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Vsl? �A'.�.1.t. . � - . .. . .. .... ._ _ _..... `" <br /> �������� �; <br /> paymcnt�� may nc�I�ngcr Uc rcquired, ut tho optinn af l.cndcr.ff morag�igc Insurnncc covcrabc(in tho i��7�ount nnd far thc perf�xi <br /> �hiit l.cixlcr rcyulres)provldcd t�y an insurcr upprovcd by tacudcr nguin Ikcomcs nvuUablc nnd is ohtninccl. Iii�rrowcr sh�+ll pay <br /> �hc prcmiums rcyulrcd t�i miyintnin nioti•tgagc insuraiicc in cffect,i�r to pr�wldc n luss rescrva untit ihc rc��uircnzcnt fnr mnrlgugc <br /> hiruruncc cixls in accordancc�vlth imy wrfttcn t�grcemcnt hctwccn Horrowcr cmd�.ci�d�i u�•��ppU�ubl;:latti�. • <br /> 9. In.r�x��tlon. I.cndcr or its ugcnt may �nakc rcasnnnblc cnirics u�x�n mid inypccUrnts oP thc Nr��perty. I.cndcr shutl givc <br /> Unrruwcr nnti.c ut thc timc oi or peinr t�nn inspcction spccifying rcasimablc ciiusc for thc inspc;cdun, <br /> IU. Cnndemnatlun. The proceeds af nny award ��r clnDn for dcunages,direct or ronseyuentiul, in cnnncetlon witl� iu�y <br /> condeinnation nr othcr lnking uf uny pnrt uf ti►c Property,or for convcyancc in Ifcu af condemmition, nrc hereby nssigned und <br /> sliull bc paid to l.endcr. <br /> In thc cvcnt of n total t�king oF the Praperty,the proceeds shall be nppliai to the tiums securcd by this Securiry Instrument, <br /> whether or not then due, with any exccss paid to 8orrower. In the event af n pnnial tnking of the Pmp�rty in which the fuir <br /> market valuc of thc Prop�rty immedintcly before ti�e tnking is equal to ar greuter than the amount af the sums sccured by this <br /> Security Instrument immedtately before the taking, unless Borrower und l.ender otherwise ugree in writing, the sums secured by <br /> this Security Instrument shall be reduced by the amount of the proceeds multiplied by the faltowing frac►ion: (a) the totnl <br /> umount af the sums secured immeQiately before the talcing. dividcd by(b) the fair markct value of thc Property immediately <br /> before the taking. Any balance shnll be paid to Borrower. In the event of a partiul tuking of the Property in �vhich thc fair <br /> murket value of the Property immediately befare the tuking is less thun the amount of the sums secured imme�iatcly before thc <br /> taking,unless Borrower and Lender otherwlss egree in wri.tir�or unless applicable law othcrwisc provides,the pracfxds shall <br /> be applied to the sums secured by this Security I��+!��i�er or not the sums are then due. <br /> If the Propeny is abandoned by Borro���s,or if,at2er notice by Ler.r;er to Borrower that thc candemnor offets to make an <br /> awlyd or settle �cl�nati for damages. Barroi�r Eni�s to respnnd to Lerz�.e.� within 30 days lfter the date the notIce is given, <br /> Lender is authorez�.ti¢o coll�xt aee�l npply the�nx�eeds,at its aption,eiERer ca restoratian or repair of the PropeRy or to the sutns <br /> secured by this Security[nstnirm�nt,whether or nnt then due. <br /> Unless L.endcr �nd �orrutivPr otherv�ise agree in writing. any appl's�tion of procee;ds to principal shall not extend or <br /> postpone the due date of the monthly paynnents refened to in paragraphs 1.��d 2 or change the nmount o`such payments. <br /> lf. RorroK�er Na�t Retea4ed;Forbearence By d.endPr Not a Wa6�-nr.Extension of the time for payment or modi�cation <br /> �g���i�arir►n�f the cumc seeured by this Security instniment grnnted by 1L.ender to any successor in int�rest of Iionawer shall <br /> not operate to release the fiabi3aty of the original Bonower or Borrower's successors in interest. Lender shaii not bc re,o�uired io <br /> cammence proceedings again�nny successor in interest or refuse to extend time f�r payment or otherwise modify amortization <br /> of thc sums secured by this S�cnrity Instru�mient by reason of any demand made by the orlginal Borrower or Borrower's <br /> successors in interest. Any forbearnnce 6y l.