, . .�`"� ^P� •`-�..'—...._.._ .r• -n.�,
<br />. • �� . ----- .. ... _ . . . _. _
<br />�� .�..!'�. --- ,� '
<br /> 11FFII?�VIT IN SUPPOa'P OP TITLE ��� 1��
<br /> _ BT�TE Ol� COLORJIDO )
<br /> • ) i�.
<br /> County o! )
<br />- - �---------' Coa�s now Riahard Darl ing iseh, befnq �irat duly sworn on oath
<br /> and d�pos�s and states:
<br /> 1. This 11!lidavit ie boing qiven in aupport of title to tho
<br /> follawinq doscribed real aatata loaatad in Hall County, Nebraaka,
<br /> to-witY
<br /> Ths Wo�t Hal� o! the Southaast Quarter (W 1/2 8E 1/4) of
<br /> S�ation Thirty-two (32) , Township Twalve (12) North,
<br /> � Ra�g� Nins (9) W4st o! tho 6t.b P.1�., in Hal1 County,
<br /> �t�braska. '
<br /> �� 2. 1►ffiant, ia ona and the s�amo peraon as Riahard Darling -
<br /> Leah, onQ ot the cirantose in the Warranty Deed appQaring in Book
<br /> ,,;��,.,:;�::avm;�
<br /> 68 at Paqe 636 of Daad Reaords cf Hall County, Nebraska, whereby
<br /> _� A. Darling, otherwisQ known as Alfonzo Darlinq, a ainqle man, as
<br />----i--° Grantor, aonv4yad the above desaribed real estate to EthQl 1Kay
<br />- � Laah, Truetee, And Richard Darling Lesh, aa Grantoro, on the terws
<br /> __�� and aonditions a4t Porth in said Warranty Deed.
<br /> 3, l,ftiant €+srther e��tos that Ethel May Lash was laia mothar
<br /> ',•o:ee�x�S�.'i�
<br /> :��-_:-��W and thnt �he died a acasident ot Omnt►a, Douglaa County, Nebraska on
<br /> �����`����°� March 19, 1952.
<br /> -�'�1�'- 4. Affiant further states that his date oP birth is May 3,
<br /> "���.+�_'�
<br /> ..._��s�:t�.;,,_.. -.� 1927 end affiant attained the age of 30 yeare on May 3, 1957.
<br /> -�aIl���;�� 5. Affiant furthar states that at no time prior to his
<br />_-�s�""'�''�°" �° attaining the aqe of 3o years did he endeavor to terminate tha
<br /> "`�� trust arising or created by the Warranty Deed refarred to above
<br />=�•r �»"�.' reaordad in Hook 6A at Page 536 of Deed Records nor did he attempt
<br />__.,� :«..»..,. ,.°_, =
<br /> ���� in any way to aonvoy or encumber (incumber) the abova dQSCribed
<br /> -�� ' .�,
<br /> -_�:'` ' ' r`'' real astatQ or any part thereof and did not allcw or sufFer the
<br /> �� `��`` same to be encumbersd (incumbered) prior to attaininq the aqe o!
<br /> .r
<br />��- ��<:.;,6.�. 30 yedrs.
<br /> i- �'"`�`"'� � 6. Affiant further states that all future tax notices should
<br /> ._ o�r. r:�,•:. •
<br /> - •.5 � �._,'�*... -
<br /> be sent to him, as the present owner of the above described real
<br />,� �'v•"�, e�tate at the following address:
<br /> • �,�,a.,,:��:..• .
<br /> �y_ ...,,�U'u..va�'"
<br /> Richard Darl i,ng Lesh
<br /> � ., 1205 Lory Strest
<br /> • `� .,r. •° Fort Collins, CO 80524
<br /> '� � � J�, � � a 7. This affidavit is made based upon affiant's personal
<br /> ;'_ . ° . . knowledge.
<br /> �:
<br /> � � � Further afffant saith not.
<br /> � : �'� �� Dated this �� day of � 1992•
<br /> -- � � �'�4. /� ,� /. =
<br /> --- -.-- o = . - ,�.,�-� ;
<br />_ Richar Darlinq ah !
<br /> � . .:;:,Wa11�..:. �
<br /> � � ' Subecri�ad in my presence and aworn to before me this ,� L
<br /> ' , �• ° .�`.�..•- day of _1 GC.LIQ� , 1992. � ��(-6tf 0 1411 l r�� i
<br /> .. ':,
<br /> , , �.�, ,��.,.�No�Fa�„Publ ic �
<br /> ' . ��,' ° ', My aommission expires MyCommiss�nw'yt' ^' C _
<br /> . v, °
<br /> �,
<br /> - x „<< <
<br /> �. � . . �:
<br /> P.. �:'
<br /> , .. . .� . ��_' .
<br /> b }� .
<br /> :�� ._.
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