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r" sTk `y . . i �. , r��H{fti:t;:+..� r t'a <br /> � .. ��.... _ ^ _�- ... <br /> , ��� , - , �- r"� e. <br /> iti,�' <br /> �� _ . _.. ..' .. _. . , -.-7� ,�,t . 1��+i�•:i'�F�.:+. -1 ,� b t a:�w�n i 3y_ - . --� <br /> r.v..�e.r�... � -'•:ldMSL:.:;-•. - y -- - - .. . <br /> _ ._ _-._..-_�_.._..�-.__ __.. .. . _. . ._. -. .a�i-. _ . _ _ r� .. , - .. <br /> cY��1Y � ��WM iM�S ;d(Wr'V.*+� ��IWW�KTr�li.v. \ ... <br /> .' �1.::...i,��L�T �11. ��.� ....._.._..�_ `--�--�y T—.�au�V.4,..!'� '�"=' . __ � <br /> - - __-_ _ ��rt._==- -_—_--' ' <br /> .�.�-�.� ���.�:-r:�.::..� - .�_ . .-.� ...._... <br /> . """•.":�i"ii��iL"G�I'.L��r`r��L'��r_"ilr.�.'.:_�:��r�:L ---�.—""--' " -- �i��T�iL�3[' � <br /> " ._'_i.. ._. <br /> .�_ . I/JVCfsi'.v���'----- <br /> �_ ��lII�� - <br /> TOGETHER WITH all the improvements nuw or hereafter r,mcted on the property,i�nd idl easements, appurtcnnnccs, and �_: <br /> fixtures now or her�ftEr n part of the property. All repincements and additions shall also be cavcrcd by this Security — <br /> Instrument. All of the foregoin�is referred to in this Security Instrument us the"Praperty." <br /> 80RKOWEA COVENAI�TS that I�orrower is Inwfully scised of the estutc hereby conveyed and lias thc right�o g�ant atid <br /> convey the Property and thut thc Property is unencumbered, except for encumbrmices of recard. Borrower wncrants atid will <br /> defend eenerally the titic ta the Property against all cluims and demands, subject to any encumbrcu�ces of rccord. _ <br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUM�NT combines uniform covenants for national use a�xi nou-uniCunn ruvenunts with limitul �- <br /> variations by jurisdiction tu constitu¢e a unifornt seeurity instru.ment covering real pru�eny. <br /> UNIFORM COVENANT�.Borto�ver and Lendcr covenant and agree�ns follows: <br /> 1. Payment ot I'rintipal assal Inieresl; Prepaymeni nnd Late (:harRCV. Borro���er shall pmmptly puy ���htn due tha <br /> principal of and interest an thc dcbt cvid�>ncod by the Ne�te and uny prep.►yment nnd lute chorgcs duc undcr the Note. — <br /> 2. F'unds tor Taxes a�td Insuversce.Subjxct to cnpplicahlc law or to a �vrlucu wufvcr hy l.cnder, F�orrawcr nhull p�►y to <br /> l.ender on thc duy monthly paymcnzs arc duc under thc Note,until ths Nc�tc is pnicl in full,u nuw("l�und,")fur, fn)ycarly taxcs - <br /> und asscssmcnts which muy nttaln priority avcr this Sccurity h�stn►mcnt ns u Ilcn un tlic 1'r�9perly; Ib)yrnrlv Icatichuld p�ynicnts <br /> �r ground rentx on thc Nmperty,If uny;(c)Yearly huxnrd or property inti��nuicc prcmiu�uy;(dl yc�irly f1�Nx1 inyurnnrc prcmiumy, <br /> if uny; (cl Ycarly mortgi�gc Insurnticc prcnilwns, if uny: nnd(i)nny +umy{uiyut�lc hy Il�u�n�wcr to l.�ndcr, In nccun�nncc wfth <br /> thc provisions of parugruph H. iu lia:u of'thc puytncnt ol'morigt►gc insura��cc prcnilumti. 'I'Lr.;c i�cmv urr ccdlcd "Liscn�w Itcros." <br /> L..endcr may, nt uny timc,collect cuid hold F�unds bi iu� unwunt not w cxcccd tl►c muximunt umoum n Icndcr Q�r u fcdr,rully <br /> r�latcd n��rt�;iR�e I��,m n���y rca,ufrc Par�urrowcr's cscrow nccoont undcr thc fcdcrnl Rcal 1?stiitc Sctticmcnt I�rcxcdurcy Act of <br /> 1974 us umendcd frum timc tc> tlmc, 12 U,S.C. Sectian 2601 cr.s�q. ( KF?SPA"), unlcss unotlicr luw thitt iipplies to thc Funds <br /> sets u Icsscr iimnunt. If so, l.�nder rouy, nt u�iy timc, collcct nnd hold Funds in nn iunouut not to cxcced �he Icsscr amaunt. <br /> Lender �nay cstimatc the �m�uunt of Funds duc un thc basis of currcnt diita und ru�sonablc cstimidcs of expcnditures af future <br /> Escrow Items or otlierwise In accordance with upplicable law. <br /> Thc Funds shall bc I�eld in an institution whose deposic3 ure insured by u fedcrul agency, instrumentulity, or entity <br /> (including Lender,if L.ender is such an insdtution)or in any F�crail Homc Loan Bunk. Lcndcr shull upply thc Funds to pay thc <br /> Escrow Items. Lender muy not charge Borrower for holding and applying the Funds,annually unalyzing the escrow account,or <br /> verifyirtB the Es�:row Items,ur�less I.ender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law permits I.ender to mnke such <br /> a cha�ge.However, Lender may reyuire Borrower to pay n one-time churge for an independent real estutC tax repnrting service <br /> used by Lender in connection with this