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<br /> � — -- `.�"� (d) B�neNolary may�ct ro cau�ths frwt PropN+ry a+nY M►t dw^at to b�ao�undn ths power ot aak,andln auch avsnt,
<br /> B�n�Nclary a rnutw ahap p►w aucA notk�o/dN�ult and rwtice oI aw a�may bs 1h�n roqulrod by l�w. Th�ndter,u NN
<br /> urpfnticn d such drtN and th�pfvUp ol auob r�otlC�d a�N as mey t�n b�nqWwd by faw,7ruatw.at th�dm��nd ao�spsdl�d
<br /> by Ih�nofla�of s�h.s�u a.�won rNSr�ro�oM,a any pa►t thaeo/ap�ClN�d by Ben�fkUuY.at pubNc aucHon ro d►�hi�h�sr
<br /> bldd�r la cuh!n lawhrl n�y ol th�UMt�d Sht�e of Nn�Hc�.Upon rrc�lpt d p�ym�nt o/dN pdco bid. TiwtN ahs11�ppty tM
<br /> -• proCNdt M t1N blbwlnQ wdN:(J)to dN Cosf�nd.xp.n:.e a ex.ncis�n�au pow..a sa►..ne a rn.�,u�,lnCNdlnp but nof Nmlt�d
<br /> ;ti M.bwtw'a/aw�ornot mors then 5600.00Plua on�h�lf of orN p�rcn►t of thr Droaa iah pdc�.�nd na�ombN�fto►r�y l�w,(!I!ro
<br /> ._ tlN Ind�btrdn�as,and(1N)dw oxcass�!1�ny.to tl�p�r,ta�or psnc�na Ipaly�Mldad fhsnro.
<br /> ._,_.___
<br /> AN ooas anal�x Inca i r e d b y B�n eNc l a N!n�rrMrcl n p an y�yht undN Ihls Oaad ot Tivat,InoNdln�wlthout un�Nedon,+�bsbect a dtN
<br /> �� �,+PPr� �Pn+nlums for tldr lnaunnCO.aUOrrNy fws and cowt cwb.sl►NI bs�nd oontdtuts lnd�btadn�s�cur�d Mnby.
<br /> _ --- -- --_- _
<br /> Q7. D�ufNr of Tiurns. Tiwta+�peoe thaG
<br /> �;,y,, (y puflay arM oWl�adona of Trustse sAall be determined solaly by the oxproas proNsfons o/thla Ased of Tivat�nd Tivafee sAall not bo
<br /> j -- Uabfe�xc�pt for dwper1ormence dsuch dudaa and obdpadoni aa aro ip�clNadly a�f lo�h h�nln,md nolmplNd cownanta w
<br /> -- abll/Qatlons�hW bo lmpos�d upon Tivahe,
<br /> -- - --- (b1 ���d dd�Dosd ota dut/aa hwe�undsr,Ta fnt the exor�a ol sny of Ite r/yhts�re�powersrwl�o iraur ony Iln�ncld obll�etlon!n
<br /> - - (o) Trust�s mry consuk wIH►counse/of ite own chooring and th�advlse of auch couns�l shall be iull and canplete wthadr�dai�nd
<br /> ----�.-��. prot�cElon!n dw rrtpact o/�ny acGon taken a eulfaed Dy!t hereuridar In pood felth and rellwica fhereon.and
<br /> - - - (d) Tiustee shall nnt be N�ble la any actbn taken by It In p o o d l a i d►an d►�u o m b l y b�N a v�d b y!t b b o a u t h c r l t a d a w l f h l n!t s
<br /> ---- -- ---- d/sc»tlon a ilphts a powera conlened upu►r It bY thla Deed o/Tiust
<br /> —�--�� 2 8. S e cu r iry Ayrea m e n t and Flxture F!!ln q.1lils Deed d 7rost shsll consdtute a securlty agroement and Nxhrre NQnD undei�Iw provJrlons ol
<br /> _ — the Nab►aska UMlbmi Commenda/Code wlth ol�ivator,vldwrtlmlhr�dlailmlNvto dw sama�now�a r�hareUhr��a�aon qw
<br /> Tiust Prope�fy.toysther wifh aN odwr prope�ly
<br /> �._�n�--_-,--z-z.� TiustProp�rfy _
<br /> -'��"'�"':'��:��y pon request o!Tiustor.BenellclaiY�at Beneflc/a�Y's°pdon,Pdor t°lulf reconve ance of tlw Trust Prvperty by _
<br /> � Z�. Future Advances.U with Interest fhoreah shell be secured 6y dd�Deed ol
<br /> _=`•=�� Truaroe to Trusta.m�y make h�fure advances to Tiustor.Such lutuia advancea.
<br /> ��:;Y�� N�+�'"y rtia�ar no ame anau n,o p►�n�r�amoun�or tiw�ndobtedness secured by thls Oeed o/Tiust,not lnoluding sums advanced to protact
<br /> fhe secur�ly,exceed the totel sum of S .Advances ol dlaburaements made by BenaNcJary b protaaf tha sacudty,
<br /> .:.���:.� '�,:�t.';r•.
<br /> � undw Me tam►s hereo%whlfe dlscredonery.ahall not be deemed to be opdon�l advences.
<br /> --—:-.,�v„
<br /> __:!;���^ 30. Reconveyance.Upon paymenf o/all lndebtedness secwed by fhls Deed of Trust BeneNciery ahall request Tiustee M reconvoy the
<br /> , �,-..;.,,., .;:� : Tiust Propo►iy and shall swrender thls Deed ol Tiust and a!1 notes evldencing Indebtedness secured by thls Deed o/Tiust ro Tiusfee.
