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� > � iP <br />20110592r <br />PARCEL 1 <br />The Eaat Nalt of xhe Narth+roe�i,flu�rtar �Nr.N'Vd�i, exc�Pt � p�rcei af iand ofP the rtor#r <br />�Ide tileravf corrreyed io tha &teta a► Nehtssk9 14f hlghvVSy Ata�oa66, 4f 8ectlon Ef9Fit (8�, <br />Tawiwt�lp Mn� (@1 North R��e Mne (s1 Weat af ths 9rh P.M„ Hal1 Couttty, Netiraeka� <br />ara! exaepting tF�rafrom Iat [1ne {1�� Leyt�ett�ah(agef $ubtl(v(sloi7 an addltivrt tr� the <br />t/Illaga a# pottipharb Hall Courety, Nebraa�ta; ' <br />�id ex�epHnp therefrom e peroe! oF lend ettuate Iq �he �i� il4 MUV 11� e�i �rt th� NW 11�4 <br />P1E 114 of S4aC�4t� $� 7oNfi8h}P 9 PIc1'th Ran9e B'�Ueet aP tha Sixth prlrustpel MetidEan ln <br />tFt� Clty ot Clontphsn, Haq Cauray, Ne6teslm, mnrs pia►tla�llatly+ d0sufibed es lollowat <br />BegUmiag �t e potrre In �ha rrorth�sauth aentsrnr�a ofi set� �ea�qon 6 th�t�ig <br />628.o ieat .eauth, msasuraa elor�g eatd nar►h cent�arllrn. fram the <br />nanh quaner-comer t��� Shertoe west� e�9n8 s�ight tfna perelle) <br />�,Vkh th� r� Jine ei seid ae�Uon, a dletan�e vt Z08.� feet; Ehen :�outh, <br />elvn9 a atreigtrt Me pa�aAel witfi saEd nartf�i-south aarderllna� �a dtstanaa �f <br />27C.0 fa�et; #tre�oe enst, a(nng a strelght Me parellei wtth �efd tv�'th Ilne. a <br />citetarsca ot 305�,p feet� ther�e ttarth abr�18 �ttal�ht 11� peRSpel wiffi aeld <br />rrortireo�h oentedine, a d�e��4e p'f 276�0 testt th�rnf� vre9t, eloitg a <br />s4aight Ibie paral(el with aald north lfna, a�letana� of 10a,fl0 i�, tn Wa <br />AQ� Df ttlSg�RAIRQ� • <br />Cartelntng 8n $reia ot 7,95 9Rre� rnara or Iege: <br />arn9 aecepti� rhar�irorn a pa►ael of lend altu�te In�fie N61/4 NW 1!4 end In ihe N1N �14 <br />NE 1!4 v1' 84at14n 8, Tow►iehfp 8 North. �ange $�U4+ast ot the Stxth Pdnalpal hisridian ln <br />tha CftY at' Dcrdphan, NaU Cai�r#Y� Neara�ha, ma�a�perEiou(arJgr dee�arlbasl se IbAov� <br />Begfinfng et the rmrth querter-aarnec ot eaW Searlon 8; thgrroa weat� <br />alnng the rrorth pne uP �id seotlun, e distartc� arl �►79,0 feet� thenae <br />�atrth, elong e sn�lght Ma parelle( with tha narth-aautFt c¢rlfec(iqe aS <br />�id ea�an, � dfstartoer 4f 6,�8.0 fest; sher+ae aesr, stnng n stral�he Ilns <br />p��l wtth eatd rt4rth I{ne a dfsc�nqv of 3Q9,0 teat; thsna� nvrch, <br />�lat�g a stralqht �ne parallel whh eeld �orGh-aauth center(Ina, a dlc�an�s <br />ot 626.0 fee�e, ta e palrrc fi sald r�rnh qns; thenoe avest, a�laria seld• . <br />nmth Me, a df�renaa aP 1�.D fee4 m tha patnt oi' 6aBlnnli�, � t, <br />, <br />PARG�1. 2 <br />Corttelalnff en etee ot 3,72 �orea, rrtore or leae. <br />The Weert Halt cr� �he Northwaet Iluarter {WySNVlt�il ai 8�otfon a�t (8l ToWnehip Nlne - <br />t8! �Ivrch, Ranoe Ntn� tal W�a$t aP ihe eth P.M Half C41fiCy Neere�ks, exvePNr� <br />ther�fiom s c�rtain tract ot (�nd as aandsrrmed by t�Yue 5�ate al Mebr�ska mare partlaular(y • <br />ctescrib�d In N�aeQanaou� 8aak �, Paga �489 a�u! Mlsaellattaaue 8aak 17, Paga 477 �t <br />ths Oflloe aP �the aaQiavar ci [Ieads ,of Hall Ctiur►ty, Na(xeak�. And et�o axoe�fag <br />therefmm a c�ta'� traot ct land dee�d to 7h�e Btate o1� Nabraske In t�ead Qaak 186, Page <br />P81 and t]eed eoatc 77. Pege 968, And alev exaepting a narteftl treat •thar�from ae <br />��aotd8d In BcuvFvorgh�p t�lstrerdy [7�ed Iri 8oak 164, Fage �1i tn �hs fl�Hletar v{ Deede • <br />O�tta¢ aP Ffei) Cot�rtty 'Nebtaaks a►�d alsa exosptl►ig e11 0� Johr��n Bubdivistnn, }iatl <br />CoUtcty, Nebrneka as raaard�ad In the n#11na pi �hQ Re9t�' af t}eada of Halt County, <br />Nabraekay e�x1 aleo excspiing Late Otte ('it and Tmre {2+, Pratrle bdinda Bt!bdivlslort 1n ttie <br />VIR�ga oP flur�pFren. H�l1 �vu►►tY. Nebraska: <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br />