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".u[(c..,.�-.::w-...�...�.:-.v.�... <br /> ---- -._' "„[Yrh:'l,tel/fF:�3 sdeyJ.'.:f.n�14 4w.acdb.l�r1Y3N.41i6 ,Y'ai�.h.4r�'.- __- ' <br />- ���� �d)�d�� <br />- TOG�THF_t�W�TH nU the improvements now or here,�►Rer erected un the proparty,nud ull easements, uppurtenances, und <br /> fixtures nnw or hereafler a purt of the pmpeny. All repincements und additlons sh111 also be covered by this Security <br /> Instrumcnt. All nf the foregoins is rcfcrrc<I to in this Sccurity Instrument as the"Property." <br /> BURROWER COVENAN'fS thnt �orrowcr is luwfully heised af the estutz hereby conveyed nnd has the riglit to grant and <br /> canvey the Property and tl�nt the Property iti unencumbered, except for encumbrances of rec:ord. Dorrower warrants and will <br /> defend gene�ally thc titic to ilie Property iiguinst ull claims cind demands, subj�;ct to any encumbrimces of rc:cord. <br /> 'CIIIS �ECURITY 1NSTRUM�NT cambines uniform covenants for national use and non-uniform cavenants wlth limited <br /> vari;�tirn�s by Jurisdiction to constitute�uniform sccurity instrument covering rcal property. <br /> UN![�ORM COVENANTS. Bormwcr und Lender covenunt nnd ngrcc as follows: <br /> l. Pc�ymcnt nf Pr[ncipul and Interest; Fre�ny�rJC�zS as�d I.ate Chatges. Borrower shall promptly pny when due the <br /> prinr.ihul of:ind intcrest ott thc debt ev's�enceci by thc NoN aad any prcpayme:.;nnr�lat�char�es due under the Nate. <br /> 2. E��z�Iu frar Taues and Dnsururse. Subjecc to a�r�licub��:law or to a written waivcr by Lendcr, Bon•ower shall pay to <br /> Lcndcr on the duy m�nthly payments ure due under tre Note,��nRil the Note is paid in full,a sum("Funds")for:(a)yearly taxes <br /> and ussessments which may attain priority over this Secu�ity Inst�vment as a lien on the Property; (b)yeurly leasehold payments <br /> or ground rents on the Property, if any; (c)yeurly ha�ard or property insurance peemiums;(d)yearly flaod insurance premiums, <br /> if any; (e) yearly mortgage insurance premiums, if nny; and(� any sums payzble by Horrower to Lender, in accordance with <br /> ttic provisfons of paragraph 8, in lieu of the payment of mortgage insurunc�premlams. These items ure a�lled "Escrow Items." <br /> Lender may, at uny time. collect und hold Funds in an amount not to excecd the maximum amount a lender for n fcderolly <br /> related mortgage loan may rcquire for Borrower's escrow accaunt under the federnl tie�l �state Setdement Procedures Act of <br /> 1974 us nmendcd from time to time, l2 U.S.C. Section '1601 et seq. ("RESPA"), unless another law that applies to the Funds <br /> sets a lesser amount. If so, Lender may, ut any time, collect and hold Funds in an amount not to excaecl the lesser amount. <br /> Lender may cstimatc the nmount of Funds due on the basis of current data und reasonable estimates of expenditures of future <br /> Escrow Items or othea-wise in accardance with applicuble law. <br /> The Funds shall be hcld in nn institution whose deposits nre insured by a federnl �gency, inswmentality, or entity <br /> (including Lender,if Lender is such a�institution)or in nny Federal Home Loan Bank. Lencler shall apply the Funds to pay the <br /> 13�crow Items,Lender may not churge Bunower for holding and upplying the Funds,annuaily analyzing the escrow account, or <br /> vedfying the Fscrow Items,unles.s�.ender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law permits I..ender to make such <br /> u churgc.However,Lendcr may r�quire Rorrowcr to pay u one-time chargc for an independent real estAte tax reporting servlce <br /> used by Lender in connection with this loan, unless upplicable law provides otherwise. Unless nn ngreement is made or <br /> appficabie iaw requires interest to bc patd,L.cnrier snau not be requin.d to pay Honower any interest or earnings on the Fnncls. <br /> Bonower and Lendcr may agree in