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<br /> 92- 106892
<br /> �4---��;�' ' �� •w�� g AciItEEiIENT is �eads snQ. �nt�r�d into �hi• � d�y ot
<br /> 1992, by and b�taMn BETTY 1►. ZtJB�iLRB, a sinpi�
<br /> . '"" poraan, he nafter r��er�ad to a� "ZU8liLK8", end KICH�IEL O. FR�i
<br /> � g��t= y� g�E=, busband end wit�, h�r�inatt�r r�t�rr�� to u
<br /> - ;, +' NF�SIB�� and _�
<br /> -�.�"_;';��•W;:;�: :Y"`:� • �g, Znadlke is the ownar o! a a�rtain pera�l o! land
<br /> �� ��''��w'�t': ',�f locat.�d �►t 412 Enst 19th 8tra�t, Grand Islend, H�il countY,
<br /> :.��...";':�f::��'-�d�'.'�'�i�.,
<br /> �=_�3,;.�•. Y�, . Nobrauka, and lsgaliy d�oribad �e Yollow4: __,
<br /> �-��:��,w,.;,r� 1► traat o! land oonprising the E�atorly Forty-Thre� F��t
<br /> �°`"'�'��'�-�=:-J1�� (E43�) of Lot Nins (9) � tho We�teriy Twenty-Eight I��ot
<br /> !�-'�`:,"�°'e"��::":` (W28�) o! Lot Ten (10), Bloak Nine (9) , 1rlorri� Fl.tth
<br /> -��ua,t:_�� -
<br /> ��`� ?��•�� � Addition to tho City af Grand Isiand, Hail County,
<br /> -�-��=�:'�-`. Nobraska,
<br /> _., z� � _
<br /> i�� ..���i3�•:.`.�: -
<br /> _ ...r.Y:,,,... '�r lutd
<br /> ...;,,;• 4; ;,`. ::,;, .
<br /> . �k�:� -
<br /> � ",i�,' ,�: , ;.;�'�'� WHERE718, Freis are the owners of a aertain parasl ot le�nd _
<br /> rr�;�' `'� �� adjoininq tha �bova d�acribad parael of lnnd on the wos� aido
<br /> • >.. ��.. �:: ,:
<br /> `�:�. thereo! loaatod at 408 Eaat 19th 8treet, Gre�nd Ialand, Ht�ll Countiy,
<br /> -:�-� . �� �:'�. "`' � Nebreaka, and isqaliy desaribad aa tollowas
<br /> ._ ,�
<br /> `:±�,.;. -'��'�.``� �. � �f The Ea�terly Forty-Nine Fost (E49�) of Lct Eight (8) and
<br /> �-��.�= . � •� �. �-���•. ���. � tt�a Weatoriy Eievon Feet �wii� ) o� s�ot Nine (9) , B�oak
<br /> w��: E �� � � ���'� Nine (9) , Morris Fifth Addition to the City o! Grni►d
<br />-=-�''`� _.-;^'�"-�`• ,'-!��".� isleutd, Hall �►�nty, Nobraska,
<br /> ..•.-'- -_ .:A�� �
<br /> _ . :���u;,
<br /> �a..; and
<br /> � �<�` � - WHEgEAg� the true bound�ry 11ne between said paraels o! land „�;•
<br /> �:�' is shown upon the Survey attachsd herato, marked Exhibit "A„ e�nd --
<br /> � � � �aado a part hereof by re=erenca, and
<br /> . ;�.�
<br /> `•� °„� - `.� WHEREAS, a party or parties unknown have by mistake built a
<br /> � feace runr►iny north an3 south aaros� thh land owr.a8 by Zuehlke rs,�d `-
<br /> ��;�� theraby enclosing a Part thereo f (approx ima te ly o n Q f o o t i n w i d t h)
<br /> w...
<br /> with the land owned by Freis, the loaation of whiah fence is � ���
<br /> � `:L•`�'� � ' correatly shown upon the above rsforr.ed to Survay attaahed heret.oi �•�
<br /> `F�;',..
<br /> ��'�'?'. ' � NOW, THEREFOItE, IT IS AGREED A3 FOLI,OWB: �
<br />°"� .. .:: . � 1� �A�3 asi e�n of No Riah�. The Freis admit that the true ==-�
<br /> � boundary line between their property and the property of Zuehlke is �'
<br /> �. as shown up�n ths above referred to Survey attaahed hereto, and -
<br /> °` , that the fence is looated upon the land owned by Zuehlke.
<br /> � . � . �;,.. :
<br /> ., 2. r.�ea.+se to O�e. Zuehlke agrees that Freis may, without
<br /> � �'' � further liaense on thsir part, use, maintain and enjoy all that _
<br /> �� F .. portion of sa3d land of Zuehlke whiah lies west from and along snid l�
<br /> s • �� fenae until Zuehlks, or anyone takfng title through her, shall I
<br /> ' '.; y desire to remove eaid fenae and aonstruct a new fenae over, along �
<br /> � , and upon the correat boundary line as ahown on the attached Survey.
<br /> ` ' �� , 3� �.,,y���rt tn RLn Wi� La_nd. The burdens and benefits of �
<br /> this Easement Agrae�aent are intended to run with the properties �
<br /> . � �� owned by Zuehlke and Freis, and be binding upon them, their heirs, �
<br /> � suaaessoir� and a�sic�ns, re�pe�tivelY. �
<br /> � .
<br /> '" IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto signc�d this
<br /> _ _ ` �:�:.�.vd_.�-_-,�_�-_ g,Qe�r} pereament the daY and Year first above written. �
<br /> . ,
<br /> -- ;, . -_- -- - .f� , l" �c t �'/((lC.c�-
<br /> BETTY . ZUE LKE '
<br /> ., �
<br /> •� .
<br /> '� ICHAEL D. F
<br /> • . � Jc,v ` ' �� '
<br /> ' � KA .ERINE L. FRE ,
<br /> . �3.
<br /> � .' �
<br /> , i
<br />