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5�i • - i; t!'f�: <br /> �(�E,•, �-:i,:,� . S(����.� <br /> ,. 4' t <br /> ��, riyQ-11��1� ! Y( . h p , �,,Rs.�. r��r�� �A <br /> 5'Y�� ::I - � i�L�J��3 Y*lrJfj 1 {t`f�- � !.^�1�( � .. <br /> •w•� , ' ` �`5. �; j ( ?�i� � � .1"^J';��:. <br /> � �. .t� 3. ti J •.t� . �f��•� <br /> '..'�:.., .l,�ttj �4��5 .;o .ttiti' . <br /> . <br /> . <br /> . s ,, <br /> . <br /> . . .___., ... -_._ .. .�. .. ._,_._ . _ , � >> r(. � :ir .,�., <br /> ._..._ ..__ .1 � . . <br /> � ' �_ •.�'� ...�._��.. ._;, .. .� <br /> +wAS . . � . . .. . . ' . '1 s� �' r�,.4. .,.�.n��e- ,,4:ti<,i,c ,�„ ' <br /> �' . tr <br /> � . ,i 1 � ��. f -'�"!41'� <br /> � _ . '�� { k�,r - <br /> .. � �. � .. , . ... ' . tai... �'��4If1� y th�.S�f„._,dl.l...Y�,-;- <br /> ' .. . . . . .. . . . ,. � ,. .... :1'k:�:�� i�'.°.rS`� Z / . <br /> ' . ��+;i�";�`r;�l`;e:i:;L,���F�4. , ,--� .�' _ i7=4:�;t�`� <br /> .. . - - - ... _ ._ ......_.. ...._..FJ.n``��'L':%':..�.,J,i�..__ . <br /> �:i�;' <br /> ,,,'�.•;�t.:�• ,� . <br /> �°'"' �,Q�]i'I�?r ,•3;,:'.:.;. , „ <br /> �<%i1'i..;;� <br /> S.HaYUrd or Piroperty Insurance. Borrower shall kcep the im�ircrvemenu+n�yw exiRUn or hereufter erected on the Pro '�rk:s'•::,s,�� - <br /> u g P�Y a�;,,,.. . <br /> insured against losa by fuc, hazErQs inclu�cd within thc tcrm "vxlcndcQ covcr�go" nnd [my oQtcr ha•r�uda,including floads or �,;r�4,, � <br /> flooding,for which Lender requires insurance.'ihis insurenco shnil tw matntninod In tha nmounus and for tha periods that I.ender �;;,..t. ; <br /> requires.The;,�sura,ice carrier provlding �he insurunce shall be chvsen hy IlormweT �ubject tn I.ender's approval which shall not �;�`;.;:. _ <br /> � be unreasanably withheld. If Sorrowcr feqs W malntaln cavcrago dcscrlbed abtivo, I.cndcr may, at Lcndcr's apdon, obtain t rG'�s: � , <br /> coverage to protect Lender's dghts in the Property in ticr.ordanaa with pnragreph 7, S��d mort n e clause.L.ender shall �`f',,�''.�{ • <br /> ,,::a��' AU insurance policies and renownls shall bo acceputbie to Lender and Fhall includo a 8 B �t�'•;i <br /> � _... <br /> have the dght to hold the policies and rencwala.If Lender rcqulros,Aorrowee shall prompQy givc to Lendca all reccipts of paid �,,%�,<<;,,+ . <br /> . premiums and renewal nodces.In the event of loss.Borrower sha11 giva prompt notico tc�tha insurtuico carriar and I.ender.Lcnder .,_.,,:1,.� . <br /> may make proof of loss if not madc prompdy by Honov�cr. ��`�'��s�`�'� , <br /> . Unless L.ender and Boaower otherwiso egrcc in wddng, insuranca proceoda shal� ba QPP�icd to restorndon or rc air af the �`'":.`�'�:1ti• , <br /> . _. :, , p sE!"`,.�tr`�,�s� ' <br /> ���`��'�' '''�'' Property damaged,it thm restoradon or repalr is economkelly fcasibk and Lendcr s sccuriry is not l,.ssened.If the restoration or .,,;��,�„'�,1.41r��, .:,�,�.�'ry y � <br /> � ' repair is nat economically feagible or I.ender's security would ba lassw�ed,the Insurenco procecdn shnll be applicd to the sums y �s ±;, ,t , ,.: �,�• <br /> ..,,�,.�ii;�..,t,�.,t,-��;- °- <br /> secured 6y this Security Instrument, whether or not then duo, with any axcess pald w Borrower. If Borrower abandons Yhe ;,,��;;,:4t:,:,�1zt:,:rf:;_ <br /> um . - <br /> 1� �!:n �t , <br /> , Property,or dces not answer within 30 days a notice from Lender that the insuramcu carder ht�s offercd ro scule a claim,then � �,, „t>�N � ; <br /> . :� Lender maY�llecc the insurance proccede.I-cnder may uscs thc proceeds to repatr or rastora tha Property or w pay sums secured ;t,,t�;'{r'���r� o�;,,iy;;. <br /> i ecuri Instrument,whether or not then dua.'IYie 30-da period will be {n whcn tho nottcc is glven. .tL�4t�'-�1..