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<br /> • ° '�� ._ . .._ '_.}.' _ _—_—"�[.:_..._.
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<br /> - NON-UNIFORM CUVBNAN'1'S. liortower and L�.mdm funher rnren�nt a�Nl�+8icro�follow ��7�3
<br /> � ly. �o�rs propdae�e. If t.er�da iros imn�odiue payn�nt ln fu0 undecp�apnph 9.Leedcr may invoke�hc
<br /> powcr of�ale�1 any�atlrcr remediespe�minod�y�p Ncwbb law. l,endcr�hall bo ent II led to col lect all capcnres incurrcd
<br /> in punuin�1he roniedlea provided in t6ia pn�ph 17.includlnQ.but not limited W.ne�on�blo utomayx'fxs wid cwt�of
<br /> Ntb nvldenoo.
<br /> !�1hepower d� ak I�lavolced,ltudee sbW reoord�aW1ce of default io e�c6 caunty la wbk6�ny part ot Ihe
<br /> Properly rloc�t�d a�d�all�11 copks a�a�not{ce i�tbe nwuer pre�c�ibed b'a icabk I�w W Norrower aad
<br /> to t6e othe�arwn�preacribed by•pplkablr bw Aner the lime nqutred Ay rpp�abk law. 7Ywq�e ehdl �Ive
<br />- - - �ablic�otlte uP�nle la i6e percoaA�w In tke manacr prescrlDcd�by app!lcablc uw 'llrustee�without denuna� .
<br /> ' eorrower,�Ysp�e11 flee�at puWk auctbn to tbe bi,�hat bidder At!he lime and piwx�nd uoder t6e ternu
<br /> - dqip�ted In t6e eWice otewk n one ar more�parceb wad ia aay orde�'IYustee detera�ina. 7lrwtee maY P�pone
<br /> --_ ale d�11 or�oy Mrcd ot the Piroperty by pub7k aaeonncemeni M tM Nme�ad plaoe af�ny praviowly�chedukd
<br /> , ale. l.eader or Its da�i�eee nuq�urclu�se tbe Property at an sak.
<br /> Upon reodpt otp�yment tbe Prke bld�7lruslee�delive�to the purc�er'I�notae'e deed coaveying the
<br /> Propa�ty. Tbe redtafa in the 71�ustee�deed ehall be priau�fiicie evideuct ot nutb ot the ttatemeate m�de Ihereln.
<br /> 7tustee ah�ll applq t6e proceeds a�the wk In the tolbwin�order: (A) to WI cost�ond e:pencec of exercWn� IAe
<br /> — - �-�i- power ot ade,snd the srk,laclndiaII t6e payment of Ede 7tu9tee's tees actually(ncurred.not to�ceed 3.0 96
<br /> d the��I A11101101 O�u1E aote �t the dme ot the dcclantion at deTault, Aad re�ombk attorneys'fiea ns
<br /> y�6 I�wi(bl to sll wae recured by thi�SecurUy Ia�trumeati anA(c)oa'ewe�to tbe penou or perROnr
<br /> to 1�
<br /> 18. Reconveyaaca Upon pnyment of all sums secural by this Secudry Insuument,Lender shall request 7lustce to
<br /> y -"`-`�"'� reconvey tho Property and shall surrender this Securfty tnstrument wd ell nut�s rvidencing debt secured by this Secu�ity -
<br /> Inatrument to 7tusteo. '[tustce shall reconvey the Property without wiuranty and without char�e w the person or personr
<br /> te�aUy rntiAed to it. Such per�on or persons shall pay any mcordation costs.
<br /> ----_- — 19. Sab�stitute'l�uatee. l.er�der.at its option,may from lime�o dme remove'itustee and appoint a successor wstec _
<br /> to any 7lustee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the counry in which �his Secu�ity Instrument is recorded.
<br /> Wilhout conveyance of the Property.the succeasor truc�ee�haU succeed ro ell the tide, power and duties conferred upon
<br /> _ 7tustee hercin and by applicable law.
