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<br /> .� + 'ti.- ....��' +MM11k1�f�tlftGYt.ot ix •_ _ . ...ai -
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<br /> �Y'- .. ' ` �IZ' ,/ ':O�U DEED OF TRUBT � �� L P�6 _,.�-_-—
<br /> �""��_'�,; i � (COMIIIWd) (f � �-— - _ _
<br /> f
<br /> -- � . � MM�nP�(inatudhq fa�dosun aP�s),surwYas�rMab.�PP��hN tMS�tlfM InaxMO���nd I�M tar tIM TnN1N�to p��MtA pMmMwd by ---
<br /> y��,. , . �ppNoWl�ww. Oanla Wo wiN pay�ny caxt cab�In�d0illon b�N olhw sums prorfdW bY law.
<br /> +►�``. . { qlalbof TNMN. TrustM shaM haw�N Of Ih�riphh�nd dud�of LKWM as tN lOrlh in thk Mallon.
<br /> -� --� � �1. QqAMTOR'�RIGM TO iiEINSMTB. If(iranla m�h aortoin condl4ons,Grantor�Fw01ww fho ripht to hYW YnloraimaM Of iNs OMO Ot Tnrit -- - --__-.-
<br /> � E •, ditoonYrw+rd�1�mr wn�pior to th�aru�r of p)Ilw(6)d�Y+(a suah otMr O�riod�s�PPMabb yw nwy fp�olh ta nlnWMn�nt)bMa�sW ol tA�
<br /> ,. Pro{�Ay puswM to ury pow�r ot s�M eontain�d In lMt OMO ol Troat a (i1)�ntry of�JudpnNnl�nloralnp Mb ONd ol Tnnt. ThaM oond�r w -
<br /> • . MMt OnrMor (�)Pa1�L�ndM�N wms wMCh would iMl1 b�d1�undM ihb DNd ol TnAI�nd iM G�dll Ap�MmNM h�d r10�oONM�IOn oOGUn�d� (h)
<br /> ' eu�M aqMr dMau14 und�tAl�OMd of Trwl�nd Ihr CndH AprNm�nt; (o)WY+ul naon�bM�nWa i n a u m d I n M M a o k q I M s D M tl o l T t u q,
<br /> �' �� �� IndudUq.bu!n01 IirNIW b��MtonabM attorn�ys Is�s��nd (d)fakM suoh�oUon as l.�ndu n�Y�4�1�!o ttsur�iha111M MMI W thk DMd
<br /> _�`�. ': .� � - ol Truq,�s�i0hb In ih�P►opNty�nd ti�antors obllpedon to WY Ih�aums s�our�d bY Ihlf ONd ol TnMI sh1N eoMinu�wiChn�d. lJpOn
<br /> nln�tlM�nt b�r OnMa,Ihis DNd of Trust�nd th�cfbAp�dons wau�d h�nby sh�A nnWn IWIy NMc1iw a If no�ooWratlon h�d oocuhd bul L�nd�r
<br /> -�..,�, � . slwl nal b�oblq�Md to rn�k��ny mon t�dit�dvano�. THs dpM lo ralnM�q sluq apply il Onntor Iw nW pnMo�Ny�xwolMd th�dpht b�M�4M ---.-
<br />_..�i�" , • � undlr tNS YrtM DMd of Trusl.
<br /> ,�: �.�?�,�. „ ?3. POWOii AND OBLIQATIONS OF TNUSTEF. Th�fauowNp provisiais rWtbq to tt»powMS�nd ablip�qaw ol TnsM��n p�A d 11N�DMd W
<br /> �:�� , ' Tnid.
<br />-Le': . � IbwM�Of TnutN.In�ddlfbn to�tl powMS of Truste�arbinp�s�m�RK ol l�w�Tn�sM�sh�N h�v�ih�powu b t�k�IM fWlowfe0 aCYO�wNA
<br /> ;i - rMp�d fo GI�F►op1r1Y upon Ihs r�qu�st of I.�ndu�nd Onnlor: �.��an in pnp.„no.�a e+�.m.a«p•i a ih.R..i a�opnr,induarq tn.
<br /> tl�dC�UOn 01 ihMb o►othw riphb fo ih�P�: ro)lan in o�•nnno Mr Nis�maM or Cn�Mnp any tNUlatlon on ih�RMI F►Op�r�Y:Md (ol l�M
<br />, . �Iry sWMdinatlon or otfMr�prMmonl�KecUnp ihA DN�ol T�wl a th��niK�tl d I.�ndN undK Ihls OMd ol TtutL
<br /> � � ° � ' TN�IN. TruslM shlq mwl qll 4uaplk'ntlons roq�drad lo�Trusta�unA�►apPIICaDN 111w. In�ddldon to IM dphb�nd ranwdtit i1t forlh abow, -- --- --
<br /> wqh nsp�cl to dl a�ny p�A ol th�Proparty,tM Trust��haA h�va Iha rqht lo loredosa DY noUO��nd fW,and l�nd�r sIW h�v�th�ripAl lo
<br /> . loaolaa by�udidal lo►�closur�.In Nth�r qs�In accad�rx�wilh�nd lo th�fW�nt povld�d bY opplleabM law.
