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<br /> __ _�"_ .ry'�``.}� 9Z�- ��'I"� DEED OF TRUSY , _ � " �''" P�4
<br /> � � . tCoidi�uad) ��. ��� -----
<br /> . '7.. ��•
<br /> + ,� , Ca�pNrna wlth 6xiaGno U1d�bt�drNai. Dukp Ih�p�iad In wh�h my Exlstlnp Ir�bMdn�ss d�satb�d bNow K In MNot�oonpY�no�wlth dM
<br /> '¢ • � k�r�no�Provklor�conWrMd in IIw In�trum�M�Nd�ndnp wCh Exlttlnp Ind�bNdnlit s1M1 Co11111tu1�CompY�nO�wllh iM InqM�nO�ptOYiil01K
<br /> ;a^-� ti• • � 4 und�r thl�OMd W Trusl.a�n..�a.����uuws�ur�ms a iha DMd of Trusl woWd conitlluN�dupNCa�fl�on W ir�unno��IuhrnNd. If
<br /> �,
<br /> .. � �nr aoo.ws�om��+nw�.nco n.co�wr+�•o��oss,th�Proviaions In Ihl�OMd W Trust br diNSion Of OrooMd�shY�ppry ody b ihq `_ '��� ,
<br /> . pa�on a a►.�oc..w na wr•�•ro�n.naa.a�n.�a�q�nd.caan.ss.
<br /> � ' 11. DI�ENWTI�iEB BY LENDER. II(iranta falb to comply with�ny provislon of this DMd ol T�1, mauan�.nr o�.aon a mWra.�n�tin�
<br /> . Ir�bMdn�a in paad ttandinp as nqulrad balow.a B�ny�cdon a proCNdirp b comrtNnad Ilfd would m�tMldhr aM�ot L�ndM's InMr�b In Ilu
<br /> -1 � RrapNly,L�nd�r an(i��ntars h�h�M rru�Y,upon notlo�l0(innta,bul th�G nol b�nqukW lo,Wc�mY�n that L�nd�r dMms�pproprMp. Mry
<br /> • �maxiA Ihal L�ndM wp�nd�in to ddrq wlll baor int�r�sl�t Ihe au cMrp�d under tlw Cndlt AprMminf han Ih�dab ineurnd a pW by Undn b
<br />- -?. .� . . 11�d�b d np�Ym�M b�Ci��nla. All fuoh��pa�at I.�ndws aption�wiA (�l b�O�Y�bM on d�m�nd.a(b)b�add�d to tM bal�na al th�oredH
<br />==`�'-- � .. o'�. .. amr�n�di�s b whbh I.Or1dM rtl�y b��nqUy�O on�ioC�of IM�dNault.�su�Oh�Otlon bY LflldOr�h b�oombwd d�aurinp� dM�u�ll so� •.
<br /> ,y�a ' ,v •: b bu L«�Irom uiy nrtwdy thal N othwwfs�would hava h�d.
<br /> ;�tS • . . . 1�.WARRANTYi OEFENSB OF TITLB.T1w IoNOwlnp provhions rMaqnp b own�rsNp of Ih�PrapMy��parl ol tftli DMd W Truit. _
<br /> ,.� .. .. TIM. QnMa wunMs th�h (�1 tiraMa hdda Oood and rtwrk�tabM titl�ol�cord to Itr Pirap�ry(indudin0�Mwhold InMaq.N�nY)�In�u�d
<br /> �'" a1Mr d�1 N�ru�nd�ncwnbnnca�xaPl tl�oM ot ncad.md (b1(�nntar ha th�lu�rqht.Dow�r�and�uthoriry to�aouM and dWvw tM�
<br /> ,ii � °� DMd Of TfUit t0 LM�W►. '
<br />= O�NnM of Tlp�. SubJaet to tha axaptlon In IM puapaph�bow,Onnta w�rtanb�nd wA11awK d�f�nd t1M Gf4 to fM Prop�rty apMnsllA�
<br />-, ° • - Mwlul arN�at W p�an. �n IM wenl my rcUun a procoYWnp b cumrtrnoMl Ifwl quwtbns G���ntors nW or ttw x�twast W 1n�WY or IAiWrr
<br /> � ' • �MI�fMd W TfpRAfcip�t�In�t procwdinp end to b�rep��ntod I�e f�ooNdkp by cbueiM d Ils axn c in wcnd Onrqor wW dMiwr�
<br /> ,� auM fo b�d�Ywrad,to L�ndK such inshummts�s L�nder nyy raquasl hom Um�to tfnw to p�rmlt such pudclp�Uon.
<br /> COlnptl�na Yrlp�L�ws. Ormtar w�mnts mat tna rrap�rry ana Grrntor's uW ot tt�Praprty compias wilh �fl�tinp �p4c�w ww,�, �.
<br /> adln�now,arb hpuhnon�a oowrnn»nla�.whafa�s.
<br /> " 1�. E7WTIMO INOEITEONE�B. Th�Idlowinp Provblons eono�rnfeq ucbMrp ind�bbdn�s(Ih�'Exbdnp InWbNdn�ss')��par�of thi�DMd W
<br /> "•� Truq.
