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.. --- . . . ..i� <br /> S�n�y � ..... . .. I . . ' ��.., ..iL�'�-___. <br /> -��... . - . � . . . ._ .,. - -1 ' .�..— . ._/ _ . <br /> i . . • �, , . -: . <br /> . . . a.f�ra'nae�_... - . . . . ' -� <br /> . � � - � ..• �•.•.. . . �. -. • . . .�•.,a,,.n��1�.('S} Y '11�YN��-�--^[- lIfS1WA5qI111�ACIp/$r �� _- --- <br />- . .... . . �...�wu�v.._. ..........._..... �.....u�u.Y....u�w-•"----•�,�L�iIY..�.:wNfYYYGS►IY.YTL' �.�r4YWte�.�i��IYM . -� .._......... '.C'��.f. ___'_ <br /> . <br />. '.. � ..�' , r�b`Iw�T`t/�I�V'n+M���rTT^�'l��R+ir�w+-�—...� . .......... . - <br /> � r ;. <br /> . M�a���.- <br /> �� ... . .. .. .... .. _. <br /> 4;::���,zr �- . .. .. � . ... _. . � �o�a <br /> � Lender may, at any tima, collect nnd hold Funds In nn amount not to exceed tho maxlmum amount n lender for a ledernlly retated mortgac�o --_ <br /> i loun may raqulro for O�rrower's ascrow account under Ihe fedarAl Real Estata Sottlement Procedures Act o1 1874 as emended Irom tlme to _ <br /> timo. 12 U.S.C. 2601 el �cq.('RESPA"), unless anothcr Iow that nppllos to tho Funds sets c� losser arnount. H so.Lender may,nt uny timo, <br /> colloct an�l hold Funds In an amount not to exceed the lesser amount. Lender muy ostlmete tho nmount of funds dua on tha basls o1 <br /> � " "f current data and reasonftble estlmates o1 oxpendituros of future Escrow Itema or othenvlse In accordenco with eppllwbla law. <br /> • ' '� The Funds shall be held In an Institutlon whose depasits are Insurnd by a federal egency, Instrumentality, or entity (includinq Lender, it <br />_ � � .� Lender Is such en Institutlon)or In any Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender shFill apply the Funds to pey tho Escrow Items. I.ender may not �' <br /> � .�r� charge Borrower fo► holdinq and appiyinp the Funds, annunity ennlyzing the escrow aacount, or verlPying the Escrow Items. �.uess Lender �,:' <br />�. pays Bortower interest on the Funds and appllcablo iww permits Lender to make such e chergo. However, Lender may requlre Bortower to <br />�•� pay a one-time chargo for an Indepondent resl ostAtu tax reporiing service used by Lender In conneclion with lhls loon,unless appllcablo law �.. <br /> , ��J.--�-� provides otherwise. Unloss an agreement (s rnnde or appuaable law requires Interest to be ppid, Lender shell not be required to pay _ <br />�';��� BoRawer uny interest or eam�tigs on the Funds. Qarr�wei and Londer may sgreo In writing, however,that Interost shall bo paid on the Funds. , <br /> LendE�r shall give to Borron•r,r, wlthaut charge. an ennual aacountinq ot ihe Funds. showfng cre�its and debits to the Funds and the purpose �_ <br />-'-��j far which each debit to tho funds was made. Tho Funds arn plt�dged as udd'AionAl securiry for all sums secured by ihis Secudty Instrument. ��.: <br /> ��: <br /> It the Funds held by Lender exceed iho amounts parmfliud to be held by applicable law. Lender shall account to Bartower for the _ <br />'L � � • excess Funda In oacordance with tho requfrements of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds heid by Lender et any tlme Is npt suf(icient _ <br /> � ���" '� ` to pay ihe Escrow Items when due, Lender may so natify Borrower in w�iting, and, In such case Bortower shall pay to Lender the amount � <br />=;;:g _:' necossnry to make up tha doficlency. Borrower shall rn�ke up the deficlency In no moro than twelve monthly payments, at Lender's sulo _„ <br /> i" �� � discrelion. <br /> -�<,,�`�•�."`.il;:. <br />� �-_�A o�.