<br />- - • ' �Tn�lee. Landar,al Lender'e option,may k�m tlms to tlnw�ppdnt�suoo�ssa TMtN to�ny TruslM�ppdnl�d hM�undM by�n
<br /> . ., . - Mub�pn�M a�cut�d�nd�cicnowNdp�d by L�ncNr�nd pcad�d�s n4ukad bY�PPIkabM I�w. TM InsdunNM shY ConW n�in�ddidon lo rA ° _ _°
<br /> . , ` oq�mutpis nqulnd by�4t�aw.th�rym�s of IM aripin�l Lend�r,TnntM,�nd Onnta,ltw 600k�nd pap�(a compuf�►�Y�IMn nl�nno�)
<br /> „ ' whu� tAb O�W W Trual fs ncordM� �nd 1he nana �nd addre�s W Ih� aux�ssor truabs� and iM it�ttrummt shall b�1ot�ouwd �nd --
<br /> � �oknow4dpW by u Itw b�nNfc4irMt und�r Itq DMd of Trusl or IMk sueqston In int�rMt. Th�suows�a t►urt���wllh0u�eon�Ya�a 1� `�
<br /> dr
<br /> Prop�ty.shW fucoMd lo W 11w tltta,powK,�nd dud�s confarrW upon tlw TnnIN M Ihis DMd ol TNtt�nd bY�ppYCabl�I�w. Thls p�oa�dun
<br /> for wbsqtutlon af hustw tMll povern to tM�xcluslon of aA o1Mr provbtons fa subadlutlon.
<br /> �, NOTICF$TO GRANTOR AND OTFQi PARTIEB. Any noGw undor Ihis DNd ol Trust sAaN D�In wtidnp�nd�hal b��fNetiv�wMn aclwAy -
<br /> . • � dMiwnd a.M nptlMd�thW b�dMm�d�M�c11w wh�n dpositW le tIM UNt�d Stldss m�il IYSt Wss�rpisl�nd m�N.PosW�D►qdd�dr�Cbd to tIM -..-....-
<br /> ,x addrw�s�hawn n�u Ih�bpimm�p ot thb DNd of Trusl. AnY p�Ay m�y ch�np�Ns�ddraf for notfo�wM�r fhb DMd ol Tnat bY�M�O�� �-:_-.`�
<br /> MnNMn nWb�!o IM Oth1t partl�s�sp�c�MnD that Ih�puPoio of ttM notb�b to CMtq�IM parqls�ddr�ss. AN coPi�d nofbM ol fondaur�hom ` •��;:,�
<br /> --- �-----'�-- in.noiar a anr w.�wncn n.�on«ny owr n�a waa a Trua sn.a a am ro una.rs�ddr�it,ss shown nw(iW$�pinN+ip 8i Wi DC�d 0!Ttust. �--,`�-,1
<br /> ' ' Fa�ollo�purpow,Ci�ntor�pr�s b kMp l.�ndw�nd Tnnloa fnformad rl oN Iimos d(i►oMOr'�curtaM addrws. F-- - �
<br /> 21. AiSOC1ATION OF I�11T OWNERS. Th�tdbwfnp provialona�PPIy H tM Ral PropMry h�a bwn submftt�d to unit own�ship I�w a slmiW kw �=-:.._.. '-:
<br /> fa q»�hm�nt of condominiums a eoop��tiw ownMShlp ol th�Fiwl Prop�rty: �'�';"::'`,: .-
<br /> POwM Ot Attofnhr. CinMor pr�nts�n irr�voCObN Pow�of ottorrwY to L�ndir lo voti in Ils dlsCr�dOn on�ny m�fhr ihal ma�cpn�O�ton tIM � � -
<br /> �ssod�6on of unit own�t. Linder ahNl h�w th�dpht to axMCis�thfs powK of�ttanYy only dIM dN�ult 4Y�ntor,hovwwr��N��y �
<br /> d�cifr�to�x�rofi�Ntls powar�s If sNS IN. � .., �
<br /> Inar�. Th�Imurana s nqufnd abova m�y bo c�rtlotl by th�assocl�tlon of uNt ownrs on(ir�ntors bNu�ll,�nd th�proo»ds of sueh
<br /> InturMO�m�y b�paid to tha�ssacl�8on W unll ownws fa Ih� purpo�a d r�frfnp a neonsbucdnp th� PropMty. If nol to uad by Ih�
<br /> �fsocl�tlon,suah pro�wtls sh�u b�pdd Io L�ndr. ��
<br /> COnpNM�a wHh MpuWbns of Aaocltllon. (inntor shtll pwfam�B ol ths oCUp�tbns ImpaW on Cianta bY tIM d�danMa�wbmllbrq th� ��:,. .�.." .`�°—
<br /> � RNI Proprty to unN ownMShlp,by Ih�byiaws of IM aasaeladon of unit owners.a by�ny rul�s or r�pulatlons�hK�ix�• If Onelors InNwst fn ��_�;
<br /> th�FiMI Rrop�tY b�N�sehdd iniwsl�nd such PrapMty has bMn subrdttod to wMt own�shlp.(ir�ma s1iW pMtorm�M af Ih� obYWtlons �-�-
<br /> (
<br /> l..
