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Any appllc�tlon of Proceeda to indebtedness shail not exlend or posf�one the due�fate ot eny pay <br />-'."'��--; �i menta under the Note,or cure eny detauft therounder or hereunder.Any unapplled tunds ahall be pa{d ta Trustar. __ <br /> 8. P�dormencs by Le�de�. Upon tho occurtenca of ar� Event of Detault horeunder,or(f any act la taken or tepal proc�edlnp � <br /> •vJ Commenced w6��h materlally aSiec►s Lerx9er's IntorCCt In tho Property,l.endar r►,ay In Ite own discrotlon,but withoul obilgutipn to do 00, � <br /> ~`� end without nQth;e to or demand upon Trustor and witl�out rel�asing Truotor from eny obligation,do eny act which Truetor has egreed <br /> � but feiled to do and m�y also do any olher act I2 desma necassary to protect the security horeoi.Truator shail,Immediately upon — <br /> ;R_� damand therefor by Lender,pay to LerWer all co�ts and oxpsnses incurred and sums expended by Lander in connecUon wlth the exer- <br />....��--���°!�, clae by Lender of the toregoinp righta,together wifh Interest thoreon at the detault rate provlded In the Note,which ehall be added to <br /> �� the indebtedness eeoured hereby.Lender shall not Incur any Ilabiiiry bacause ot anyttting It may do ar omit 4o do hereunder. <br /> `�'�"'`�'�Jt 9. Wezardoua Mat�rial�. Yrustor ohall ksep the PropeRy U comptiance with ell epplicable laws, oMinances and refluletlons - <br /> '�', �'`����� retating to induatdal h yglene or environmental protectton(collective�y referred to hareln ao"Environmental l�we"�.Tn�otor ehall koep _ <br /> -�"''�"�'' tho Prope�tyr iree from all subatancea deemed to be hazartious ar toxic under arey[�vtr�nmental Laws(coileetively re far ro d to Iwre(n = <br />� k <br />-:�!=tSr`1,.�+,� � ae"Hazardous Materiate'�.Trustor heroby warrants and ropresents to Lendar 41aat tlearo a�r�e no Hazardoua MBtedals on or under tha _ <br /> "'�{'�°•'�: �• Property.TNStor hereby egrees to Indemnity and hold harmless Lere�der,its alira�8aro,�11l�nrs,emp�ayaes and apenW,and any eucces• <br /> . , •�. <br />,':'t�±;;;�.;��• '� sore to Lender's Intoreat,from end against any and all cis(ms,damAgos,��ssos nnd Iiabfiltles ads nD in connectlon with tho preaenco, <br /> - _�''�,' u�e,disposal or transport of any Hazardous Materials on, uno}or,irom or,7'kout the Property.THE F�S��mG1Nt3 VNAFtF1ANTIFS AND <br /> 2��M" REPRESENTATIONS, AND TRUSTOR'S OBLIGATIONS PURSU6INT TO THE FORE(301NCi INDEMINITY, 3HAI.L SURVIVE <br /> ':�_-:�`.� <br />---::�,�,���� RECOPIVEYAPICE OF TMI.�'s DEEQ AF TRUST. <br /> �=°•- 1p,�nr,s:n.c c:P•on:�.Tn:stor hereby ass3�nT�n lender,and grents Lender a secu�ity Interest in,a11 praaent,future and <br /> �;����Y,"'��� after arising renis,issues and p�ofit�of the Property,pravlz3n�1 that Tnastor shell,until the occunence ot an Event oi Qefeuit,horeunder, <br /> -!;.,.,y�*,�, � have thA dght to collect and retain such rents,IssLes and proflts us thoy become due and payable.Upon the occurrenc9 ot an Event oi <br /> Defauit,Lender r�ay,either In person or by agent,with or without bflnc�inc�any ection or proceeding,or by a receiver eppointed by a <br />�'���'1=.�.��'�?� court and wfthout regard to the adequacy of its ser.udty,onlor upon and iaka possession oi the PropeRy,or any paR thereof,U its own <br /> " _ name or in the name of the Trustee, and do any acts which it deems necassgry or desi�able to preserve tF►s value, marketabl�iry or <br />� rentebility crf the PropeRy,or any pad thereof or interea4 thorofn,or:o increase the In�em9 theretrom or protect the sewriry hereof and� <br /> ..,,�,,.,.,^,,;•,. with or without taking possessbn of lhe Properry,sue tor or otherwlso coli�ct the rento,Issues and proiits thereoi,induding those past <br /> due and unpald,by notitying tenante to m�ko pAyments to Ler�der.Lend�r may epP�y rents,fssues��d protita,less ooste aoxl expens- <br /> ---�`'� es oi operetion an+9 collectlon InGluding attomey's teea,to any Indebtedness secured hereby,al!in such order ea Leoder may d�ter• <br /> .