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. �- -� :•:�r <br /> . _ ., , . , � <br /> ; , <br /> .,;._.......�.:..,,--- <br /> 1""� , . x � � _ _. . <br /> n,.}/n��wwwn ��.. <br /> :•1 �YLW�JY.�..�.itf.f...d �.lh'r�h.: -.7h1Y'A[Ta�LFYC M.h. . ••• •..1�l .1:.• ._ . –_" _�' <br /> ___ .��. .... ... .. WY�L:.�l� •'..� a - — .. <br /> �y�..r.. ..r��� . .-� ea+✓t.r� _ ' — N01"WJ�4�'�.� -.�_ • ..– .. __– —__' <br /> I r – <br /> �w�N��.1M� r. <br /> ADJUSTA►�L,� RATE RIUEI� - <br /> _ (1 Yenr 7'reusury index-Ratc Cep9) 2�Q27823 _ _ <br /> 19�sIS AUJUS'►'AHL.E RA7E RIll�R is madc this �3TH� day c�f O@C��1BER � <br /> ,n�xl is incorpornted into and shi�ll be deemcd to an�end a�id supplement the MortgAge,Deal of <br /> Trust or Securily uced(the "Secucity Instrua�ent")of tl�c smne dnte given by the undersigned(the"Borrower")to <br /> s ur tl� r w Ad u table Rute Not (thc "Note")ta <br /> �he�Epu�tib`�a`�u�f��ng �n� tain Associet�on ot �r�nd Isl��d, N�brisk�, A Federai Savi�qs B�nk <br /> (the"f.ender")of the same date and covering the property described in thc Security Instrument nnd lacnted at: <br /> 808-610 W 13TH ST GRANO ISLAND, NEBRASKA 88801 <br /> (Prv�:.ty Address� • <br /> THE 9'+lOTE CONTA.INS pRQ'Yi$A��1S A41.OiNIN� FAR CHANG�S 1111 T1�E l3UTEREST <br /> R6�TE AND THE MONTH�.'Y PAYMEN�'. THE NOTE LIMI'iS TH� AM�411NT TtlE <br /> BORROIMER'S INTEHES'f RATE CAN CHAN(3E f�iT ANY ONE YIME IsND THE <br /> MAXIMUM RA�Ti�IH BORROWER MUuT P�►Y. <br /> �DDITIONAL COVENANTS.In addidon to the cavenants nnd egreements m:���nnttn�Security Insuument, <br /> Borcawer and L.cnder fu►ther�ovenant und agrce as follows: <br /> A.iNTEl�:�T RATE AND MONTI�LY PAYMEh°I'CHANGE� <br /> The Note provides for nn initial interest rnte of 7-375 �'a.The NotepYOti�a�les for changes in <br /> the inter�st r»te and the monthly payments,as follaws: <br /> 4.INTEItEST RATE AND MONTHLY PAYMENT C�lANGES <br /> (A)Changc Ihites <br /> Thc interest rnte I will pay muy change on the first day of JANUARY , 19 98 .an�si on that <br /> day evezy 12th monch thcreafLcr,Euch�iute on which my interest mte muld change is called a'Change Date." <br /> (B)Ti�e Index <br /> Reginning with the Grst Change Date,nry inter..,t r�te will be basGd on a.7!tndes. 'The "In�'ex' is th�weekly <br /> avcragc yield on Unitad States Treasur3 stcurides adjusted to a consvutt mawrity af l year,as made available by <br /> tAe Federal'Reserve Board.'1'he most�ecent Index figure aveilable as of the date 45 days beforc each Change Date <br /> iscalled thc"Current Indez." <br /> If the LKiex is no longer avuilabte, the Note Holder will choose a new in�ex wfiich 19 based upon wmparable <br /> .infom�atlon.The Note Holder will give me nodce of this choice. <br /> •. (C)Cr.4culallon of Clwnges <br /> �re��n���te, the Note r7older will calculato my ne►v intqrest rate by udding <br /> , percer.tage point(s>( •z•5� l)to tha Gurrent <br /> Index. Tht Note Holder will then round t2ie result of this edditian to the neazESt one-elgluh csf one percentage <br /> point(0.12596).Subject to the limits swted in Section 4(D)below, this rounded amoitnt will b+e my new interest <br /> rate until the next Change Date, <br /> The Note Holdes will then determine'the amount of the monthly puytnent that would be sufFic3ent to repay the <br /> unpaid principal that I azn expected to o�ve at the Chnnge Date in full on the Maturity Dale at my"new lnterest cate <br /> in substantiully equal pa}�rnems.'I'he result uf this calculation will be d�e new am�unt of my monthly paymtnt. <br /> � (D)L6Tni�ts�on Inter�;t Rate Ctsanbes <br /> The intcrest�te�,��required to pay at the first Cliange Date wial not be greater than 9.3 75 96 <br /> or less than interest rate will never be fncreased or dxreased on <br /> nny single Changc Uate by rn�ore than two percentage points(2.09b)from the ratc of interest I have been paying <br /> ��th���e�orde�{Wern�eniwg�1 7 nevert be«I�owe thRri��S.37SAS?5 �. <br /> (ED�nt�riive Datc ot Changes <br /> My new interest rate will bccome effective on r�ch Change Date. I will pay the arnount of my new monthly <br /> payment bcginning on the first monthly payment date after the Change Dttte until ttic amount oF my monthly <br /> paymcnt clianges again. • . <br /> (F)PTm2ic+�ot Changes <br /> The Note Holder will delivcr vr maii to me a noticc of nny changes in my intcresi rnte and thc amount of my <br /> monthly payment beforc the effective dute of any change. The notice will include information required by law to _ <br /> be given me ��nd also the tide and telephonc number of a person who will answer any question I ntny have _ <br /> �garding the notice. <br /> MULTlSTATE ADJ6ISTABLE RATE HIDER-ARM 6•2-5ingle Family-Fennle�SAoslFcaddi�Mea Uni(orm Instrura��nt - <br /> Form 3711 3188 ' <br /> ���ZZA 183061 VMP MOHT6AGE FORMS•IBOOIGI7•7201 � ?rinted on Reeycled Peper - <br />