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201�0578� <br />Bi Weekly and Lump Sum Payment Rider <br />(This is a legal document that explains how you pay and what is due after 5 years) <br />This Bi-Weekly and Lump Sum Payment Rider is made on 07/28/2011, and is incorporated into <br />and shall be deemed to amend and suppi�ment the Mortgage, Deed of Trust, or Security Deed (the <br />°Security Instrument") of the same date given by the undersigned ("Borrower") to secure Borrower's Note <br />(the "Note") to ING Bank, fsb (°Lender") of the same date and cavering the property described in the <br />Security Instrument and located at: <br />3204 W 17th St, Grand Island, NE 68803 <br />[Property Address] <br />ADDITIONAL COVENANTS. In addition to the covenants and agreements made in the Security <br />Instrument, Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: <br />A. LUMP SUM PAYMENT <br />THE 5-YEAR FIXED RATE LUAN SECURED BY THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT IS PAYABLE <br />IN FULL AT MATURITY. THE ENTIRE PRINCIPAL BALANCE OF THE LOAN AND UNPAID <br />INTEREST THEN DUE IS PAYABLE IN FULL AT MATURITY. LENDER IS UNDER NO <br />OBLIGATIOPI TO REFINANCE THE LOAN AT ANY TIME. <br />B. BI-WEEKLY PAYMENTS <br />The Note provides for Borrower's bi-weekly loan payments as follows: <br />"3. PAYMENTS. <br />(Aj Time and Place of Payments <br />I will pay a Principal and interest payment every 14 days ("Bi-Weekly Payment"). <br />I will make Bi-Weekly Payments beginning on 09/07/2011 and every 14 days after that date until I <br />have �id all of the Principal and interest and any other charges I may owe under this Note. <br />Each Bi-Weekly Payment wrill be applied as of its scheduled due date and will be applied to <br />interest before Principal. If, on 08/17/2016 (the "Maturity Date"), I still owe amounts under this <br />Note, I will pay those amounts in full on the Maturity Date. <br />My Bi-Weekly Payments must be made electronically. I will make arrangements acceptable to <br />ING DIRECT to cause all required Bi-Weekly Payments to be sent electronically to ING DIRECT. <br />If I send a check to yau for a Bi-Weekly Payment or for any other payment under this Note, <br />ING DIRECT will charge me $50 for each payment that I make by check. <br />(B) Amount of IIAy Bi-Weekly Payments <br />Each of my Bi-Weekly Payments will be in the amount of $155.80." <br />C. BI WEEKLY PAYMENT AMENDMENTS TO THE SECURITY INSTRUMENT <br />The Security Instrument is amended as follaws: <br />(1) The phrase °monthly payment° is changed to "bi-weekly payment" wherever "monthly <br />payment° appears. The word °monthly" is changed to "bi-weekly (every 14 days)" in the <br />Security Instrument wherever "monthly" appears. <br />(2) In Unifarm Covenant 3 of the Security Instrument (°Funds for Escrow Items"), "12" is changed <br />to "26.° <br />BY SIGNING BELOW, Borrower accepts and agrees to the terms nd covenants cantained in this Bi- <br />Weskly and Lump Sum Payment Rider. G �� ✓ � ' � " - <br />(Seal) <br />Patrick J Kellogg <br />(Seal) <br />05-10003 <br />O7lOS Rev. 07/10 <br />
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