�;x Upon payment In tuli oi all suma secured by thls Securtty instrument, Lender shull promptty rotund to Bortower eny Funds held by <br />�,:;���;�,� Lender. If, under peragnph 2t, Lender shall acqulre or sell the Property. Lender. Pdor W the acqulsltlon or snle ol the Property, shall epply — <br />��!r��'-�-`' eny Funds held by Lender d the time ol acyulsiUon or sela as e cradit agains!lhe eums socurod by Ihis Seeurity Insiniment. <br /> _:_'_iLN:'�. �_ <br /> �=`"'-+�-?"t' 3� Appllo�tlon of P�ym�ltt�� Unlese�pplic�bl�I�w provldes otherwise. ali pwy��ie�ts rece�ved by Lcndcr undcr pnragrsphs 1 sn <br /> - :;,� - <br />_ � ���_ 2 nhall be applled: Ilrnt, lo nny prepeyment ch�rpes duo undor the Note; socond, lo amqunto payeblo under paragreph 2: thlyd to Interes ` <br /> _._�:-,--- due; tourth,to pdn�Jp�l due;end last,to eny late charges due under the Note. <br />��:��y}, � 4. Ch�rq�s; Li�ltf� Borcawer ohall pay ell taxes, essesaments, charges, tinas end Impositlons attrlbutabfe to the Property which may _ <br />�T' ':h: attaln pdo�ily over thls Security InelrumenL and Inesehold paymenta or ground renta, it eny. Borrower shall pay thos� obligatlons in tho <br /> --'�'� � menner provided In psngnph 2, or II not peld In thet monner, Borrower shall pey them on tlme dlrectty to the perso�� owed paymant. <br />�_���='�Q� Borrower shell promptiy tumish to Lender all noticos oi amounts to be patd ur�det this paragraph. If Borrower makes these payments _ <br /> ='M�:�� directly,Borcower shell promptiy tumish to Lender recelpts evldencing the payments. rees In wdUn to the <br /> __"°�`'� Borcower shell promptry discharge any lien which has pdority over thls Security Instrument unless Borrower.(a) ag 9 <br />-� u _ _ ��,��;t ��r,yp�s,uaatinn secured hy the Ilen In a manner ucceptahie to Lvnder; (b) contests In gaod isith tho Ilen by, or detends egelnst <br />--�--%.,�� entorcemont ot the Ilen In,legal proceedings whlch in tho Lender's opinton uperate to prevent the entorcement ot tne iien; or �cj �eo��es`�,�r <br /> --•^--_�.. <br /> -- - - the holder of the Ilen an agreement satlsfactory to Lender subordinating the Ilen to thls Security Instrumcmt. It Lender determines t et any <br /> -,��� <br /> --__�� pa�t ot the Property Is sub�ect to a Ilen whlch may attain priority ovor thls Secu�ity Instn�ment, Lender may gNe 9orrawer e notl�e Idontiiy ng <br /> - __- the Ilen. Bartower ahall selisty the Ilon or take one or mara of the acttons set torth ebovo wlthin 10 days of thd 4lving a1 noilce. <br /> �y,.::—� 5. Hazard o� Properly Insur�nce. Bortower shall keep the improvctment3 now exlsting or herzafter erected on the Property <br />, - fnsured agalnst loss by Ne, hazerds Included wiihln the tertn 'extended covermge" and any other hazerds, including floods or tlooding, tor <br /> =� which Lender requires insurence. Thls Insurance shail be maintuined In ihe amounts and for the periods that Lender requires. The Insurenoe <br /> '—"°""10�� carrier providing the Insurance shall be chosen by Bortower subJeci to Lender's epproval whlch shell not be unreasana4ly withheld. If <br /> --��"'� Borrower tails to malnteln coverage descdbed above, Lender may, at Lender's option, obtaln coven�ge to protect Lender's �Ights In the <br /> �- Pro�erty In accordance with paragrapli 7. <br /> All insurence poltclas and renewals shall be acceptabin to Lender and ahall include e stendard moRgage clause. Lender shell have the <br /> ----� right to fiold the poilcios and renewals. If Lender requlres,Dortower shali prompty give to Lender all recelpts o1 pald premiums end renewel <br /> noticea. In tho event o1 loss, Bonower shall givo prompt notico to the Insurence cartter and Lender. Lender may make proot ot lose if not <br />--- _ —= made promptty by Borrower. <br /> Unless Le+ider and Bo�TOwer otherwiso agroo In writing, Insurance procueds shall be appllfld to restoration er repair oi the Property <br /> demaged, if the restorutkn or repafr Is eaonomlcaly teaslble and Lender's security is not lessened. It tAo reatoratlon