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20��05745 <br />Randy James <br />Attorriey at Lazv <br />Phone: (402) 826-9393 <br />Fax:l-866-406-4507 <br />Hall County Treasurer <br />Attn: Tax Sale Dept. <br />121 S Pine Street <br />Grand Island, NE 68801 <br />RE: Vandelay Investments, L.L.C. - Application for Treasurer's Tax Deed <br />RE: Affidavit of Mailing of Published Notice <br />RE: Tax Certificate #: 20080279 (Ha11 County) <br />RE: Pazcel ID #: 400001209 <br />Dear Treasurer: <br />Apri15, 2011 <br />I represent Vandelay Investments, L.L.C. ("Vandelay"). Vandelay is the owner of the above <br />referenced tax certifica.te. Vandelay is currently in the process of, pursuant to Nebraska. law, <br />noticing the necessary partie� to request a treasurer's tax deed. on the property. This is not the <br />official application to your office for a tax deed. However, Nebraska law requires that "proof by <br />affida.vit of the mailing of [published] notice shall be made by the party or his attomey and shall <br />be filed with the officer with whom filings are required to be made in such action or proceeding <br />within ten da.ys after mailing of such notice." As such, I would ask that you keep this letter and <br />the enclosed affida.vit with the above referenced tax certifica.te file or open a tax deed <br />application file on this tax certificate. If the delinquent taxes remain unred.eemed, according to <br />law Vandelay will be making an official application to your office for the issuance of a <br />treasurer's tax deed at a later date. This letter and the enclosed affida.vit should be made part of <br />tha.t official tax deed application. <br />Please do not hesita.te to contact me should you any questions or need further information. <br />Thank you. <br />Sincerely, <br />Randy James <br />RJ/rs <br />cc: client <br />Encl: Affida.vit of mailing of published notice <br />PO Box 21971 • Lincoln, NE 68542 <br />Email: <br />i i-o9�nv�,b � t�rn�� i <br />