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<br /> ! �pplic�ble I�w may�peciiy far minst�tement) before wlo of the Propc�ty pwwant to iny power of�le cantdned!n thi�
<br /> _ i Secu�ity Inarument;or(b)cntry of a j�d�ment cnforcin�this Sccuriry Insnvmmt. Tho�condition�arc that Harower. (a)
<br /> ' p�ya Lendcr all Rums w6fch then would 6e due under this Sccudty lnstrument ond the Noto an if no Accelemdon had
<br /> accurad;(b)curea Any defouU of any ather covenonlg or agrcemenlr►;(c)p�ys dl expense9 incumed in enforcing thir Socurfty
<br /> �� Instr�ment,IncladinQ, but nd limited to. reAxonable auornoys'feca;ond(d)I�kes auch action us Lender may rcwionably
<br /> � roquiro to uaure tlwl�ho Ikn of thir Sccudty Imwmen�,l.ender��igh�R M the Property and Bomnwer`x abligadoe to p�y the
<br /> =s�-----_---�' ' sums accurcd by ttils Securiry lnsuument ahttl) condnue unchnngecf. Upnn reinqtrttement hy Anrmwer, thi� Security -
<br /> Inetrument uid Iho obligatbn��ecurcd hercby shWl rem�in fully effective aa if no wccek�tion hed occurted. Howeva,thu
<br /> =�� d�ht to roinrtpte xtwll not Apply ln the cage of ecceleration under paragruph 17.
<br /> 19. Sale d Note; ChanQa ot Loan 3ervicar. The Note or A purtial intere9t in the Note(together with thir Securlty
<br /> ' in�wment)ma�r be cold one or more times wlthout prfor notice to BuROwer. A�nle may rcgult in a ch�►nge ln the entity
<br /> __ _ (known as the't.oan Servicer")thut collects mon�hly payments due under the Note and�his Security Instrument. There plso
<br /> — may be one or more chs�nges oP�he Loun Scrvlcer unrclated to a nale of the Nntc. !f ther�e is a change of the I.oan Servlcer,
<br /> -�— _ --- Bomowcr will bc given wdtten notice of the change in Accordpnce wiih parr+greph 14 above and applicable faw. The natice
<br /> -� wflt stete thc c�me and address of tt�e ncw Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should ba m�de. The notice will
<br /> � aleo conu►in any other infarmadon requt�+ed by applicebla iaw.
<br /> � 20. Hozardous Sub�twacea Borrawer shall not cause or perrnit the presence,use,disposal,storage.or rcleese of s�ny
<br /> Hezazdous Substunces on or in ihe Property. 8orrowcr ahall not do, nor allow anyone else to do,anything affecdng the
<br /> - ' Property that la in vlolallon of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence.use.or
<br /> __ _ - �� storuge on the Property of small quer�dties of Hazardous Subrtances tlwt arc generaUy recogniud to ba appropdate to normal
<br /> --- residendal uses and to maintenance of the Property.
<br /> � � ���� -�i Barrower shall promptly give Lender wrinen notice of any invesrigatbn,claim,demand,lawsuit or other action by a�y
<br /> __— ="'�� governmentel or regulatory agency or prlvate party involving the Property and any Ha�ardous Substence or Envlronmental
<br /> =—_------ I.aw of which Horrower has actual rnowledge. If Borrower leams. or is notified by any govemmental or regulatory
<br /> ` authority,that eny rcmoval or othcr rcmedintion of any Haznrdous Subswnce affecdng the Property is necessary,Borrower
<br /> �;�����'�� siull promptly take all necessery remedial acdons in accordance with Environmental Law.
