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201105717 <br />EX.S�3IT �►A'� <br />A tract of land comprising the West Halfi af the Easf Half {W112 E1/2} of a composite of Lot Two {2}, Island <br />and l.ot Two (2}, Mainland, and that part of the land between the meander lines of the Nc�rth Channel ofi <br />the Platte River, all siivated in the Northwest Q�arter (NW�14) of Section 4ne {9 }, Township Ten {10) <br />Nvrth, Range Ten (9Q) West of the fith P.M., Hal! Coutrty, Nebras[ca, and more pa[ficulariy described as <br />fo[[ows: <br />First to ascertain the point of beginning, start at the northeast camer of the Northwest Quarter (NUV1I4}; <br />thence running westerly, along and upon the north line of said Northwest Quarter (NW 1I4}, whicf� is also <br />the north line of said Lot Two (2}, lsland, a dlstance of Three Hundred Thirty kVins (339.0} feet #o the <br />meander comer at ftie northwest comer of said Lot Two (2}, Island; thence deflecting lef� 00° 02' 2�" and <br />running Wester[y, along and upon the line between the meander comer at ti�e northwest comer of said Lot <br />Two (2), Island and the meander comer at the northeast comer of said Lot Two (2), Mainlend, a distance <br />of Three and Nineteen Hundredths (3.19) feet to the ACTUAi. point ofi beginning; thence contirtuing <br />westerly along and upon the previously described course, a distance of One Hundreci Seventy Six and <br />Sixty One Hundredths {176.61 } feet to the meander comer of the northeast comer 4f said Lot Two (2j, <br />Main[and; thence deflecting right 02° 56' 00" and running westerty, along and upan the north line of said <br />Northwest Quarter {NWi14), which is a[sa t�e nortE� Eine or said Lat Two (2), Mainland, a distance of One <br />Huncfred Seventy and Twen�ly Eight Hundredths �97028} fest; thence deflec�ng left 90° fl8' 23" and <br />running souther[y, a distance af One Thousanc! Three Hundred Tweniy Nine and Fourtesn Nundredths <br />{1,329.14} feet to a paint on the south line ofi said Lot Two (2), Island; thence def[ecting lef� 92° 4T 35° <br />and running easterly, along and upon the soufh line af said Lot Twa (2), Is[and, a distartce of Three <br />Hur�dred Forty Eighf and Sixty Two Hundredths (348.62) fee� thence def[ec�ng lef� 87° 16' 24° and <br />running northerly, a distancs of Ort� Tho�sand Three Hundred Twenfy and Thirt�+ Four Hundredths <br />{1,320.34} feet to #he ACTUAL point of beginning. <br />File No. GI08573 <br />