<br /> --- --- -- ?A. Request for Nodn»w. BoROwer requcsts that copies of the notices of defoull w�d sale be sent to Bortower's
<br /> nddres�which is�he Property Addie:s.
<br /> Riden to Wis Security Inrtrumen� If one or mare dders are executed by Borrower and recorded together with this
<br /> Security In�trument, the covenunt� of each such rider shall be incorporated into and shall omend and supplement the
<br /> = covenants nnd agreements of thi�Security Instrument as if the rider(s)were in a purt of�his Secudty Instrument.
<br /> - -- (Chock opplicoble box(es)j.
<br />-- a CondotniNum Rider �GradwUed Pstyment Rider �(lmwin�Equity Rider
<br /> -- �Planned Unit Devetopment Rider D Other(Specify) pCKNOWLEDGIrENT� pIORTGAGE AODENDUm
<br /> ;;� �_,,, a., BY SIGNING BELOW. Borrower accepts and agrees to�I►e terms contained in pages 1 tluough 4 of this Secudry
<br /> __-- �v - ;�nx Incwment and in any rider(s)executed by Borrower and recorded with it.
<br /> � --- Witneases:
<br /> :.�-� _ � L� � (Seal)
<br /> � . -� � RODNE �S. HARmS �°�1qW"
<br />`�� — � �� ,n/1 v �. A A'ri�G.J�sea4
<br /> ' ^� � 8amuwer
<br /> _ � CARESSE I�. HARmS
<br /> -��� (Seul)
<br /> _�. _���� .� Bortower _y
<br /> - � - •��°A°�� Y (5eal)
<br />------,r.i �"�`'' Bormwer
<br /> ----r�ia='`::�;:jr
<br />-'��'`Y••�'° STATEOFNBBRASKA. HALL Counly ss:
<br /> _ `'�.�..�..,
<br /> ,� :.,._xsr:: ^,,
<br />--� '%��=� ""`� ;; ����� 6TH Juy of pUGUST, 1992 • �xtixc mc,tik undcrsigned, a Notury
<br /> �"`'"�-" �� ` Public duly commissioned and qualiticd i'or said ccwnty,p�:nonuily cume RODNEY S. HAH�IS AND CARESSE M.
<br /> " • ,to mc known to t+c 1hc `
<br /> �. ..... identicpl person(s)whose nume(�)are subscritxd w the foregoing in�trumcnt und acknowledFed Ihe execution thereof'to be
<br /> .. THEIR volumury act and decd.
<br /> � Witness my hund•rnd noturial+cul ut GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKp in +uid county, the
<br /> ; � date afbrrseid. ���
<br /> ,.••, .` �1��
<br /> „ � p�p�AN L K�M�t
<br /> -• M Commissionex ircs: �����1 w �
<br /> Y P N.�...,a.�.�i. '.
<br /> �-°•° .° ---T-- = � ••--••--••-
<br /> : , ..tl TO TRUSTEE:
<br /> .. The undc�igned is thc holder uf ihc notc or notc.r sc�ureJ hy thi+Ucrd of 7Fu.t. S:�iJ rn,tc ur notcs,togclher with all f
<br /> �`� J Wher indeb�ednexs xecurcd by Ihis [hkcd uf'1Yu�t,huv�ixxen paid in tull. Ynu are heRby dinrteJ tu cunrrl+�id ncitr or F
<br /> . .. notes and thi� Deed nf 7Fust,which urc dclivcreJ hereby.�nJ to rcrimvey.withuut warr:mn�. all Uic r.latr nuw hrld h�•�•uu �
<br /> • .. under this peed ol'71ust to thr per,un or��nons Ir�ully entidcd�hcrcto. ��
<br /> ��:..,. Date: --- �
<br /> - {.. °.��'r�� - �►wx.•a„ra rti.x,�,�
<br /> . - . `�: �:
<br /> � . :
<br /> � � , {
<br />