<br /> ImpoNd on C�nnta by Ih�Mas�of th�Rwl Prooaty kom Hs own�r. ?r,A
<br /> �i. MISCE]lAHE0U8 PROVISIONS. TM toNOwlnp misoNlanaous O�oviabns�ro o pad of Ihis D�d of Trust: '
<br /> J J A11Mndm�nt�, Thb DNd of 7rust.lpp�th�r with�ny RNatM DoCUrtNnfa.COnatilut�s IM�ntlr�undMShndkp�nd aprMrtwnt af Ur paAks as t0 �
<br /> ; th�rtitta�s Nt brth In thk Oa60 0}TnRt. NO�ItYr�ibn ol Or amindm�nt lo th�S Desd Of TNSt fhUl W�M�CtlW Ulll�if pMn In wrlrllp�Ild slprMd t -�._
<br /> � by tIM p�Ay a p�rtla souphl to b�ehupW a baund by IIN�It�nffon a�rt►�ndm�M. Y _-
<br /> ° ApplkabN Law. TNS Owd of Trust slwM ba povunad by Ynd Construod In aCCOrdanco wflh Ilw kws o11lw Sfal�W N�bnsk�. , ''- -
<br /> ,.4 --
<br /> Clptlon 1M�OInQs. GPtlon hMdlnps In thl�DNd of Trust�n for convrrN�r�Pu►pos�s onry�nd�n not to b�uNd lo inhrprN or dNfrN th� �'".
<br /> povlllom of t1YS Owd o1 Trust.
<br /> ^{r;, Gt�r�lOr'�Copy ol DoCWINnti. L�ndM�ptMS lo provl0�Gt��ta with�ConTOrmYtl CopY of Doth IIN LOAPLIf�R�HqrN Equlty PI��Cnd�t ' ..
<br /> AprNrrNM�nd Ihb DMd of Trusl�t Ih�tfrM th�y�n ucYCUtYd a wNhln a raason�blY Mw Ut�r IAfs Owd of Tru�l b nCOrd�d.
<br /> MNpr. TA�r�shll W no m�rwr of tIN fntK�sl or�ftat�CrMtW by tlws D�Yd Of Trust wllh�ny othM InqrYSt o►Kt�t�In qM PropNly d�ny I .
<br /> . Ilm�ANd by or lor II�WnMf of L�ndK In�nY qpat�ty,withoul fh�w�itbn cor�nt o}Lmdu.
<br /> MWlIpM P�rfMs. N ab�fp�rioro ol Granla und�r IAfs D�W ol Trust shall be�aM�nd avx�l.�nd�4 roNnrw�s to GnMar s1�mwn Meh�nd �
<br /> �v�ry(ir�ntOr.Tt�b mM�tlut MCh Of tha pNEO�flpnlrp Wlow b rKppnsiDN IOr MI pbMp�hons In thYS DMd Of T�IbI.
<br /> enr.raewhr. u .coun a ounp.am jwnd�cnon nnas.ny aovrs►on w�n�s o..a m rrus��o a inv.iw a u�«Maro.aa.as ro my vKSO�«
<br /> qrCUrtqqnp�,tuCh Mdinp fhaN not nnd�r tl►tl povislon InvaYd ar un�nlort�bN as!o arn otMr pM�ons or drCUrtql�no�s. 11 MtIbN,�ny fuCh
<br /> oM�rqinp provlsion th�N b�dNmW fo be modifWd lo bs wltMn ths Nmits of eMace�biMry a wlWity:twwevw.M th�all�ndinp provWOn c�nnot 0�
<br /> � so modilNd,M shd b�strldc�n�nd�N othw proNSlons ot IMS Oa�d W Trust m�H ollier r�sp�Cts shall rortwln vaQd�nd an(onONbN•
<br /> ACkfqwNdOlnMlt. PAOr to tt��xp;uhon hY�YOI(�nlor�x�CUf�d�n aCknowt�dpm�nt �tabnp ih�t(ir�nta undMSynd1 that p)tffls Dead 0�
<br /> . Tn�b�tYit dNd and not�mplp�p��nd (b)th�pow�r d fd�proHdW fOr In Ihls OMt!W Tnrit proNdN subit�ntl�ty d�NrM�f tlphl��od
<br /> � oblp�uors to Cxania thm a mortp�p��n tt»•vrm a adauq a brMCn a aolp�UUO�. �
<br /> Sl�eai�on M�d AtslYns. Sub�aCl Io Ihe I�ml4hor�s std�d In 1hIS D�Pd of TruSt on hanS�c►W CirsMa's intaroSt.fM5 DseO W TrvSl sh�p De
<br /> z
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<br /> i
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<br />