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Ass6b�����cE�a���icnc� 2no z�e23 �- <br /> _�._.Y�� THIS 1-4 FAMILY RIDER is madc this 13YH day i�f DECEM� R' 1 yg 8 ' _ <br /> and is incor{x�r.nul into nnd shall Be dccmed to amend und supplcinent !!�c Mortgube, L7cc�of'rruxt or Scc��rity <br /> -�°- �6 Deec1 (the "5ccurity Instrument") af the srane dute given Uy ihe un�lersigned (the "Rurrower") to +ccure <br /> ;�-:-;,r <br /> ....�,..i�;. Borrawcr's Notc ta <br />_.��.r,�� <br /> _-;.�,:a.�� ° <br /> r;--�.� The Equitable Building and l_oan Assoai ation of Qrand Island, <br /> - _- —° hlebraska� A Federnl Savings Bank (il�c •�L.ender") <br /> _——° of tho snme dnte nud cavering the Pmperty dcscribed in tt�e Securiry instrument and locutecl ut: <br /> — 808-610 W 13TW ST� (iRAND ISLAND , NEBRASKA 88801 <br /> -� �Pmpcny AddressJ •- <br />__---� _ <br /> - Y 1-4 FAlV1ILY GOVEFIAN'l'S.[n addition ta the covenants and ogrc;ements niade in the Security Instrument. _ <br /> -�-'`-� Borrower a�xl Lender funher covenant and asree as follows: <br /> � A. ADDITIONAL PROP�RTY SUBJECT TO THE SECURITY INSTRUMENT. In uddition to the <br /> ----- Propeny dcsc`ibed in the Securety Instniment,thc followins items are added to the Properry description,and shall �, <br /> also constitute the Property covered by the 5ecuriry Instrumenr.building materials,appliar�ces and goods of every E,. <br /> nature whaucever naw or hereafter locuted fn, on, or used. ar intended to be used in cannation with tiie <br /> Property. including, but not limited to, those for thc purposes of supplying or distributing heating, cooling, <br /> electricity, gas, water, air and light, fire prevention nnd extinguishirx�appuratus, security nnd access control _ <br /> apparatus, plumbing, bath tubs, �vntcr hea►ters, water closets, stnks,�:��ngc�. stoves, refrigerntors, dishwnshers. <br /> uis�;irsu�s,�asi�cs�,drisr�. s."n2no`, `!^"-'•'•w}�uiowc; �tonn doors_sci+c�ens, blinds, shades,curtains und curtain ;_� <br /> nods,attached mirrors.cabinets.panelling nnd attached floor coverings na�v or hereafter attnched to the Propeny. t;� <br /> �� nll of which, including replacements and additions thereto, shall be deemed to bc and remain a part of the <br /> PropenX coverai by the Securlty Instrument. All of the foregoing together with the Property descrii�ed in the <br /> Security Instniment(or the lcasehold estate if the Security Instrument is on a leasehold)are refcrr�d to in thts I-4 <br /> — Fami{y Rider and the Security Instrument as Q3�e"Propeny." <br /> �. USE OF PROPER'1`YS COMPI.IANCE WITH LAW. Bnrrawer shall not seek, ubrce to or makc a <br /> changc in tlie use of the Propnrty or its xoning classification, unless I.ender hAS agreed in writing to the ciiange. <br /> Borrower shult comply with all luws, ordinances, regulations and requi�ements oF any govemmental body <br /> upplicable to the Property. ' <br /> C.SUBORDINATE LIENS.Except as pcnnittcd by fcdernl law. $orrower shall not allow any lisn inferior <br /> to the Security Instrunxnt to be perfected against the Properiy without Ixnder's prior written perrnfssion. <br /> D.REi�iT I,pSS INSURANCE.Bonowcr shall maintain insurence against rent toss in addltion to the other <br /> hazards for which insurance is required by Uniforni Covenant 5. � <br /> E."BORROWER'S RIGHT TO R�INSTATE"DELETED.Uniform Covenant l8 is deleted. <br /> F, BORR�WER'S (KCUPANCY. Unless Lender and Bonower otherwise agrce in writing, the tirat <br /> sentence in Uniform Covenant 6 concerning Borrower's occupancy of the Property is delet�d. �1i� remuining <br /> covenants and agrcements set fonh in IJniform Covennnt 6 shall rern�in in effect. . <br /> MUL715TATE 1•A FAMILY RIDER-Fannle MeelFreddN Mac Uniform Instmment f�rm 317r0 3l93 <br /> ��-�7 183041-U� V1AP MORTGACiO_FORMS•10001621•7Y81 �PrintM m�Ik6YUM P+yxr <br /> �ri� . , <br /> — �.�..��:�(�� II��������� <br /> . ,',,� . • <br /> ^�� • <br />"_"__:n�14fi���t . <br /> _.::.�.:'���� ' <br /> ,�:::� _ _ <br /> _.. <br /> —'� —...,. ...-�—" _____-_ ____"'__ ___. ' " .�. �ni���.��rNr. -""°— <br /> - --�--�- -� . „-. .--- ---.:- . . 7� <br /> .-. - -- :== - - . ._ _ <br /> ,7�� � . . + 1 . - _-_--=- . t 0'....�.� I �'�`��'�"�- _ 7- � �� . ,--� <br /> fi .1'+ • , «��n�� <br /> .oi�lit„� ' �r '�. .. 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