�"::�=�:` <br /> by th s S ty Y 8 1:�.1:�'��:..—.,..�.:.. - <br /> Unlcss L.ender and Borrower otherwisa agrao in wridng,any applicadon of procccds w principal shnll not axtcnd or postpone ,�.'�:;.g�',�__ <br /> � the dua date of the monthl ayments referr,d to in ara nphs 1 stnd 2 or chango thA amount of tho payments.If under paragraph f:�%t:f;'�;�:','-_— _._ <br /> � y p P Sr i,::��h;.:�.•.:�r <br /> . � 21 the Property is acquired by Lender. Borrower's dght co eny lnsuranca pollcies nnd proceeds ra5ulting from demage to the •�:�:��>7�';_,-- <br /> i property priar to the acquisidon s6all pass to Lender to tha oxtent of the sums seaurcd by this 5ecurity Inswment immediately �i�;�`;�;r��(;;,;�:=z;��,-�;;�,;., <br /> � �'�. prk�r w the acquisidon. �l :�,�� �, �;}�; <br /> • 6.Occupancy,PreservAtion,Matatenanct and Pratectton of the Propertyi Borrower'e LoAn Applkation;Leaseholds. f•:�!•.,��t-� <br /> i�.SiY.::,.',Y � a.�. <br /> � �:.<i;F�,r, <br /> ��; Borrower shall occupy,establish,and use the Property ag Bo�rower s prinoipal residenco withln sixty days�ftex tha execudun of �.=,_j:`�,:,,'t <br /> �:n�—. <br /> this S�curity Instrument and ehall continue to occupy tho Property ay Borrower s p�rincipal resid.nce for at least ono year aft,et the ;.�:.,:;}�.:,w-�_ <br /> � t dak of occupancy, unless Lender otherwise agrees in writing. whkh consent ehail not bo unreasousbly withhald, oe unless '�`�`:��;l', ,, :.,;.��y";, •, <br /> � " '_ '� extenuadng circumstances exlst which are beyond Bocrower's control.Sorrowcr ahall not destroy,damago or impait the Property, �,`: `�;�%r'�'� <br /> �;� �;tp�:i. , <br /> . ' sllow lhB PCOperty to dCterlorate,or Commit wasio on uic rT-iu�,Gi�+. u =. �'ti o�1! �!s3 d�f�i� ar�Y fnrfnihye ar_.ri�n or ___.�;`lY,_� ,:i�i--;' <br /> � proceeding,whethes civil or criminal.Ls begun that tn Lender's good falth Judgment cauld rosult in�orfaituro of tha Property or ,y<<, .s '' <br /> . . otherwise�aterially impair the lier►creatcd by this 3ecurity Instrument or Lender's accurlry interesG Borrower may curo such s r�,<<;'{,,,`.;, ; '�� <br /> .t.;.., d: �j; <br /> . � default and reinstate, as provided in paragraph causing the acdon or pro�eeding a bo dismissed wfth e� ru8ng that, in �h<<:�.�. :..;.,� .:.�,;. <br />-` �,:, � Ler►der's good faith determination, recludes forfcsiwre of the Sorrower's interest in the ProNcrty or other matcrial impainncnt of ':`�U� �"�" ' `� <br /> P� � �;�;' �.�;:°�. <br /> the llen created bY this SecudtY Instnunent or I.ender's securtty interest Borrower shall atso lxi in default if Borrowu.during the `'' }�'� ��`� <br /> ` �'�y,,.�.� .LY°•' '4J � �,i..� <br />�r����;�'s`,;t. laen appllcatioa pracess,gava materially felse or ineccnrate informadon or statemenu to Lendet(or fatlod W provida Lendu with .;�;.�;-�, <br /> :�r,��:.� �� <br /> .;,..'�,r. any materiai infoimaaon) in connec�on witi� the loan evidenced by the Note, including, but not limited to, representntions ";,;'3�`?', ` <br /> ��: .:`a . -•� concerning Borrowu's occupancy of the Pcoperty as a principal resider�ce.If this Security Inswmcnt is on s le,�sehold,Horrower �-'�:::•i . ;�: <br />�'�'� . � s l�a U c o m p l y w i t h a l l t h e p m v i s i o n s o f t h e l e a s e.I f B o r r o w er a c quires fa titic to the Pro�x r t y,the lca�chold and tho foc titla shall ,�t'� �'.. �' <br /> � '.' not merge u n l e s s L e a d e r e g r e e s W t h e mer ger in wridn g. i��• :����.