<br /> �����•-•-�:� � As used in this parugrnph 20,"Hazarduus Substances"are those substances defined as toxic or hazardous substanas by
<br /> ����'`�r������ Environmental Law end�he following substances: gasoline,kerosene.other flunmable ar toxic petroleum products,toxic
<br /> _—,;��,,,;� ,;� I pesticldes and herbicldes,voletile solvents.materials containing asbestos or forrnaldehyde,and radioactive materials. As
<br /> -,�-'..�� used in this paragraph 20,"Environmentul l..aw"means federal laws and laws of ihe jurisdiction whera the Property ls lacated
<br /> Uwt�+elete w healih,safety or environmental protection.
<br /> --u�� '`" NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender funhercovenant and agree as follows:
<br /> �'���" 21. Acceleradon; Remedies. Lender shwll give natke to Borrower prior to acceleration tollowing Borrower's
<br /> "•••��� � breac6 ot anv rnvenont or
<br /> �treement in this Securitv Instrument(but not prior to acceleration under par�rAph 17
<br /> _ ,i�.�. `"�:;•„�•` � unless appUcable law provides at6erwlse). The notice shall specify: (a)the deiault;lb)the action required to cure the
<br /> --'� `'` ' •• ;. 4 detaulh,(c)a date.nat less than 30 days irom the date the notice fs given to Borrower�by which the defAUlt mu�t be
<br /> .,,_ " (
<br /> ��"^"=�- � �' cured;and(d)that tAilure Ro cure the default on or before the date specified in the notice moy result in acceleradon of
<br /> -�-; `� M����••`'��..�:;. the sums secured by thia Security Instrument and sale oP the Property. 'I7ie noNce shall further inform Borrower of
<br /> �� : the rlght to reinstate AfYer acceleraUon and the right to brMg A court action to assert the non-existence of a default or
<br /> ���� any other defense of Borrower to acceleration and sule. [P the detault is not cared on nr before the date specified in
<br /> ` �•�.,• � the not(ce,l.ender at its optlon may require immediate payment In full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument
<br /> +�%n:�;;:,,; ��. �� I wilhout further demand and mAy invoke the power of sale and any other remedicw permitted by applicable law.
<br /> f,n•�•' ;�-�.� l.ender shall be entitled to collect all expenses incurred in pursning the remedies provlded in Ihis par�QrAph 21,
<br /> •u�x�=�.-*=���, iacluding.but not Itmited to,reasonoble attarneys'fees and costs of title evldence.
<br /> ���. �� �• • If the pawer of sale is Invoked.71�ustee shall record a nolice of defoull in each county in which any part of the
<br /> �'� -�.����*�� • -= Property is IocAted and shall maU coples of 9uch notice in the maoner prescrib�d by applic�bk law to Borrower and to -
<br /> �'=� ���'•���:.�•.`.;•�. the other persons prescribed by applicoble luw. After the time required by a�pplic�ble law.71�ustee shall give public __
<br /> '"' 3WWIq?"�""'":"''`% notice of sale lo the persons ond in the manner prescribed by applicuble luw. 71vRtee.without demAnd on Borrower.
<br />;.r� ,'�els�.^'"` � • • sdall sell the�roperty at public Auction to the hi�hest bidder ut the time and place and under the terms dcwig��ted io �
<br /> _ � . ' the notice oP sale in one or more parcels und in ony order'I�ustee determin�w. 7lrustee may postpone sale ot all or uny
<br /> �' � �,�'�.. parcel uf the Property by public announcement nt the time And place of wn,v previously�scheduled sule. l.ender or its
<br /> _1:f6. F�.
<br /> -�:.� . ; :;�,.:. 4,.� designee may purchase t6e Property at any sale. _
<br />:�; .� Upon �ecetpt oP payment of the price bid,'I�ustee shall deliver to the purchaser 7Yustee's deed conveying the -
<br />_ '�'°�" , ' � Aroperty. The recitals in the 7lrustee's deed shall be prima facie evidence atthe trulh oP the statements made therein. �`
<br /> �,a_;r:_W � 7Fustee shoN apply the praceeds of the sale In the following order: (o)to all cosls and expenses of exercising the power
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