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<br /> L.ioen,ee�: �ae rldc. 1ue Licea�eo heret,y w.iva.any c,l�im for aams�n a�c the Lioenso�.
<br /> :_�;. its ot�'ioas, employea� �Yeaq�nd 1r�depe�dCit oontrwcwcs far nny dama�e oz ir�i�Y ��Y
<br /> r�wit w u�Ct improvement. If the L.#oenwr. in ib wle di�credon�det�rmine�that any part or
<br /> , - all of the imp�ave�t mwt ba remaved or i�dam�od by Ibe Lic�sor, lt�employees��gents� _
<br /> — or i�rde�a�dent contrACtan workin� for tha Livai�or durin$the�oune af their employma�t or
<br /> �y dude� wlth the L,ioai�ot, the I.iansee �t�ees W aasume and pay atl oos� relotinQ eo the
<br /> . -f �.g•�r �
<br /> ;.��::�"'�� replocema�t or repair oP the improvanen�
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<br /> $���..�� � 4. EFFECI'IVB DATB. Thia licxnse aBneement sh�ll take effect m the date it is _
<br />�: Y�. � a�cecuted by tha Mayor of the City of C3rand Island �dated below. It shall contlnue for an
<br /> ����'��'���° inde�inita tarm unt11 such tlma�s it is tarmina�ed as provlded l�fter.
<br /> d�rr� � ���i���.�!.�•`�h+�•
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<br /> . -'�"'•tl`,`.:;.�"��•`-,. S, TERMINATION. Thts Ga�e a�reomeait ahaU tdminste upon one or more of
<br /> ,.� �';,'�ei��� the followtn�oocurre�ce�:
<br /> ,;.
<br />.., �.G`, °� ....,�:,�� a. The servlcx of si�cty days wrltten notice of inteat�on w termin��e by a�y
<br /> ' �� ° � i puty upon the other party.
<br />, , ,
<br /> ,. ,w :��.i .:
<br /> �a'° � b. The Licxnsoe's appllca�on for a permit to alter
<br /> �"�� �"''�-*`� said improvement or any part thereuf, unitss said permit is for work due w an
<br /> , o � .. .,
<br /> _ . � . �t "�� o_vocu�n_eun'ce as dagedbod in P�raph 3 �tbove and s a i d wor k h a s t b e p d o r w c i t f,e n
<br /> _. __— M..:Y �I�{7��1�F�r_ 8�7Y�j�S WG�.
<br /> — _- � ,.-.��.- Tr��'
<br /> � �I�:f�L� , fix..�.
<br /> •, e�� c. The Ltcensee's construction or installation of any structure or improvemeat
<br />' . ° of any naturc upon the real estata owned by the Licensor e�ccept that descrlbod in
<br /> . '���� � ParaBraph 1 above.
<br />_ �' :�
<br /> � � � ' � `' ' Upon the termina6on of this License Agreement, the Licensee shaU be roqui�ed� and
<br /> ��..� . .��+ ' herebY a�rees� to remove said improvement from the Licensor's real estate at its own expease
<br /> �c� � � and without cost to the Licensor. Said removal to occur no later than sixty days at�er raxipt
<br /> "'� " of the notice of intsnaon to terminato or any of the other accwrences set forth in Paragraph S
<br /> ��.� � above. Should the Licensee fail W do so,the Licensor may�move or cause the r+emoval of said
<br /> �,%:- ..: .. . . � improvement from the I.iansor's real estate and the Licensoe agreea W r+eimburse the I.icenaior
<br /> j ._ . *.,� for aU its cost�.
<br /> I ' " .
<br /> ,� ,
<br /> k
<br /> r:::. ,.. ..
<br /> � 6. SUCCESSORS AND ASSI(3N5. This a�ceement shaU be bindin�upon the parties -
<br />;� � ,: . � hereto� titeir auocessor and assigns.
<br /> ��}:�.
<br /> .. : ,.
<br />� �,:��:; � 7. ENTI1tE AGREEMENT. This license agreement consdtutes the entue agreement
<br /> � � ° �, betwcen the puties notwithstanding any other otal or written agreements W the contrary. This _
<br /> .. . .. . licxaise a�r�eement shall be amendod only in writing executed by all parties hereto.
<br /> , � .
<br /> � , �
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