writing, liowever, thnt interest shall be paid on thc Funds. Lender shall give to Ronower, <br /> without charge, an annusl accounting of the Funds, showing credit�and debiis ta the Punds and the purpose for which each <br /> debit to the Funds was made.The Funds are pledged as additional security for nll sums secured by this Security Instrument. <br /> If the Funds held by L.ender exceed tlie amounts permitted to be held by applicable law, Lender shall accaunt to Borrower <br /> fnr the excess Funds in accordance with the requleements of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds hcld by Lender at sny <br /> time is n�t sutficient to pay the Escrow Items when duc,Lcnder mny so notify Borrower in writing,and,in such case Borrower <br /> shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to muke� up the deficiency. Burrower shall muke up the deFciency in no more than <br /> twelvc monthly Lertder's sole discretion. <br /> Upon payment in full of ull sums secured by this Security Instnunent, Lender shull promptly refund to Bonower any <br /> Funds held by Lender.If, under paragraph 21,Lcnder shall ucyuire or scll the Property. I.endcr,prior to the ncquisition or sale <br /> of the Property, shall apply any 1Funds held by Lettder at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit aguinst the sums secured by <br /> this Security Instrun�ent. <br /> 3.Ap�lication ot Payments.Unless applicuble law provides otherwise,all payments received by Lender under paragcaphs <br /> 1 nnd 2 shult be applied: first, to any prepayment churges duc ander the Nor.c; sccond, to amounts payable under paragraph 2; <br /> third,to interest due; fourth,to principul due;wnd lust,to any late charges due under the Note. <br /> 4.Charges;Llens. Borrower shall pay all taxes, asscssments, chargcs, fines and impositions nteributable to the Property <br /> � which may attain prioriry over this Security Instrument, and leusehold payments or ground rents, if any. Borrower shall pay <br /> these obligations in tlie manner provided in parugr�ph 2,or if not paid in that manner,Bonowcr s6a11 pay diem on time direcdy <br /> • to the person owed payment.Borrawer shull promptly furnish to Lender all notices of nmounts to be'pa�d under this para�raph. <br /> If Borrower m�kes these pnyments dircctly,Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender receipGg evidencing the puyments. <br /> Dorrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unless�onnuwcr:(a)agrees in <br /> writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in•a manner acceptable to Lender;(b)contests in goad faith th�lien <br /> by, or defends against enforcement of the lien in, legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinlon operate to prevent tl�e <br /> , enforcement of tile lien;or(c)secures from thc holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordlnating ths lien to <br /> this Secudty Instrument. lf Lender determines that any��art of ti�e Property is subject to a lien wiuch may�ttain prioriry over <br /> . this Security Instrument,Lender may�ive Bonawer a notice identifying the lien. Borrower shall satisfy thc lien or take on�or <br /> more af the actions set forth above within 10 duys of thc giving of notice. <br /> Form 3028 9/90 <br /> � Pefle 2 0�6 <br /> i � � <br /> � _.__ ^.�.__ <br /> -. - T . . . --r—�- - �� , <br /> _ .� - ..� Y�t-.'� R .. . . -T� � r �.ry�► `.� � .�}�r . . s . �. <br /> . �- �. , . � . + -,• � �$ sa..�"'.r <br /> � `�a [�ry0 � . r , ''- . - .•! v� j �, tS`' vY7�w�xr � _- <br /> `�d-'1'�..r. :iyi,� � .: , �� , �.: . 4 r.syCht�� ,,��F"= a .as.saaw�� <br /> ' •rr t . '. � . ' - T'.t.•�.sviYira n ���•.`��i r'�tYi��"' .--- - <br /> 'i':.twft ' t"� ,� ,; , . - . � .+�'�'+n.'h�i;�t9.,+a-t' � �'�.3�x;��il i�'�`��� ..o---- _ <br /> . r . " • ' r�-f'M�" �+�''t �. <br /> ,g.�. ��• � '� ' . 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