<br /> . . � '`� Edftlnp LMo. Th�N�n d thb Dw0 of Trust�cwwp tlw Indobt�dnpss may b�wcondary md N�la lo�n�Stfnp IMn,N th�n is suoh a W�n. �<=-=�_
<br /> Qr11MOr�►r�ply Covsn�nb and�prMS b P�Y.a aY to tlw p�ym�nt o},th� Exbdnp Ind�DlWn�ss md to pnwnt my dM�Wt on such � �' •:-r.__
<br /> •r. MId�bMdnMS. my d�hwl undr th� Imhum�ntt �vldrndnp tuch Ind�bt�dn�ss� a any d14uN undlr�nr f�curit�r do0lm�nb fa suCh
<br /> � Ind�bMdMSS. —
<br /> i. . MO MOd111C�fI0n. OraMa shtN not�nhr Into my�prom�nt wlth tM hdtl�r ol�nY mortp�p�.d�W ol M�tf,or o11Mr qourlty�prMrtMnt whkh F=-T-�—
<br /> _ ----- t�.prro�1ty rsWr ii�ii'i Diw6 iil T�uii by wfiicii�h�i rpnwnwnl ia modifird.�rt��d,�i�r�i,a rwwwr3 wHikiui ti�ptfGi w�ifiwt�iGni d •�.: ---_° -
<br /> E.� `-'-�...:
<br /> l�idu. brantar�hse n�Ith�r r�qwsl na aeapf my lutw��dwnas undn mY sucn s�curitY�G�e�rt�M wlthout tIM P�lor rvrl�n corotM o1 __---_---
<br /> LN�d�r. —--
<br /> � 14.COIDEMMATION.Th�1dWwlep provlsrons rWn�p lo procwdinps In condamn�lwn uo�p�A of tNS DMd ol Tnnt. ��;!��;.-;-
<br /> _ AppNCMblI OI!Mt Prop�da II�II ot�n p11A ol lh�Pr .��' '—
<br /> Y apKb is cond�mned�Undr m�y�t iff d�ctlai rpWn that�N a�ny portlon of Ih�nd I':� : -.�-,�-,
<br /> proOMda of th��w�rd bo�ppYW fo IM Ind�blodn�ss undu th� LOANLINERO Hort»EqWty Plan,subJlct to th�brms af an�mplprp�or dMd al �
<br /> tu�t wlth�N�n whiCh has prlorffy over thls Deed of TrusL TM rnl praCeeds ol Ih�awud shap m�an Ih9�wlvd�M�r p�ym�rlt of tl rMSOryEM [-s,,-_-. -- - '
<br /> catb��xP�nsM��nd NtormYa����Y P�d a Incurrad by Oronta.TrusW�a UnWr in eonnM,llon wHA Ih�tAnd�mrrtlon. `°+�� 3�"'�
<br /> �. ,..,,,�� .. ,
<br /> Proa�Nnps. U�mr proowdlrq In cond�mmdon b fiqd,(inMa thau promptl►r notly Londar In wdtlnp.�nd(ir�nla tIW pomptlY Uk�such
<br /> " sMps ss nry b�mo�ssary to dNond th��eUon and obf�ln ttN�wad. lir�nta mty a Ih�nominl parly in tuoh prooMdinp,but I.�nd�r�h�ll b� !. . .�� .
<br /> r, .. �n111Nd b paAkp�t�in th�procMdlnp and to be roprasmted In t1N prace�dinp by counsM of ifs own ehoia,�nd Onntar wN dMiwr a aua b f � '
<br /> � b�d�NvrW b L�nd�r such Imtrum�nts�s mny b�rpwsqd Dy II kom drr�to qm�to prrmN sueh parqdpatlon.
<br /> i . `Y 16. 1�081TION OF TAXES,FEES AND CHARGg8 BY G10VERNMF1iT/�L AUTHORITIEB. T1w folbwfnp provfslons rWqnp to pownun�nW taxw. � .
<br /> ; _ '" . �
<br /> , " , bw uid ch�►pK�n a p�t of Ihb Dwd ol Trusl:
<br /> ! C�armt T�xp,F�e��rW Chvpes. Upon roG;HSf bY L�nda�,(3anta s+u�il vxxub auch tloeum�nb in addlUOn lo Ihb OMd q Trust�na t�k� � �
<br /> . � wh�tww oth�r�cdon Is rpwstod by Londw lo pahct�nd condnua Lontl�Y hn on tha HY�1 P�op�r1y Onnfa sh�A nlmburM L�ndor for�II
<br /> � quas.as d�scdb�d bMow,topNMr wlth 41 u�p�ns�s�ncunW in r�corWnp.p�Nchnp a conhnump thb brG of Trusl,inaludirp wlthouf NnMtatlon -
<br />; . ,. �M�ns,Ms.docurtMnWy fumpt,and otMr etwp�s fa racadlnp a rp�storinp tAia Owd of 7nisL =
<br />• , G � Tlot��. Th�faAawirp shaN consUlul�t�xes to whkh thK faehon�pPNas: (�)�fp�ahc hx uP�n tAis typ�a10pd Of Tnqt or upon�A a�ny p�rf ti_ _
<br /> af th�IndlbbCn�ss s�curW by thb Owd Ot TrusF, (b)�ip�CIIfC tox on Cinntor whieh Cirantor is�uthorla9d or nqulr�d to dWuCt hom p��rt�rNS �
<br /> on fh�Indlbf�dn��cynd by tlMS typr of D�W ol Tnrst: (c)a 4x on Ihis type of O�W o1 Tnql cfwyrabN�pal�t th�L�ndN or tIN holdM of i ---_
<br /> th�Cr�dN AprNrtMnh.and (d)�fp�dlfc t�x on ap or�ny patlon d th�InMbtotln�ss a on pyrm�nts at prinClpal�nd In1MMt nyd�br QrAntp. ..
