"°�'�`" the statements�ade thereln. Trustee shall apply the proceeds of the aale !n tha follovving ordar: (a) to all <br /> �.v . <br /> ^':'����:�' costs end expe�asea of exerclsing the power of sale. and the sale, Including the payment af the Truatee's <br /> ` ���"����' fees actually Incurred, not to exceed three g'o of the princlpal amau�l4 of th� note at the time of <br /> ,_r•....'•��,.,;.'. <br /> ':;��,� the decleratlan of default. and reasonable attorney's fses as permitt�d b� tavr, (b) to all sums secured by _ <br /> this Security Inst�ument; and (c) any excoss to tho person or persoc�3 legally ontitted to tt. __ <br /> ' " " " "' 22. ReCOnva�'�I1�0. Upon paymcnt of all sums securod by this 5oeudry Instrument, Lender shall roquost Truntee to recorney the ___ <br /> Properry and shall aurrender thls Security Instrument and ali notes evidendng debt sewrod by thts Seauity Inotrumant to Trustea. T►ustoo —" <br /> sheil reconvey the Property without warrenty and without chargo to the person or persons legally entitled to It. Such person or persons shafl =� <br /> �.�:-. <br /> . pay eny recordetlon costs. - <br /> r � <br /> -��__ �' <br /> - — <br /> -:�_-- - - <br /> 23. SUb�titUt6 Truatee. Londer. ut fts option, may from time to time remove Trustee and appolnt a succossor trusteo to nny ° <br /> , � . � Trustee�ppolnted hereunder by an Instrument recorded In ihe county In whlch this Securlty Instrument Is recordod.Without convuynnco of <br /> the Property,successor trustee shall sucCeQd to nll the UGo,powor�nd dutles conterred upon Trusteo herefn und by appllcable law. <br /> 24. Request for Notieos. Borrower requests thut copies oi the notices of default and sale be sent to 8orrower's address which <br /> 4 Is the Property Address. <br /> .. J 2&. Ride�c to th18 Seeurity Instrument. If one or morQ riders are executed by Bortower end recorded together with ihis <br /> Securiiy Instrument, the covenants and Agreements �t each such rider shall be incorporeted Into and shall amend nnd supplement the <br /> � covenants and egreements ol this Security Insirument as ii the rider(s)were n part ot this Security Instrument. <br /> .. .. I�nnn u�2tl 9�9n <br /> . .. F40(19.1.MG (tnyG) �aca��a o�, • <br />":. � . I y6�oc c . <br /> ; <br />