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� . <br />N �„� <br />0 <br />FfNANCiNG STATEMENTAMENDMENT <br />� W INSTRUC7IQNS (front and back) CRREFULLY <br />� NE & PHONE OF CONTACT AT FILER (optionaij <br />.' � :A FOCPiT (800) 648-8026 EXT. 8039 <br />�D ACKNOWLEDGMENT TO: (Name and Address) <br />� �-- l2�oV E Nd <br />IDNERSff�IED FINANCIAL SERVICES, LLC <br />14010 First National Bank Pkwy #400 <br />Omaha, NE 68154 <br />� <br />— 2. <br />� <br />3. <br />r�.- <br />� c� c„ <br />D '� '"'' o --i O <br />r e � Z� N <br />G r � � � � � <br />� <br />� �. '.. � p �l F—+ <br />c ±,� '` f—+ <br />• �- rn <br />UD � <br />_' � r'- � p <br />"-� r n cri <br />o E F-� cn <br />� N 7. Cl� <br />o ' -. <br />� �� � ._.1..�� � <br />u� S � -L � <br />a � c � <br />SPACE IS FOR FILINd OFFICE USE ONLY <br />IhITIAL FINANCINC3 S'fATEMENT FILE � 1b. Tfiis FtAfM1CING STATEMENT AMENDMEN <br />HALL. C�'171�(1'�', NE FIT.ED 10/25%ZOU4 #OLU04iU368 � to be fiioc; [fvr rncoru7 ia: r�:or��dy tn v�e <br />REAL ESTATE RECOADS. <br />�/ TERMINATIpN: Effectiveness of the Financfng Statement itlentified ebove is termineted with respecl to security fnterest(s) of the Secured Party authodzing tflle Terminatlon Stetement. <br />— — — - -- -- — __ _ _ _ <br />CONTINUATION: Effect(veneas of the financing Statement identifled above with reapect to securfry Interest(s) of the Secured Party euthodzfng thfs ConUnuadon Stetement ts <br />contfnued for the additfona� periotl provided by applieable law. <br />4. ASSIGNMENT (tull or partieq: GWe nsme of asalgnse in item 7e or 7b and addreas ot aseignee in item 7c; ar�d also gNe name ot asaignor In ttem 8. <br />5. AMENDMENT (PARTY INFORMA710N): Thls Amendment affects ,r Debtor at Secured Party ot record. Check only ans oi these two boxes. <br />Also check pflg af the foilowing three boxes a� provide epproprfate infortnadon in fteme 6 and/or 7. <br />� CHANGE name andlor addr�s: Give current recortl name in ftem 6a or 6b; also give new DELETE name: GWe record name ADD name: Comptete item 7a or 7b, arM also <br />neme (H name chanqel in ftem 7a or 7b and/or rrew address (ff addreas chanael fn item 7c. ❑ to be deteted In ttem 6a or Bb. ❑ ftem 7a also comofete ftems 7dJa iif appDcable). <br />6. CURRENT RECORD INFORMA710N: <br />OR <br />7. CHANGED WE1M OR ADDED INFORMATION: <br />9. NAME (3F SECURED PARTY OF RECOAD AUTHORIZING THIS AMENDMENT (name of ass(gnor, if this (s an Assignment). I( ih is an Amendment authorized hy a Debror which <br />adda collaterai or adds the auttrorizing Debtor, or if this is a Terminatfon authorized py a Debtor, check here n arul e�ter name of DEBTOR a thorfzing thfs AmendmenL <br />IDNERSIFFIED FINANCIAL SERVICES, LLC <br />OR rb.1NDiV1DUAt'S LAST NAME FIflST NAME MI�DLE NAME SUFFIX <br />#009-0076516-002 AUGUST PETERS; ELAINE PETERS <br />FiLING OFFICE COPY— NATIONAL UCC FINANCING STATEMENT AMENDMENT (FORM UCC3) (REV. 07/29/98) <br />Deacribe collateral ❑deleted or ❑added, or gfve enGre�restated collateral descdpGon, or descdbe cW{ateral �asaigned. <br />
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