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'_ _ � <br /> � r e� '� .€'s.:�#j4��- R . . . , , . . . . . . . „ • , . . - . , _ -._.: <br /> •+n��t'Y:�i1 y.� <br /> 1_i ,. - � : . � -._.' � � '. .. :�. .� �. - .. . � <br /> .. , W +4.,-W;E.#+.5�ki��'fMAe'lb'�ht�antr��t�:��..�►trvMiletrW�u�ictacYWf�7cqr?v,.{w;y.n�,.p.,,,.,._m._ ...:r. ._. . ." ,,���,.,,,...,,-.�. ....-._ -.-_�—^---�^�.�..,.._ <br /> k <br /> .t., � '• V{�I~ ����1 <br />�.l.p,��,��8?y� ' . <br /> ' 2. Ti�ru, 1'rustor shall pay each in�teltmen�of:tl ta�es ami epecial asa�ssment�ol avery k�nd, now o�herealter <br /> `'-''�""' levi�d aQa�n�t the Trust Estaca or any part thereol,beforo Gelinquency, withuut nouce o�Gemand. <br />_�;,*���� <br /> �■�� 3. Insaranc�and Repaiit. Yrustor ahaf7 rnai�►tain Pire an� extLndcd covet�fle �nsurance insurinq the ImpravemCnts � <br /> constit�rtinp part af tha Trust Estate 1or such amaunts and an such terms reasonably satisfactary to Beneficiary. So lanfl a�the <br /> -j�""'� Pro�nrty I, sacwrad Fsy a first desd of trust or mottqa�e,cnmptiac�ce vrith Eh�insurance requiremerts of the lirst deed of truet or <br /> -�� mortpafle shall ye s�a111r,isnt to satisfy th�requiremcr+ts ot tA�s�5�3►agraph �re2aanp to insurance. _ <br /> „�-:r:•;' <br />.,., .,�,.�� Trustor shelt prqmptly iapair and raplace U�� 'Trust Fstaco or any part t➢ir.r�r0 so s�ac, ��s:�,'r tnr ordlnary wear and tear, <br />_`�.c�.. <br /> tnc T�ust Estate shatl noe deterioratQ. In n�nvunt shall Ihs Trustor commit waste an or eo t�:r: Tr;.�:t Estate, or comm�t, su er or - <br />,,__�� <br />•;,,t;.r4. permit any act to be dono in or upon tha T►ust Estate iR violatinn ot any►aw,ordinancQ a�reqrjta^;r,n Tr�stor shall pay arM pramptly <br /> '��?«r':� discharpo at Trustar's cost and expense all lions, encumbrances and charges levied,imposed o��ss�^GSCd apatnst the Trusa Estate <br /> -'-`�;�:f or any part thereof. <br /> :"-:��::;r,. <br />_''?�'.:tr� ' <br /> -- 4. Ac!lons AI/ecting Trust Estat�. Trustor shall appear in anJ contes¢any action or procQedinp purpartinq to alfeat <br /> ��'�"'"4�'� t the secuiity hereof or the rights or powers of Bon�ficia►v o►Yruscee,and shall pay alt costs and expense�,includinp cost of eviUence <br /> `''-"��' oi citle and attorneys'fees,in any suCh action or proceedinp in which 8enefiaary nr Trustee may apAear. If TruStnr fails to make <br /> _-,=� � any payment or to da any act as and �n the man�er p�avided m a ny af the Loan Instruments, Beneficiaty andio� 7rustee, each in • <br /> - their own discretion, without ohligation So to do and without notice to or demand upon Trustor and without releasing �rustor frp7n ` <br />:-n,� -- anr obllgation, may make or dn the same in such mannar and ta such extent as either may deem necessary to proter.t the securi�ty = <br /> `�; hcreo`J. Trustnr shall,fmmadlately upon demand therelor by Boneliciary, pay aIl costs and expenses incurred by Beneliciary in <br />::,�.s��;,�, cnnnrstion with the exercise by Heneficiary o�the lo�efloing riqF�ts,including without limita[iun casts o( ev�dence ot title,court � <br />_ �_�= casts, appraisals,surveys and attomeys' fees. <br /> 5. fminent Dorneln. Ii the Tr�ust Estate.o►any pa�t thereol nr interest therein, be taken or damaged by reason oi <br /> �.�� �� any public improvement or condemnation proceedinp, or in any other manner includin� deed�n iisu tiiareuP I'Condemnaticn'I, or - <br />-! 1. ' if Trustor receives any notice ar other in(ormatior�regarAing sech proceed�nfl, Trustor shall�ive prampt written no4ice the�eaf to <br /> Benel+c;ary. Trustar shall be sncitled to all compensation, awards and other payments or relief �hereof and shall be entitled at its <br /> ' ��r�nn rn cnmcnwne�, aopear in and arosecute in its own name a�y act�on ur proceQdings. Trustar snall aiso be entitled t�ma3ce <br /> -�_�� ; any camprqmis�or setdement in cannection with sueh taking or damape. <br /> - � 6. Appantment aI Successor Tiust�e. 8eneficiary may, Irom timct to t.