<br /> t�.F1�iTFER ASSIRiMlCEB. 71y toNOwlnp provxfons nlaArp lo fwiMr assur�nas�n�part of tha Dwd of TrusL S �`',--�
<br /> . :;;c-;:
<br /> FYrth�r Antnanas. Upon nQuul ol LmdM.GnMor wIN m�k�,�x�cut��nd dWlvar�a wIN cauw to b�mtd�.�oaeut�d a dNWw�d.to L�rWu • — .
<br /> a to L�b�s dqlpnN��nd wAan raqwstad by L�ndor.aua�to b�filW�►�eadid.rlfiletl.a rerKOrCid.�t IM qs�nwy b�.�t weh tlma�nd '. ._
<br /> In wch aMfCN u�d pI�CM�t L�ntl�r m�Y dNm�PDroprl�t�.�ny�nd�11 auch mwtpa{ps.tlw01 of Wst.t�Cwity dNds.i�cWHy prMm�nb� .�
<br /> ' M�u�dnp s4twn�na.cpnqnwdon slotartNMS.imhurtNntt of Iur1Mr�ssunnp,cwtdl�atas.�nd dhw docurnMb as rtwy.In ttN tOM aplNOn d
<br /> , � I.�nd�►.b�n�o�ssary or C�slr�bN In arWr to�M�etwta,ComplYq,p�rhel,cOndnuo.or praSKw(�)IIN OhYp�tlW1s Of(kanfor wW�r th�G�tlll
<br /> . Aps�nfsid,thb DMd of Trusl,and th�pWbd OoCUrmnls.�nd (b)tIN Wrts�nd secuhy iitt�ls Cn�Md by IfNS DaW W Tn�st on Ih�PropMty.
<br /> UN�ss prohlDiMd by 4w w�prwd lo IM condr�ry by L�nda In wMfnp.Granta slWl nlmbwa�L�ndK for W cosb�nd�xp�ro�s fncurnd In
<br /> � coruNeUOn vWth Ih�rrrttws rNartQd lo In Ihfs puapnph.
<br /> 1T. FW.PERFORMANCE. If Qrantor p�ys�II th�IndvblWrwts wMn due. tarmmahs tM crodA IfM account,and otA�rwfs�p�rtorrtu W tlr
<br /> �' , obYp�bOnt�rt�poMd upOn Cir�ntp undM Ihfs D�Yd of Trust,UndYr fh�ll�7nCUto�nd dW�vrr to TrustM�roqy�t fp fup roepnwy�np�.
<br /> 1�. pEFAt�T. E�Ch of th�toNOwk�p.�t 11M opdon of L�ndK.sfyll Consdlut��n ywM of�fe(aWl('Ev�nt of OM�WI')undu Mb Owd of TrusL• (�)
<br /> CiruMar aommb Mutl or m�kn�irybryl rNUpr�n4UOn�I�ny tim�i�eonn�cUon wdh ttw a�d11 wr��ocounl. TMS an Indu�,kx�xampN.�
<br /> t�IM st�Mm�nl about Onnla's Ineom�, �tf�h. Il�bltihp. a �ny otlyr aspYClS ol Gr�ntor's Ifn�nCW cOnditlon. (0) Gnntar doM naf mMt th�
<br /> �W1�1t larrru d fh�Cr�dlt NrN�ccqunl. (cl(iranta's�efion a urChon�dwrsNy�IloCb Iha croY�t�nl Ip th�Cndit Yry a0c0urN Or L�tW�►'s nphb In �
<br /> ' fh�eo�twd. 7Ms p�lnducf�,la owmpq.fadun Io mainWM rpuvotl�nsur�nca.wuto a destruahve use o}the dwWlinp.la�luro to pay Uxa,dwtn
<br /> ' of�n pKSOns iublo on th��aount.da�s}e�o�htie a sa�e o�Me dwe����p creat�on o�o��e�o�1hB dwlAine wifh0ul OUr pqrmi55�On,Ipr@CIOSU�!bV IhR
<br /> _ i_
<br /> ,t
<br /> ,
<br /> •� �. .
<br /> � '
<br /> . �
<br />