loun, unless applicable law provides athenvise. Unless an agreement is made ur <br /> apnlicnble law requires interesc to be Daid,l.e�der shall not be required to pay Bonower any interest or e:urniugs on the Funds. <br /> . Borro�ver and I.ender may agrec in writing, howevcr, that interest shall be paid on the Funds. L.ender shall give to Borrower. <br /> � without charge, an annual eccounting of the Funda,showing credits and debiGs to the Funds and the purpose for which each <br /> � ' de6it tc the Funds was made.The Funds ure pledged as additional security f�r all sums secured by this Security Instniment. <br /> � .if the Funds held by Lender er.ceed the amounts permitted to be held by applicable law,Lender shall accoent to Borrower <br /> , for thc excess Funds in accordance with the requirements of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by L.ender at any <br /> time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow items whe�due.Lender may so notify Borrower in wrtting,and,in such case Borrower <br /> s�hull pay to I.ender the amount necessary to mnkc up the defiaiency. Borrower shall make up tho deficiency in no mai�e tlwn <br /> twelve monthly payments,at I�end�r's sale discretion. <br /> Upon payment in PoII ol'all sums secured by chis Secudty Inntrument, [.ender ahall promptly refund to Borrower uny <br /> Funds held by Lender.If,under paragraph 21.Lertder sh�ll acquire or sell the Property,Lender.prior to the acquisit�on or sale <br /> , of the Property, shall apply any Eunds held by Lender at thr,time of acquisition or sale as a credit ugainst the sums secured by <br /> � this Security Instrument. <br /> � 3.AppBc.atton of Payments. Unless applicable law provides otherwise,all payments received by Lender under paragrAphs <br /> I� ] nnd 2 shall L�e upplied: first. to any prepayment charges due under the Notc; amounts payablc under pnrngraph Z; <br /> ! thlyd,to interest due;fourth,to principal due;and last. to an�late charges due under the Note. <br /> ` 4. ChArges;Liens. Bomower shall pay all taxes, assessments,churges, fines nnd imposltions attributable to the Property <br /> ' which mny ntUtin priority over this Security Instrument, and leasehold payments or ground rents, if any. Bonower shall pay <br /> ' these obli�atians in the mu�ner provided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in thnt manncr, Burrower shall pay them on timc dircctly <br /> to the pecson owed payment. Hurmwer shnll promptly fumish to Lender all notices of amounts to bc;paid under this paragraph. <br /> If 8orrar�er makes these payments directly,Sorrowcr shnll promptly furnish to Lender recelpts evidencing the pnyments. <br /> Horrower shall pmmptly dischtuge uny lien which has priority over this Sccurity Instrument unless B�trower:(a)agrees in <br /> arriting to the payment of the obligaUon secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender;(b)contests in�ood faith t}�e lien <br /> by, or defends against enforceme�t of the lten in, legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the <br /> ' enforcement of the lien: ar(c)secums fram the hotder of the licn an agrecment satisfactory to Lender subordinntBng the lien to <br /> this 5ecurity instrument. If L.ender dctcrmines thut uny purt of the Prop:.rty is subjcct to a licn which may attain prinrity over <br /> �� this Security instrument. Lcnder m�y give Borrower a noticc identifying the licn. Borrower shull sutisfy the lien or tal:c one or <br /> :, <br /> ,, more of the uctions set forth above within 10 days of the givin�of notice. <br /> Form 3028 9190 <br /> , aaau t oe e <br /> 1 <br /> -- - _. ---,•--- •--_ _•_- -- - - - - ' I <br /> . . . a�'t`� :•it:n';:. . .�:=„r_'°` -- - . - <br /> R v.... . . . . � .. . . , . � �r� !tE J � 4.}��'i.- ..u'nS;''^71rZSo:aa�-. <br /> S ' I y� . `W.AF'+m� _ ._'. <br /> _� f, . . - . ' _ - F�°°Y��.7yy1�d1��� �' - .n .�_ � f^�,tS^•i 1� ���cw - <br /> .. . . - 4. 1 JCtf�V •jr } b � 1 } L 1 rt/i <br /> �f1 �. . � ',•�1.�l��' Y. �� � . r. �[��y�[���� fji�/a <br /> � , 7 . ., .i=. f . �4.� �.,1 � T jl. y� <br /> u��itir. a • <br /> .K- 7' - �, ' • ' • _ i ��P f A. '�, �" '\',1�iL�:.Y� ' � -7 � �.•. <br /> � . � �,: :•r• ��`( �,'�t�' ;��'� �. �'�' ��x .. <br /> Y[ -?t'v4 '1! ,�Y f � .y_ � .. <br /> r�' S ' ' � . . t •` �� '•,� '�}' ��-r � �.i.x. 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