�� mine.The entedng upon and taking posse�lon of tho Propertyr,the collect{on of such rents,lssuos and proQts,and tho apgAcatton <br /> -_— �qs�,!An a}nresald shall not cure or waive any detauit or notice of de4auit hereunder or Invatldate any act done In rosponse to such <br /> -�� defauit or pursuant to such notice of detault�nd,no7withstanding tno coMinuance in pva�a�ai�n ot itsa prc�sf;as!h���v"�• <br /> --"r'f—°" recelpt and aDplicaUon of rente,issues or proliis,Trustae and Lendor shail be enUded to exercise every�ight provida�9 for fn any ot the <br /> -�_��"� Loan Instrumants or by law upon occu�rence of any Event of�ataUfi,Including without Iim(tation tNe�ight to exerdae the power W se{e. <br /> -----� ��,. <br /> � Further,(.ander's r1pMa and remedias under this paragraph shall be cumulative wllh. end In no way a Ilmltation on,Lendere d�hte a <br />.:,,�g�� remedles uncier any assipnment o}leases and rento recorded against the Prop�rly.Lender,Trustes nnci the recelver shall be Ilabte to <br />�� account only torthose rents ectut�lly recelved. <br />� =<<�, 11.Evonts of DNault.The(ollowing ehali consUtute an Hvont of Defauti undor thl�Daed of Tn�sx <br /> _::�'. (a)Failure to pay any tnstaliment of principat or interest of eny other sum secured hereby when due; <br /> (b)A breach ot or defauft under any provlsion contained in the tVote.thls Deed ot Trust,any of the Loan inst�uments,or any <br /> other lten or encumbrance upon the Property; <br /> � (c)A wdt o�execuUon or attachment or any simllar process shail be entered against Trusior wh�h shall bucome a Ilen on <br /> the Property or any portlon thereof or Interest thorain; <br /> . (d)There shall be filed by or agalnst Trustor or 8orrower an action under any present or tuture federat,state or other atatute, <br /> - Iiquidato�r of TnistQr ott Bo�rower or of allior any part�of the P o1�tertytor ho e�ntsthssues orlprofitps t�henreof aTruator a BofVmowar <br /> shalt make eny generel a$slpnmant for tho beneflt of creditora; <br /> (e)The sale,transier,lease,asstpnment, conveyance or turther encur�'brenCe oi all or ar�y part ot or any interest fn the <br /> — PropeRy,either vofuntarify or Involuntadly,withoui 1he oxpress written consont of Lender,provided that Tn�stor shell be permit- <br /> _._„� ted to execute a lease of the Properly that doea not contain an optlon ta purohase and the term ot whksh does not excead one <br /> .-= year. <br /> (�pAbaandonment of the PropeRy;or <br /> (g)II Trustor Ia not an Indivldual,thR tssuanca,eale,transter.aeslgnrnent,conveyence or enCUmb�ce ot more than(N a <br /> caporeUai)a total of percent of its lssued snd outstanding stock,or(tf a partnership)a t�t�l of par- <br /> cent of partnership Intaresta,or pt a Ilmfted ifablllty�ompany)a total of percent of tlic�Iimfted ifabllity compa- <br /> ny interosta or votlng dphts during the pedod this Oeed of Tnist remalns a Iion on tho property. <br /> _ r� �2.R�n�dMs;AccNK�tlon Upon�fnuiG In the event o}any Event of Qefault Lender may,�w'Ithout notk;e except as��� <br /> ;;� by Iew,declare all Indebtedness secured hereby to ba due and payabie and the uame shall therau become due and pay <br /> --- �ut eny prossnt►r�ent,d ema n d,pro te s t or noUce ot a�j�Ccind,Thoreafter Londer may: <br /> _-_ (a)pemaiid thato be sold and tt+e procc�c+d�o be d aMbute,All�ln the m�nner prov�ided In Ithe Nrebraska Trust�aeds Act er- <br />_'�""-'-"�'=:== -- ost In tlre Property <br /> -�-=����:`.�.' (b)Exercise any and all rl�hi3 provided 4or in any of the Loan lnshuments or by�aw ugar►oocuvrance of any Event of <br /> -...-;n;.�;R;i,� D8(8ufl�Etitd <br /> -- <br />