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Ii I.euder rcquirea�mmodi�te payment in tull;;�bl°l�wtI�onder <br />-�� ' Lender m�y invoke tho power of onle ans my other remediea permittod by�pp <br />_:,,�•- � � ehall be outitlod to collect�ll exponses iaaurred in purauiag tho remedios uader thie p�r�gr�ph 18, <br /> � tncludiag.but aot limited t�,rcason�blo et4ornoys'fcee end coete ot title evidonco. ;: <br /> It tho power of s�le is invoked,Trusteo eh�ll rccord a notico ot default ia anch couuty la whic� �•�_.. <br /> � �� �ny part oi tho�roporty ie locetad and ehall mdl eopies of sueh notice iu the menner ptoacribed by _ <br />- �. ,:'�.. applicable law to Borrower and to the other peraons prosoribed by�ppliceblc law. Attor the time � <br /> -'-' • required by applioable law,Trubtea ehall give publlc notice of s�le to tho pereone and in the maanor _ <br />�{;;� ; ;;;��' prescribed by �pplicable law. Truetee, without demaa�l oa Borrowor. shall sell thG Property at = <br /> 1��•.ti .�4., <br /> �.� public auation to the hi�hest bidder at the time and place and under the torms designated lu the <br />�°����'��'- notira of s�lc in ane or a+.nore p+�rcola aad in any ordor Trustee determines.Trustee msy poatpa�x <br />-��"<,s,:�.•rt� <br /> i``�;_T�'� sale oY �11 or any �s�ccel af the H'roFarty by �»biie �nnouneement at the timo and placo o a�y `- <br />- , pravioualy schoduled s�le.Lender or ite desigaee may purch�se the Propnrty st aay sala. _ <br />�s„t::, Upoa recaipt of psymeat of the prica bid.Trustee su�ll deliver to the purchaser Tru�steds d�ed — <br />��:��'�";';.�• � c�nveyina the Praperty.Tha reoit�ls in tho Trustee's deed sh�ll be prime facie ovideace o[thc�txuth <br />�.,, �.<..,.,, • <br /> . �����:'��� o?3ho etatemoats�nade thorein.Truatee sh�ll apply the proceedq a4'tho sela�in the�ollowing ordcr: <br />=riti7N4;Jy�¢-� . — <br />- �•.�.a...�..r (a�to all costs aad expensas af exercisia�the power of sele.and tho sal�,ix�cludiai�tba payment o <br />�i�sY�-`==_•1 the Truateo'�ffeas,�ctudly incurred,aot tn oxceed 10.000 °b a�th��ri�cipal�mauat <br />���`�;,f���� ` af tho notc ros thr,tiaasa ai tho dcclar:�lan oi dciauti,aaa ressosseble n2to�aryA'tees es pesmitted by <br /> a?'U.s��:?;°'7,i;;,,,�ti�. •` �asv;(b)ta�B�suxcea gz�s�rc�by this Security Imetrument; and(c)+�ny ea�ose to the�xrs•an ot persone <br />--^�,�'' ➢�;,�lly entitltd t�84. <br /> �.� ' <br /> -�- — xf.���.•�r7Tr'A��a�rtst in this Secuffity�lastxumoat ia hold by th� Secretary and the Sccretary <br />-�_'�`=��r� � requirea i��nodiste pny�aat ia Y�81 vna3�r Il'stag=eph 9. the S�ccet�ry may invokx iho i.�ujudicia! <br /> ---.,..:,�,�a..,,.� , <br />_-___-=_- ° �owot oi ealo provided in t2�z Si�gla Fe•rnily Moriga8e Foracloauro Act a1 1994 ("Act"1 (12 LJ.S. . <br />��`"=z"''-`-���` 3751 et s�q. ) by requesting a toreclosuro aommi�sioaer desi&nated undmr tho Act io commeace <br /> � ` Ty�� forecloaure aad to sell the Proporty ae provid�d in the Act. Nothim$nn the preeeding sentenco sha�A <br /> --_��_?� ' doprive tho Secret�ry oi �ny rights otherwise avail�ble to R L�nder vnder this Par�=e�ph t$ or <br /> �`. appllcable lsw. <br /> 19.Reconvoy�nce.Upon peyrnont ot all sume exurcd by t,hie Socurity Inetrumont,Lender shnil roquest <br /> --- Trustee W roconvay the Property and ohall surrender thie Security Instrument and all notea evidencing dobt <br /> securod by this Security Inatrument to Trustee. Trustee shn11 rxonvey tho Property without warranty nnd <br /> � without chergo to the persoa or pereona lcgally entitlod to tt.Such parson or persons ehall pay e11y rocordation <br /> costa. <br /> ' 20. Substituto Truatee. Lender,at ita option, mny from time to tlme resnove Trustee and nppoint a <br /> sucxessor trustee to anq Tnassee appointed horeunder by nn inetrument rocorded in the county in which thie <br /> Secudty Instrument ie recordeu.Without conveynnco of the Property,tho successor trustoe ehull euccced ta all <br /> - - t�o title,power and duties wnferred upon Trustee herein and by applicablo law. <br />� 21. Requcat[or Notaoes. �rrawar requests that wpies oi tho natices oi default and eale be ssnt W <br /> — ' Horrower's nddress which ie the Prmperty Address. <br /> 22. Ridors to thts aeourity Inetrument.If one or moro riders cue oxecuted by Bonower and rocorded <br /> ___ _ � tngother with thie Socurity Insuument.the wvenam2s o4 each such rider shall be incorporated into and ehell <br /> -__= arnend and supplement the covenante and agroem�n2s ot this Security Instrument as if th«�rider(s)a���e a part <br /> - ---_- <br />