<br /> . �.;;t,,P. * �" Tivatee shell reccnvey the Tiust Property wltl►out wa�renfy and wid+out cM►pe to tlw person a personr lapally entlGed dwroto.Suah
<br /> �. ,,�.; l .,_ :_:.'.
<br /> :`_� '.:.,1';:::'��• ::' . perron or persons shall pay r�ll costs olrecadatlon.il sny.
<br /> �r 5•r;..�,
<br /> -�'� � 91. Sabetltute Tiustee.BoneBclary,at!ts optlon,mey lrom dme to tlme iemove Trustee and appdnt a Sacceasor Tiustee to any nwtae -
<br /> -•,_,i .�':�%..::.�r � �:i e p p o i n t e d h e r e u n d a r b y a n i n s w m a►t r e caded!n the coun ry!n whlch thls Deed o/Tiust!s recaded. Wlthout conveyance ol the Trucf
<br /> Pmpeny,the Successa Trusteo sAW succeed to all dtle,powe►an�duNes conlened upon Tiustee hereln and by appllceWo low.
<br /> -�-,�._•.-�..�. - 3�. �Ilsc�eNanwus Ai(�f�tar uf Senefklary.Sarsafldtsty mey et eny tlme and from dme to N m!+,w i t h o u t n o Hce,consen t to t he m a l dn g o/a+t y
<br /> .r.;i'. �
<br /> , plaf M the Trust Property a the creatlon o/any easement thereon or any covenants resModng use or occupancy fhereol a agree to
<br /> � ���-'� ` alter a amend the terms o/thls Deed o�Tivat My pe►sonel ProPertY iemalninp upon the Tiust Property elter fhe Tiust Properry has
<br /> -���� '�` � been possessed a occupled by Benelklary,!ts egent or any purohaser ldbwing Tiustee's sale.laecfosure,a undor any deed!n Wu
<br /> � • ^� ° o/Trustee's sele a faeclosure,shall be concluslvely presumed ro have been ebandoned Dy Tivator.
<br /> -..� . -.
<br /> _ �� ;�• " 33. Notice ro Tiustor. Trustor he�eby requasts d+ot e copy o!any notice o/de/aulf and nodce o/sale made a axacuted by Tiustee pwauant
<br /> - . F����� g ` to ffw provlsJons hereol be sent to Tiustor at Its malllny address set f hereinabove.
<br />�_'-�:�����,��,L,,1� ��. IN WITNESS WHEREOF.!h!s Dead o/TiuBt has beon duly executed the d d yesr Hret a ve wr/ n.
<br /> ...,;_ ,n- _
<br /> _- �
<br />--- •�;M,�;� eac r .:
<br /> _:�'. ' ., ..,�,,,.,... '
<br />"t� > �`� .. � ; � M STATE OF NEBRASKA ) uda D. Roeacker i�
<br />� � � •:�ry�►•• � �. .'k:1r1'f• �.45.
<br />_�;- .s� q COUNTY OF 1
<br /> •,�� .
<br /> �",.,.,� , �,
<br /> 2J' ..
<br /> �• ''� ••'• ,
<br /> � On thls_day ol ,19�,De%ro me,e notery publlc!n and lor said county,personalty came
<br />�`N^ : . , ,' � . ,and �- _
<br /> �s`�.,.��.`..^,_� . o/ known to me b be the ldentica/persons who
<br />- • algned the foregolnp Deed o/Trust and ecknow/ed�ed tho oxecutlon fheraol to be thelr voluntary act and deed,and the voluntary sct end
<br /> ,;�,-:._. `:� daed of sald eaporetlon.
<br />��� •i�411�"•`" ' �: � WITNESS my hend and rtotarial seal on thls the day end year last above wrltten.
<br /> _ ,,.•. �. ,�„�.,.
<br />�;-.
<br />�.:• ti �, , �S�
<br /> - ���,�,;, -'�
<br /> . koay ruD�c
<br /> . ., , M'oo�nwsimuphs -
<br /> �• ..
<br /> ..
<br /> • • STATE OF NEBRASKA 1
<br />, �'„ . .. • )ss. -
<br /> ' •• • COUNlYOF �L I -
<br /> .. t ^ . . -
<br /> , � . pnqi!$ Sthdeyof Austuet �g�,?,beloreme,r+rrotarypubllclnandlo►saldcounry,personallycame[:ar� n_ R�AA�4pr
<br /> '', , ° �d L nda D Rn nelrpr� Anat+and nna Wifa ,knowntometobetheldenticalpersonswho
<br /> ����.c±� ���n,.�,�n--.:.;...� 8lDned the/oregdng Deed ot 7rust and ecknowledged the execuUon thereol to be the�r voluntary act and deed.
<br /> —: -- __..�-_ -
<br /> •� WITNESS my hend and notarlal seal on th�s the day and year last above wntten. _
<br /> ,, . "�
<br />' .. � � (SEAI,� ��TAn,Sm M M�kifla , ��_-_- ,��J ,
<br /> 1 ��
<br /> . TIMARA L CAMC'BELL � �il 1► �'C�3• �=-- -
<br /> . . , ntw�v wdM _�.�iZ:JL�6��
<br /> '`, ., , .. M1arr�F4�11993 ),. 1 � �/'� i �
<br /> „ Al�comn►.+wo.w�n,• .
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