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<br /> --- ---� �,,,,,�,.,,,,,, !s!c^!tn__ _n..Ith crndmm�ntlon or othor takinp o1 th0 Pwporty or pArt thorool,or lor conveysnca In Ileu o1 candemnation. �r°
<br /> _ ur.�_....,�..�� nrt�n w
<br /> � Londor shall bo ontlllo�a�t Ifa opttan to cnrr�n�cnco,cf�pQar In nnd pro�°cuto ln It�otivn namo any actlon or�roccloa�np9,nnd shaii ui�v
<br /> bo entitled to maka uny compromiso or ao4tinment In connoctlon wflh euch t�tkinfl or dAmega In tho ev�M any poRlon o!tha Proporty Is r
<br /> ! a Lender shall have the option In Ita so{e and abttolute dlscretlon,to �pply all euch prasaeda, aRer deducting �
<br /> r dam � ��:::
<br /> so teken o ped
<br /> �'' thoretram all co�ts and expenses Incurred by It In connectbn wtth�uch Procoeds,upon eny Indabiedr.use secu�ed hereby and In euch �_
<br /> � arder ae Lender may determino,or to app{y ell such Proceede,s�fter such tleductlons,to the restaratlon o1 the Property�+pan euCh con• �V-
<br /> � ditions as Lender may detertnlne.Any eppl�et{on of Proceeda to Indebtedneae ehe�l no1 extend or postpone the due dato 01 any pay-
<br /> mente under Ihe Nota,or cure any defaull thereurxier or hereunder.Any unapplied lunds ehali ha pald to Trustor. �
<br /> 8,pKtorm�nc�by L�nder.Upon the occurrenco 01 an Eve�t of De4auU hereunder, or i(any�ct Ic talscn ar Ieg:il praco�ding
<br /> � -►der may In Its own discretlon,b�t without obligatbn to do so, -
<br /> crxnmera�ed wh�h materially aNecW Lendere Interoat in the Property,le�
<br /> � � ,� and wilhout natke to or demand upon Trustor and wfthaut releaslnp Trustor Irom any obligatian,do any act which Trustor has egreed �
<br /> ' but tefled to do ar►d may also do eny othor act Il deems neceeseiry to protect the security heroof. Trustor shell, lmmedtatety upan
<br /> � de�nand theretor by Lender,pay to Lender e!I costs en�expenses incurred and sums expended by Lender in connectlon with tha exer- �
<br /> clse by Lender of the forepoing rights,togethar wilh interest there�n et the detault rate provided in the Note,wh�h shall be edded to
<br /> the Indsbta�o�aecuretl hereby.Lender shell not Incur eny Ilablilty because ot anythinfl It may do or omii to do heraunder. c
<br /> g.Hwrdou��U�b.Trustor shell keep the Property in compHance with all applicabfe laws, ordlnances end ropul�tions
<br /> � relating Io tndustdal hyglene or environmantal protectbn(colleclively reterred to hereln as"Environmentel I.aws�.Trustor shall keep _
<br /> the PropeAy iree from ell substances deemed to be hazerdous or tox�under eny Environmental l.aws(colfectively refened to herain
<br /> • as"Hazardous Mate�lals�.T►ustor hereby warrenta end represents to Lender that there are na Hezardous Matedals on or under 4he _
<br /> p�operty.Truator hereby egrees to IndemnNy and hold harmless Lender.(ts directors,offioaro,employeea and agenb.end any succes-
<br /> �•• sors to Londnra tnterest,from and apainst any and all ciaims,damapss,losses and IlabillttesTHE FORE�OINO WARMNTIES D
<br /> use,disposal or t►ansport of any Hazardous Matedals on,under,from or about the PropeRy.
<br /> � 10.Aulpnrtwnts of Rants.Trustor hereby essigns ta Lender,and grants Lendor a secudry interest In,all presont,h�ture and
<br />,s,,..,.;��� ' ctfter adsir►�rents,issues and protits oi the Prc�perty;provided that Trustor shali,untll the occurrence ot an Event of Defauft,hereundar,
<br /> �.. � have the dflht to cofiect end retain such re�te,Iss��es and protita as they become due and payable.Upon the occurrence of an Event of
<br /> Detauit,Lender may,either in porson or by agant,wlth er without bdnging any actlon or proceeding,or by n receiver appointed by a
<br />''•�`'-'' Court and wftlwut regard to the adeqirscy of fts security,enter upa�and take possassio�of the Property,or any part thereof,In Its own
<br /> �.`�y;..:;,�
<br /> . ..1.,, neme a In the name of the Trustee,and do any acte whtch ft doema necossary or deslrable to preserve the value,marke or
<br /> _',�N�,; rentablliry of the Property,or any part ther�of or intereat lherein,or to Increase the Income therefrom or protect the secudty hereof and, -
<br /> -= with or w(thout takfng pos�essfon of the Property,sue for or otfierwise cdiect the rents.Issues and protits thsreot,induding Uwse past
<br /> �:?:.'�+?�' - due and unpeid,by notitying tenants to make{raymente to Lender.Lender may epply rents,issues and profits,less ooste and expens-
<br /> �'�'�`��s es of operathn and collection Including attomey'a fess,to any Indebtedness secured hereby,all In such order es Lerxier may deter-
<br /> .�:.;`.'-�-'�'�--- mine.ir� nn'w����y u�n ar.d 2"..�Jr.g °°°' o!thg Qr�'!'!:'= the calecUon of such rents,Issues and profits,end ti�e applfcatlon
<br />'�"�`�� thereof es atoresaid shall not cure or wa{ve a►ly detault or notice of detautt hereunder ar Invalldate any act done in response to e+xh
<br /> _���„�� detault or pursuant to such notice of default and, notwithstanding the contlnuance in possession of tha property ar the collectlon,
<br /> �,�u�� receipt and eppl�ation ot rents,issues or proflts,Trustee and Lender shall be entided to exercise every dght provlded for in eny of the
<br /> ___:�lf� Loan Instruments or by taw upon occurrence ot any Event of Defauit,Inciudfng without IlmitaUon the dght to exetcise the power of sele.
<br /> _—___:.�:.� FuMer,Lender's dghts and remedies under this paragreph shall be cumulatNe wlth,und in no way a IimitaUon on,Lerxier's dghts and
<br /> --!'��:i remed{es urxfer any assignment of leases and rents recorded agatnst the Properry•Lender,Trustee and the�ecelver shall be liab}�to
<br /> ---------- accou�t onty tor those rents actually received.
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