or repalr Is not <br /> -- -_- - economicalty feasfblo ar Lender's security would be Iessenad, lhe insurance proceeds shell be epplied to the sums securad by this Secudty <br /> Instniment, whether or not then due,with any excese pnld to Borrower. It BoROwer abandons the Prope►ty, or does not enswer within 30 <br /> days a nottce trom Lender that the Insurnnce cerrler has oftered to settte a claim,then Lerder may colleot the Insurance proceeds. Lender <br /> ___ may use the proceeds to repalr or restore tha Properly or to pay sums secured by this Securlty Instrument. whether or not then due. The <br /> 30•day pedod will begin when the notice is given. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agrae In writing, any applicatton ot procends to princ,pal shal! nat oxtend or postpone the due <br />�°— dato of tho monthiy paynnent:,reterted to in pamgraphs 1 and 2 or change th� amount of tho payments. If under paragraph 21 the Properly <br /> Is acqufred by Lender, Borcower's right to any Inourance policles and proceeds resulting hom damago to the Property prior to the acqulsition <br /> � shall pa�s to Lender to the extent of the sums securod by this Securi►y Instrument immediatc�ty prior to tha ecqulsitlon. <br /> ='�"�� 6. Occupancy, Preservatton, Maintenance and Protectlon ot the Prop�rty, Bor�owerb Loan Applicatlon; <br /> _�c.�.�?4�'� Leaseholda. Borcower shall occupy, estabilsh, end uso the Property as Borrower's princlpal residence within slxty deys eiter the execution <br /> `=-"���`r� ot thfs Security Instrument and ahell contlnue to occupy the Property as Borrower's pdncipai realdenae for at least one year efter tho date oi <br />_--=�~,•7°:"'�� <br /> occupancy,unloss LendH othenvtsa agrees In writing, whlch conaont shall not be unreasonabty wfthlield, or unless extenueting clrcumstanees <br /> --_"�`'��1 exist which nro beyond Borrower's control. 8orrower shall not destroy, damago or Impalr the Properry. [►Ilow the Property to dete►lorate, or <br /> ---'J�'��'C"r�� commit waste on ihe Property. Bortower shall be In defauit II any toHefturo action or proceeding, whethar civd or cdminel.Is beflun thet In <br /> —����"�ir� Lender'a good talth Judgment could result In fortefture ot the Property or otherwise materlaly impalr the Ilen created by this Secudty <br /> -—=��,u.35i�1� <br /> --��4�_� Instrument or Lender's security Interest. BoROwer may cura such a defauit end relnstate.ns provided in paregreph 18, by causing tho acton <br /> �_.,__ ._..� r...�dr��.o r,t�ha Borcower's Interest In the <br /> °«�"_`��`"� or procoedinc� to be a�smissea wttiti a NI!nJ IOfli, in {.cmtier9 gotiu iuiu`� �iaic.Tnn.ou...�, p..........-- ._.._.._._ _ <br />�'"•'._;Tr.`.:'�'���- •� <br />-Y�-.• Properly or olher matedal Impairtnent ot tho Ilen creatod by this Socurity Instrument or Lender's secudty Interost. Borrower shnll also bo In <br /> %�':�=;,�1� �• detault if Bonow�r, during tho loan epplication process, gave matedalry falso or Ineccurate infortnation or statements to Lender(or tnlled ro <br /> -.. .r,� ': : <br /> -�- provlde Lender wilh any matedal infortnation) In connectlon wtth the losn evldQnced by iho Note, Including, but not Iimited to, representations <br /> �' conceming Borrowar's accupnncy of the Property as a ptincipat resldence. II this Sc�curity Instrumont Is on a IeasQhold, Borrower sh�ll <br /> � . ;�fy\�•..ti <br />='°r•,;::�.:• '�,: �._ comply with all the prorisions of the lease. If Borrower acqufros foe tlUe to tho Properly, the leasehold nnd the f�e title shell nol merya <br /> ` ": �� , unless Lender ac�rec�to Iho merger fn writinn <br /> � -��� ' Forn,7u2a 9Nu <br /> .' 1 ':. <br /> c �„•, <br /> .-.r: .,� �." .. P4009.LM�(1UB6) Papc 2 0l 5 <br /> ,�a� .. <br /> , .a <br /> . 9Rt86 <br /> d.. , <br />