�: <br /> i iS�H:�"i"'- <br /> <�`-:�,p <br />'-�;"r... '; 7.P r o t e c t i o n o f L e o d er's IIt i�hts[n the Pro p e P t y. If Borrowei feils to peiform the covenante and egcamcnts contt�ined ln .��:}y,: <br /> � ��- <br /> � , , n �may si ificantl uffect I.cnder's rl hts in Iha Pro suc fi as a ���'����;=�:; <br />�::���;�'. . this Securlty Instrument,or lhcre is a legal pcoc�edi S 8�► Y 8 P�Y ( :,��. <br /> f`'%''�*-^ proceecling in baziluuptey.probate,for condemnation or forfeitura or w enforce laws or reguladona),then Lender may do and pay ���:F�u�,.�.h... <br />_ � �A;�,��:��� r Y for wha0ever is necessary to protect tlie value uf tho Property end Lender's dghts in the Pcoperty.Lenda's acUons may include t,�f� ;` � <br /> t , •° !n couct� WYinB reason�la �hA�'`�'"' <br />�3:�s:'x�,�,�a,;.:, paying any swns secured by a liCn which has priority over thie Security Instrumant,appaaring ,,_-__.,_,,,:o <br />" � � ,. attomeys' ft�es and ente�ing on thc Property W mako rcpairs.Although Lender may taice scdon undcr this paragreah 7.Lender ����"��- <br /> � ■�h <br /> -...........y;f . <br /> -- <�• docs nat have to do so. 1���ry==_-�_.—=—_,- <br /> ��,��;';:`?;; h 7 shall become additional debt of 13ormwu seeurod b this Sceuciry >. <br /> �_..4 '� kny amounts disbursed by Le�nder under this ParagraP y <br />'_ "��.�,:i�y' InstrumenG Unless Borrower and T.endca agee tn othcr temis of payment,these omuunts shall bear lntenst i'rom tho dAto of � �".;��"�''� <br /> '"'r�nSA�'±�,1".`. <br />��,,,;,,�,�;,:;?�. ;_� disb�usement at tha Noto rate and shall be payable,with interest,upon notica from Lender to Borrowu roquostln8 paYmcnt. �;��,,;;�;: <br />�::�p±_�� ���-::k:=; 8.MortgAgE InsurAaca If I.ender required mortgage insuranc�as a condldon of maki�ig the loan securod by Ihis Socurity %:;�;_M�' <br />-nt'a'°,=,`, ..•''��. Instrument, Borrowcr shall pay the premlums required W maintain dia mortgago insurancA in effoct. If, for any reason, tho ----- - -_ --_ <br /> "�' ' mongage insurance coverage reqnired by L.ender lapses or ccases to bo in effec� Borrower shall pay tho premiumA roqulral to � : <br />°. ' obtain coversge substantially equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect,at a wst substnndally equivaknt to tha ?:_ <br /> ,:.�.,�.;,- <br /> - � " � cost ta Borrower of the mortgege inaurancc previously in effcc�from an alteeneta mortgage insurcr npprovcd by l�cndcr. if �r«=`�"= <br /> - • substantially equivalent mortgago inswance coveragc is not availablc.Bonower shall p�y to Lendcr cACh month a sum cyual to ,;�%�� <br /> ,.,;.,;�- <br /> . I'� onc-twElith of the yearly mortgage insurance premium boing paid by Bamower when tha insuranco covcrego laps,cA or ccasal tn , ,..: '�;.... ; <br /> - �1�'.' be in effec� Lender will accept,use and retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgege insurance.I.oss reservo �� � �'�'`���� <br /> ,, '9�.�4�y�t sf:::�:`;i�':: <br /> ,. �.,s <br /> — c, Fo►n1�OS� O/YO '-.v;�?�;k;; ;''•..;i�,�', <br /> ; (�•8R(NE)to2�21A� Papo 3 0�e �nmal.: � `, ���'�+k,y'�?�,���`��� <br /> .. ♦ <br /> 1 '� • ". •tT� �T .l„1 • !�7'� <br /> ' .1. - , .1' ' <br /> . _ <br /> _ --^ <br /> --_ — <br /> .. -_ . _.. �'._`" _ . �,,,m�,�p�s...�....�.� _�.."' _'_,_ . . .. . ... ,.- - ._._. . ..._..__..- � . .. <br /> � � ' <br />_ - ����n.Cv..-._..--..,...�'�_'__..-..__ � -Tr� -^,.-..-..--. . . "'!'ti^A:.-w'• ' . .i <br /> . , 1.. .. . .. <br /> .. �; , . ' . . . „ . <br /> ' .. ..�l. . , � .� <br /> � - .. ... . ., .. .. <br /> . .. � . . 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