�:°.by a wntten instrure►ent executeA and <br /> acknowledped by Beneliciary, mailed to Trustor and recarded�n the County in wh�Ch che Trust Estate is located and by otherwise <br /> complying with the provfslons of the applicabte law of tha Stata ol Nebraska substitute a successor or sur,cessors to the'Trustee _ <br /> , named herein or ectinp hereunder. <br /> 7. Succ��sar�ndAsslgns. This Second Oeed ol Trust applies to,Inures to the benotit of and bincts alt partias hereta, <br /> . their heirs, iepateea,devtseea, personal reprosentatives,succesaors anA ass�pns. The term'Beneflciary'shall mean the owner��id <br /> q, � holder of any pramissory notcs q�ven to bene(iclary,lwhether or not named as 8eneficiary harq�nl. <br /> 8. M�i��r, Cansolldallon, Sa/�t a Las�t. Trustor covenants that Trustor wilt not sell, lease or otherwise dis0ase <br /> .i of any af the Tru9t Estate. In the Qvent that Trussor sells,�eases a.otherwise disposes ol any parc of the Trust Est�te,Btneficiuy <br /> may at its option declard the tndebtedness sECUred here4y �mmediately due and payable, whether or nnt eny default eMists. <br /> 9eneficiary shall con�ent to a transter of the Trust Est�te to�chiid party to the exeent such third party meets the requiremencs <br /> � . cantained i�,end�ssumea the oblipations set tortA In tha First Daed ot Trust. 7ha Covenants contained herein shall run with the <br /> Praperty and shall remain in futl force and ettect until the Indebtedness is paid in tu11. <br /> , 9. fvents o/DefaulG Any o( th9 fallowinp events shall be deemed a�eve�t oE �a7a::f2 t�eraunder: <br /> � (al de(ault shall be made in the payment uf the In�ebtedness or arsy ot6�ec ssc�secur�d hereby when due; <br /> or <br /> Ibl Trustor shall periorm any act in bankruptcy; or <br /> — Icl a court of competent�urisdiction 51u11 enter an arder,�udQrtene ar decrse s�0�a�infl a peci�tion liled a9ainst <br /> _= Trustor seeking any reorganizatian, dlssoWuon or similar relief under any presenf ar P�ccure faderal,state or other siatute. <br /> �� --- lew or reputa4ian retatinp to bankruptcy, insotvency or ot�ar relief(or dabtors,a�0 secch ordsr, judgment or decree shall <br /> ----=— remain unvacated and unstayed tor an ag8repate ol sixty�601 days(whethcr ar no6 cans�eutive)from the first datc oi entry <br />=���� thereof; or any t�ustee, receiver or Ifquidetor or Trusror ar ul all or eny�art of che Trust Estate, or of any a�II ol the <br /> �-_ - royaltiea,rEVenues,renYS,issues or pro(its thereof, shall be appointed witF:oe,t the consent ar acquiescer�e of Trustor and <br /> °-`"`"" such appointment shall remain unvacatod and unstayed tor an agZreg�te ai sixty I601 days(whr�ther or not consecutive0: � <br /> �-� ' or — <br /> �_--- v <br />__�� . - <br /> Y �-.___..�.�-.--_._._.,........_,.,...._._.,�_ _ <br /> � �z <br /> T°�.L 3�c��+- , . . � ' - - '--f.. :��,���_��1 _ .. i'� a9� rF F{�`E/'vn,; .. <br /> �( 'h�.{� � <br /> �t t -1�' . . . . ! �i �3�i: !tM'j}�'Vp�lt�t. - , , . '.t�«' <br /> 't� t �� �� a.•}���;��2�5 l� <br /> el[tt : (F, .�- � t� � � -`'';;`;':�';�a�t.�����r''^^ �a��ti5�+a' " , ) <br /> f t}I�T� �<nt.�.�'+••' �� 151- - �� - �� Y•�155� • . Slyr��}�t��•i, -'r;1�V 1< < �-f�rl� . - r. <br /> . <br /> �� �(C- i�l - , :•:, f,:tr ' _' � ' . �. �� i �.✓.7�AT'f:. ', ��1•f�''��7� tC. .. , .. . <br /> . � <br /> I 1j �1� <br /> i.v'� . ,�t�Yu�k:.,;� �', ,�,� .a.. • � � ;� <br /> ,� �•, ,� '�4� _ _-. _ . . .__ _ , _ : .. � � .. . . <br /> � . "'�,+K:': � U,. � t�. <br /> � r,:'r:,:.•. • � . , -. q Y . .��;N�«` ... <br /> ',Y ' . . . �t.• . - ��r�F" 'i i'z-1.; r�t;�., �. <br />' � ,r� .. , .. . . ` " !��r�y., �.�2,�- : ` :�4 ' <br /> �..�.�. . . . 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