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.,.:;,r <br /> .� • , <br /> ��'..r.._...__. _. . ._ .. _.... .. . • ,, � ' ' <br /> . ����LI- � . . - - W��.J'iYN�...J..._.. 1 <br /> ' .. . .1 ,. • - _-y�'�-..,,- _ _ <br /> , . //. .. . " � t . t.�l�f i. <br /> - , .. ' .. ` � '• .. . - �.�:`�. <br /> . �: <br /> _ .�. . . . , _ � <br /> �.. I, �� ����I 4 �. <br /> I <br /> ` G.ASSIGNMENT OF LEASES. Upon L.cndcr's rcqucst,Bonowar shatl osslgn co I,.cndcr all Icascs of tha <br /> �sw�'� Prapcny and ail sccurity dcposits madc !n conncctlon with Icascs of thc Property. U�an the assignmcnt,Lcndcr <br /> ��»�-�-�•-"�' sdaU havc thc right W modll'y, cat�nd or tennlnnU,thc caisdng lcases end to exccutc aew ic�ucs,in Lcndcr's solo <br /> ' � discrcdon.As uscd in this - <br /> � paragtaph G. thc word "lcasc" sMII mcun "sublcase" if the SccurI�y Instrument is on a � <br /> � lcasehold. <br /> � H. ASSIGDdMENT OF RENTS; APPOINTMEPJT OF RECEIVER; �.EN11�1� IN FOSSESSION. ,:." <br /> Barrower absolutcly ert�1 uncondidonal�y assigns ond tr�nsfers tp Lendcr a!t the rents aird revcnucs("Ytcn�c")of t�e . � <br /> Property,rcgardless of to whom the Rents oF the Prnperty ere payablc. Borrower aut�arIzc.v Lender or I.cnder's ` :�� <br /> �,� agenLS to collcct the Rents,and ag�ees that cach tcnant of the Pnoperty stuil!pay the Rents to I.cnder or Lender's <br /> agents.Howevcr,Hocrower shall receive the Rcnts until(i)I.�ndcr has gfven Borrower noncc of default pursuant W <br /> paregraph 21 of the Secudty Instrument and(ii)Lendtx has gfven na�ce to the te+ia�-�t(s)that the Re�ts see to be <br /> �. paid to Lender or I,ender's agcnt'Ihis assfgnment of Rents consdtutcs an absolnto assignment and not on - <br /> � assignm�nt for Additional sccurity only. =- <br /> If Lendcr gives noUcc of brcach to Bonrower:(j)�ll Rents received by Borrower shall be heid by Borrower as <br /> Irustee for the benefit of Lender only,to lxs applied to tlye sums socured by the Securiry Instrumen�(u)Lcndcr shall •— <br /> be end�led to collect and recelve ell of the Rents of the Property; (ili) IIomowu�grees ttwt each tenant of the ��:'" <br /> .�;:?,' Property shall puy sll Rents duc and unpaid to Lender or Ltadcr's ngents upon Lender's written demand w thc "'�g-° <br /> ..:a�..:.:` �,_- <br /> . tenant; (iv) unless appIIcable law pmvides otherwise, al! Rents collecud by �.ender or Lendu's egents shall be p. <br /> , applled Cust w the costs of taking control of and�nanaging tho Property end collec�ng the Rents,includinR,but not <br /> timiud w,auomeys' fees,rcceivcr's Fees,premiums on receiver's bonds,ce ��� <br /> � pair and maintenance costa�inswanco <br /> : prcmiiuns, taxc.c,acceesments ?nd 0(h�� c�arges on the Rroge..rty,snd then to the sums��by tha ��n.-sry �_. <br /> J ��y .� inctmmenC!v�i rnrirr T rnAwr'3��R!S^Z 3l2�j!!fl2,^.f�j°.�S^rJif:Lt�iL��YC:S�I��3::,2G o„"� G.��Li'vao `' <br /> ° Renu actuaUy received; end (vi)L,ender shall be eaflded to have a recelver appointed w take possessbn of and -- <br /> �anage the Ptaperty and collec:t the Rente and pmfits derived &om the Property without tsny showing as W the �" <br /> .. � inadequacy of the Propeity ag secu[ity. _ <br />;:.._,:, <br /> • If the Rents of the Property are not suffccient to cover �he costs of taking coatcol of and manag�ng the � <br /> =:•_:�•-, ',;- ' Pr�perty and of collecbng the k�nts any fands capendcd by L�auber for such purposes sh�L1 haoome in�ebtednas,s oS _ <br /> ``;':`i•:;:`:tr� ' Bo�towec to Lander secured 6y�e Security Insorument pucsuant oo Unifoian Govenant 7. <br />:::��.!�u;,;.� . <br /> __ �• Bonower re�resents and wamaats that Barowu has aot executed acey prior assigament of the Rents and tias - <br /> �."'""' `'�� not and wlll not perform any act that would pr�event Lende�fi�m eaec�cis�ng its rights under this paragaph. -- <br /> -_= ;.�;,., . Lender.or I.endcr's eBcnts or a judicially appointed receivcr.shall not 6e requtred to cn�ter upon.takc control - <br /> of or maintain ihe Property bcfo� or aft:r giving noticc of dcEsult tn Barrower. Hovuev¢r,L�dcr.a I.endcr's <br /> ,��-.. .� eats ar a udiciall -- <br /> �''�"'�_ eB J Y aPl�inted receivcr.mjty do so at any 6me when a defa�tit occ�us.My application of Rents <br /> �Y.2�� ' shall not cura or waive any defaalt or invaliduta any oYher right or remedy oE Leacder.This essignment of Rents af <br />_-,..�,.,�..��,�;_� ' ' the Propeny shall texminate when ell the sums securecl by the Security Instruenene are paid in full. -- <br /> :__�,_.�, I.CROSS•DEFAULT PROVISION, Borrower's default or breach under s�ny nota or agmement in = - <br /> =_, -- wh�Ch Lender ha9 ea inte,rest shull be a bmach under the Security Instrument and Len�ler may involce any of the <br /> -:=:� remedies petmiaed by the Sec«riay Inswment <br /> `�-�`=R�_`-'°''� SY SIGNING BBLOW,Boaowu accepts end agrees w the terms und provisions conta�ned in this 1-4 Faznily <br /> __.-��� Ridet. �-- <br />-==-r=';,1;:� � -- <br /> -�=�� / • Gu� (Sealj - � Seal r," <br /> =}?�: '� STEP F VAUaHN --� ) _ - <br /> --=Y�:.i -Borrowcr LORI K VAUGHN ,go��"�� -- <br /> -- ._�-=• e`• <br /> _ ;,iea,:� _— �$P'�� � ($'.�� �--�- <br /> _ 4:_; <br /> _ -@orrowcr •Bofrower �,, ' <br /> • i��• . <br /> _ , __ti�_::. <br /> ,�_v— <br /> . . ���ik.-- <br /> �•87 coso4�.oi aap�2oi2 +,r,::,.�. <br /> ,�,Fqrm3?709�/9� J'�—_ <br /> • , �� �P ,. . '=.��R <br /> '{:.:�_:: <br /> • ;'�,._,,,:�:: <br /> . ,- <br /> •' -s------�,�:.�,q,:�u�.....�--�-�-�-- .______ ° .—_ .. . ..-..�.____-____._.._..._.,.____�.__,_,_,�-..r,..._„_�__�_, <br /> . ,. <br /> , � .. ' . �;�:. , <br /> • ' .��� ."r;�k>: .. <br /> . `�';:�...�:,�,,:,a • ., � , " <br /> ■ , , � _ � <br />