<br />20. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Servicer, Notice oi Grievanca The Note or a partial interest in
<br />the Note (together witkt this Security Instrument) c�n ba sold one az mare times without priar notice to
<br />Boirower. A sala migl�t resutt in a changa in ths entiiy {lmown as the "Lo� Servicer") that collects
<br />Feriodic Payments due under the Note and this Sec�iiy Tr►�n++�*+t and performs other mc�rtgage Io�
<br />servicing obligatians under the Note, this Sacurity Instrument, and Applicable Law. There also might be
<br />one or nnore changes of the Loen Servic�r unrelated to a sale af the Note. If there is a cbange of the Loan
<br />Servic�r, Boaower will be given written notice of the ch�ge which wilI state the name and addr�s of the
<br />new Laan Servicer, the address ta which payments should be made and any other informaiion RESPA
<br />requires in conne,ction with a noti� of transfer of servicing. If the Note is sold and thereat�er the Laan is
<br />serviced by a Loan Servicer other than the purcl�aser af the Note, the mortgage loan servicing obligafiions
<br />to Borrower will ramain wit1� the T,oan S�rvicer or be transferred to e, successor Loan Servicer and are xwt
<br />assumed by the Note purchaser unless otherwise provided by tha Note purchasar.
<br />Neither Borrawer nor Lender may cammence, jaiq or be joined to any jud.icial actian (as eitl�er an
<br />individual litigant or the member of a class) that arises from the other party' s actions pursuant to this
<br />Security Tnstrument or that alleges tha# the othex pariy has breached any provision o� or any duty owed by
<br />rcason o� this Security Instnimen� wrtil such �rrower or Lendez� has notifiad tiie osher pariy (witb such
<br />notice given in compliance with t�e requirements af Section IS} of such alleged breach and afforded the
<br />othcr party herem a r�sonable periad a$er the giving af such notic� to ta2ce corrective action. If
<br />Appiicable Law protrides a time period which must alapse before c7ertain action c�n be taken, thst time
<br />period will be deemed to be reesonable for purposes of this paragraph The notice of acceleration and
<br />opparhinity to et�e gi�ven to Borrower p�suaat to Section 22 and the notice of acceleration. given ta
<br />Borrower pursuant to Section 18 shal! 6e deemed to satisfy the notice snd oppartunity to take correetive
<br />action provisians of this Section. 20.
<br />21. Haa�rdous Sabsutances. As ussd in tlus Section 21: (a) "Ha�rdous Substances" are those
<br />substances defined as toxic ar hazardous subs�tances, pollutants, or wastes by Enviromnental Law �d the
<br />following su.bstancas: gesoline, keros�ne, other flammabla or toxic getroleum products, toxic pestieides
<br />and herbicide�, volatile soIverns, materials containing asbestos or forma]dehyde, and radioacti�e materials;
<br />(b) "Environmental Law" means fcxieral Iaws and laws of the jurisdiction vahere the Property is located. that
<br />relate to he,alth, saf�ty or envirvnmenta.l protection; (c} "Environmental Cleanup" includes any resgonse
<br />actian, remedial ac°tion, or removal actian, as defined in Enviuronmemal �, and {d) an "EnvironmeIItal
<br />Condition" m�s a condition that can ca.usa, contribute to, or otherwise trigger an Enviranmental
<br />Cleanup.
<br />Bonrawer shatl not cause or permit the presence, vse, disposal, s�rage, or rel�se of any Ha�rdous
<br />3ubstances, or threatan to rele�ase any Hazardous Substances, on ar in the Property. Borrower shall not da,
<br />nor allow anyone else to do, anything affecting the Praperty (a) that is in �riolation of arry Environmen#al
<br />Law, (b) wbich crea�es an Environmerna[ Conr3ition, ar{c) which, due to the presence, use, or release of a
<br />He�tdo�s Substance, cre�es a canditlon that adve�sely a#£ects tI�e value of the Property. The prec�ing
<br />two sentenc�s shall nat apply to the presence, use, or sta�age on the Properly of smaTl qua�tities of
<br />Hazatdous Subst�ces �that are gonerally ra:ognized to be appropriate to normal residentia�l us� and ta
<br />maurtenance of the property ('mcluding, but not Iimited to, harardons substances in consumer groducts}.
<br />Borrower shall P�P�Y �ve Lender written notice of (a) a�r investigariaa, claim, demand, lawsvit
<br />rn other action bY anY goverimm�ental or re6'��rY ���3' �' Prn'� P�Y involving the PraP�Y ��Y
<br />Ha�rdous Subatamoe or Enviromne�l Law of wbich Borrow� has ach�al �owledge, (b) any
<br />Enviro�smen�l Conditio.n, including but not limited to, �y spilling, leaking, disch�ga, release or thre�at of
<br />release af any Hazardous Suhstance, and {c) any conditian caused by the presenc�e, use or release of a
<br />Harardous Substant� �hich adversely affects tlie value, of the Property. If Bm,xower learns, csr is norified
<br />by any gaveinmiental or regulatory mrthoriiy, or �y privake party, that any rem,oval ar other remedia#ion
<br />of any Hazardous Subst�ee affecting #he Property is neeessary, Horrawer shall promptly take all necessary
<br />remedial actions in accordance with Environmental. Law. Nothing herein shaU create arry obligation on
<br />Lsnder for an Eneironme�ttal Cleanug.
<br />2200156587 D V6ANE
<br />NEBRASKA - Singte Famiiy - FarpNe MaalFneddte Mao UNIF4RM lNSTRUM�RIT W1TH lNEk3S
<br />�-SA{NE) �pg» Psge t2 ot 15 Inttlela: � Form 3028 1/�1
<br />��
<br />