�nder in exercising any right or reniedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the <br /> exerclse of any right ar nmedy. <br /> 12� Successors end A.b-��,ns Bound; Joint and Several Llablltty; Casigners. The covenants and ogceements of this <br /> Securlty Instn►ment shall bind und benefit the successon and assigns of Lender and Bonower, subject to the provi�ions of <br /> paragraph 17. Borrower's covenunts and agreements shall be joint and saveral. Any Honower who co-sjgns this Secutity <br /> Instrument but daes not execute the•Note:(a)is co-signing this Securiry Instrument only t� mortgago, grant and canvey that <br /> Bonower's the Property under the terms of this Securlty Instrument; (b) is not personolly obligated to pay che sums <br /> securcd by this Securiry Ins!r:.:nimt; and(c)a�rees that Leneler and any other Borrower may agree to extend,modify,forbear or <br /> ; make any nccommodations r���:h scgard to the terms of tliis S;.curity Instrument or thc Note without th�t Borrower's consent. <br /> 13.Loan Cb�rges.If thc loan secu*ea by this Secudty Instrument is subject to a law whtch sets maximum loun charges. <br /> ; and that law is�:�ti�ly interpreted so tha.*_CS�interest or other loan charges callected or to be collected in connectfon with th� <br /> loan excee�the mer.mitted limits,then:(a}2r^y such lottn charge shall ba reduced by the umount nc�cessary to reduce the charge <br /> to the permitted llmit;and(b)any sums already collec:ted from Borrower which oxceeded permitted limits will be refunded to <br /> Borrower, Lender may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal ow,ed under the Note or by making a direct <br /> payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal. the reduction will be meated as a partial prepayment without any <br /> prepayment cf.<�gc under the Note. <br /> 14.Na2t►z�s..Any notice to BorroK�rr�rovided for in this Security Ins.rument shall be given bp delivering it or by maiUn� <br /> it by first cia�ma91 unless applicuble t;r.�::��quires use of another method. The notice shall be dlre�ted to the Praperty Address <br /> o.r s,r.y ather address Burro�x:�:��:sigr.z:•=s by nutice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by first class mail to <br /> ius�;v�r's add�ess stated herez.�cr any o�t�.� �ddress L.ender designates by notice to Borrowcr. Any notice provide�l fox in this <br /> Sccurity ins�.�_:�ent shnll be deemrd to L+a:re�een given ro�3onower ar 1.ender when given as provided in this paragraph. <br /> ' 1S.Ga��l�� Law; SeverabHity. '1'his Security Instrumen2 sh�►11 bc govemed by federal law and the law of the <br /> ' jurisdiction in a{:ich the Property is located. In the event that any provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the Note <br /> conflicts with epplicablc law,sucl�conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security instrmnent or the Notc which can be <br /> given r,ffect without the oanflicting provision.To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument and the Note are declared <br /> t4 be severable. <br /> 16.Borrower's Copy.Borrower shAll be givcn otte conformal copy of the Note and of this 5ecurity Instrument. <br /> Form 3028 9180 <br /> ' Pape 4 0�0 <br /> ����Y t r�"�y*.1�. .f J.��''. ..' �; . ' - _N.J.L'�'.eL c ! L� �*7 L t�t�r�" =-.. <br /> _ Z � _ <br /> � �bwy • <br /> - _s'7a V,���° i _..} .��. . _ _.r .�" il t tl `k ._ <br /> :`> el� R-e . • r.R. .« .. :'� rxw����ea � +�+ �!r�u _ <br /> 17ov.�-�fA�7rN�,'- !i�-4:i '�:'"ti`'�:.4i �"" .-"' , i,u3�F�ii��it. ��•.` _ ��v. ��r _ . <br /> � <br /> �.ea-•%�� . . � � .. ... . ' � . 'yy.�• -�- <br /> � .T• . . <br /> .. . . . �1� . .!. 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