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<br /> •�.�•- 3i�r-r
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<br /> .� ;�_ �:� :. ._~ 92_ ios� ` .
<br /> � !.T�.A��w�.�i�M�s.Trusta�oll pay dl tax�s,oss�ssm�nh and oM�charps, iaeludlrp,without IGnitation,fhs ad im-
<br /> � paltian�athibiAa�to fM Prop�rty,and bosdiold po►�m�rMS a pround nafs.If aty,bflan th�sanM baanr ddi�►.Tnnta sUoll prqnp.
<br /> . ,, '�i" tW turnish to Mn�ficlory oll notic�s of oniounts dw unM►this poroprnph,ond in th�w�nt Tnntor sholl maln pormw�t dinNl�,Trusta sMll - -
<br /> . " '° P►a�pty fumish to Y�Rciory�K�ipts wid�neinp wch poymmts.Trustor sholl po�dl taxa ond oss�ssm�nts which nwr b Nvi�d upon
<br /> .• ^;:_.•;:�.:. • Mmficiory's int�nst h�nin a upan fNs OMd of Tn►st without npad to an�r low tiar mor b�wact�d imposirq pa1►m�nt of th�wMol�a ary
<br /> � r••`�S x" 1�IK�U�101�?�MMIM�C�Of�I.
<br /> . .,._L._.`.__..... �
<br /> -- t,,�;,-'�,e�.;�'. - 6. AY�iwl LM�1/rsl�eliM�f Ilw(irl�'�f�ih.Trusta sholl mok�all puynwnts of kd�rast and priruipol ond paYmmts of mry c=-
<br /> mok
<br /> .��-,���r.° oMrr chor�s,f�s ad�xp�nsa�aitrochd ro b�paid to any�ristiiq IiMholdas a pria b�&iai��und�r aqr�►ior dMd of truit a mor-
<br /> '�°°'"�` and disclwr and oll other li�m,claGns ar chap�s whkh moy �opordlz�tM
<br /> ��� ' � tpopr b�fan tl�dot�Nw►an d�linquxd ad prompt�r PW ��Y
<br /> ,;;a,�;,�,e�r saurit�r proM�d Mnin. If T►ustor fdls to molc�am►wch parmmt a fdls ta qrfam whr of th�cov�nants ond opr�ts contaln�d in this
<br /> . - i• ONd oi Trust,ar in anp pr'ar mortpopt or dMd of trust,of if arpr action or procMdinp is con�rK�d which motrri011y off�cts BMaflciary's in-
<br /> �' " y„-,�, , �� t�nst in thr P►ap�rty,inctudkq,but not Gmit�d to,amin�nt domoin aoc«dinps,or p►aNdinps imolvinp a da�nd�nt,a if Trustor foils to po�
<br /> +?s±�.- .ti�•:=;+. .:+�+, Trusta':d�bts qe�rally as N�y b�cortK dw,tMn 8awfieiary, ot Bawficiary's option and without rrotko to or dMnond upon Trusta ond
<br /> _ _•�• ' '� without nbosinp Trostor ham or�y obli�otion hrrwnda,moyr mak�wch app�oranca,disburs�sah sums,and tak�such xtian as is n�assary
<br /> � to prot�ct 8�rwficiary's irn�nst includinq,6ut not lim(tad to,disbunmwnt of nasonabl�ottom��'s fNS,po�mmt,purchas�,ca»at a com-
<br /> -:::F_- �
<br /> �'" ' . ,,��� � ` pramise of any�ncumbront�,chary�or G�n, ond antry upon th�P►opKfy to mok�rpoirs. In th�wmt ihot Trustor shall fafl to procur�in-
<br /> '��tl,°��r "V•�.� swonc�or to tax�s,assossmmts,or an oHwr cha s or to nrok�a n�nts to�xist ior li�n hold�rs ar b�ficioria,9�wfitiary ��;,.
<br /> �,� � :. . . v�r r � m nor �w a
<br /> — ':... -- �. ^ moy procwa such insuranco and mokR such paymont.My anounts disbursed b�r Bm�ficiary pursuant to this Paagraph 6 sholl brcorn�additioral
<br /> i ,��ti :_ :. . ,.:�'_`�_: ind�bt�dn�ss of Trosta s�cund by this DNd of Trost.Such amouMs shall b�po�abM upon notin from B�mficior�b Trostor raqwstirq poy- �__
<br /> T .= • �" rn�M tMrwf,ond sholl boar intar�st from th�dato of disMus�nt ot th�rot�payoblQ f�am timQ to tinu on outstandfrp principol urdv th� ---
<br /> � ' d+%� � Not�unl�ss paymant of intQrost ut such rat�would ba coMrary to applicobl�law,in whkh wont wch omounts sholl boa►intarest ot ti�hiph�st ,�
<br /> -'��? .� . ..�- '� rote�►nrmissibl�und�r applicabla bw. Nothinq cantoin�d in tMs Parapraph 6 shall r�quire B�naficiary to incur any�xpons�or tok�ony action ��'-
<br /> - � � hawrd�►.
<br /> - ':��'. 7. Atti�wMt of M�h. Banaficiary shall havo tFw right, powQr and authorit� durinp tM continuonco of this Dwd of Trust to totlut tha _
<br /> -, .��, � nnts,issws and profits of tlw Prop�rty and of ony personal proporty IocatQd tFwrQOn with a without takirg possQSSion of tFw proporty affactQd
<br /> � _ � h��b�,ond Trosta iwraby absolutaly and unconditiorally assiyns all such ronts,issws and profits to B�ficior�.Banaficiay,howorK,h�r�by
<br /> - tons�ms to thQ Trustor's collution ond r�tantion of such ronts,issws and profits as tlwy xcruo ad Mconr poyabla so lorq as Trustw is not,
<br /> ' ot such tim�,in d�fautt with raspoct to poymont of any ind�btadiwss socurad hK�by,or in tlk pxFormana of any apr�nt iwrQUndor.Upon
<br /> -,...,
<br /> � ony such dQfault, Barwficiory moy ot an�tiirw,oith�r in potson,by aymt,or by rQC�ivtr to bo oppoint�d by a court,without notica aid without �`'r�-
<br /> � , ��' nyard to th�adpuacy of any sqcurity for tha indabt�dnoss har�by s�cur�d, (o)�K uPon and taka poss�ssion of tiw PropKty a�ny part '
<br /> � thwaof,artd in its own name sue far or oth�rwis�collat such r�nts,issws and profits,includirp thost past du�ad unpuw,ad app11�P{rt so+�+� __ _
<br /> � .. ' I�ss costs a�d�xp�nsos of oporotion and collaction, including rQasonable attwrNys f�s,upon an� trd.br.dn.ss sKUr.d h.r•by,and in such
<br /> ' �� ord�r as B�aficlary moy detarmirw; (b)p�rform such acts ot ropoir a protaction os may ba nQnssary or p►op�r to cons�nrQ ttw volua of tFw -;-
<br /> _ . f�:....
<br /> � , • Prop4rry;(c)I�asQ tM samQ or any pan thereof for such rvntal,tQrm,and upon suth tonditions as its judq�rant moy dictatQ or f�mmote or ud-
<br />�;' _ .• just tM t�rms and conditions of any axisiinp laase or I�ases.Unl�ss Trustor and BQn�ficiary oyra�otharwisa in writinp,o�ry application of rQMs, - ,,.
<br />_ •. n iswts or profits to any indQbtQdnass sacurad h�aby shall not oxtand or postpor»tlw due data of tFw installm�nt poyrtwnts as providQd in soid
<br /> t�•�� , ' promissory not�w chonpe tha amount of such installmants. Tlw enterinp upon and takinp poss�ssion of th�Prop�rty,tiw collaction of such �---
<br /> �,`� �„ �.. q nnts,issws and profits,ond tFw oppliwtion tlwraof as oforowid, shall not wav�a cure ony dafoult or notic�of d�fault haround4r,or in-
<br /> �: ° ' validate ony oct don�pursuant to such notice.Trusta also assigns to BQneficiary,as furthor stcurity for ttw pQrformance of the obligations _
<br /> -,o, :, sacurad heroby,oll propoid rents and all monies which may have been or moy hQreafter bQ daposit�d with said Trustar b�any I�ssaa of tFw Pro- �'"
<br /> '�'�° -� p�ty,to socurt thQ poyment of any rent or domages,and upon default in the pQrfamance of any of the provisions haraof, Trusta agnes to �
<br /> s. dQlivar suth rants ond dQposits to Boneficiary.DelivQry of writton notit�of BenQfitiary's exartisQ of tlw riqhts gront�d h�nin,to ary tanoM a- ��•�*`
<br /> e ,r: --
<br /> _. „ .; cupyinp said prQmisos shall bQ sufficient to rQquire soid tenunt to pay mid rent to tha 8oneficiary until furthw notice. _-_
<br /> . g,CMI�MiM,If titla to any part of tFw Proporty shaU ba takan in condQmnotion praaadinys,by ripht of eminont domain or similor action, —�
<br /> ::T�. . �:;.-:
<br /> -• or sholl iw sold undor thrQOt of condomnotion,all owards,domapes and praQQds or�haraby assipned and shall tw paid to Ba�wficiory wFw sholl
<br /> •• . '� ' opply such owads,damages and praaads to tlw sum socured by this Deed of Trust,with tlw excess, if any,poid,to Trustor.If Trustor reaives '_��
<br /> � ony �otic� or other informotion regarding such actions or proceedings, Trustor shoU yive prompt writtan noticQ thoraof to b�neficiary. °-t=
<br /> Bwiefitiory shall bQ Qntitlad,ot its option,to commente,appear in and prosacuto in its own narrw ony such attion or praaadinps and shall bo on• d`-°
<br />