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" •• . <br /> paymr.nis may no longer bo requlred,at tho opdon of Lcnder.if mortgagc insucnncc covcrage(in thc emount cu�d for the pr,�lod <br /> that Ler�der requUes)provided by en U�suru approved by I.endcr egain bcxomcs available�nd is obta[ned.Borrowcr shell pay tho ` ,, ' �� <br /> premiums reguimd to m?lntain mortga;e insurnnce in efFect, or to provide a lass resenre,undl tha requirement for mnr¢�e;e <br /> insurence end9 in accordanca with any wriuen egrc,unent bctwoen Borrowu end Lender or applIcable law. . . , <br /> � 9.Inapcctlon, Lcnder or its agent may mako reawnable entries upon ond inspections of�he Pmperty. I.cnder shall givo � <br /> . � Sarrower notico at tho timo of or prior w an inspecdoo spocifying reasonable cause for the inspecdon. ,'4:j n� <br /> � 10.CondemaAtion. 'Ihe procecds of any award or cisim for domages. direct or consequendal, in connectlon with any �' <br /> � condemnation or othu takin of an art of the Pra <br /> " ...��'� g y p peny�or for convaynnce In lieu of condemnatian,are hercby assigned and <br /> �� '"'�`"'' shaU be paid to Lender. , ' <br /> ` In tha event of a wtal taking of the�Property.the proceeds shall be appllcd to the sums socuned by this Socurity Insuurtcen4 `:.';;�`�;=� <br /> ,� � whethu or nat then duo.wtth any cacccss paid to Bomnwer.In tho event of a paciinl u�idn�ot the 1Property fin�vhich tha f�ir cnarket ,:,<:.j%�_ <br /> value of tho Property immediately befora tha tt�:ing is oqu�l to or gccater duu�tiia amount of ihc sums sccured by this Secusiry :i:.�-�-� <br /> � � Instrument Immodlately before the talcinB,unloss Borrowcr and Lender otherwise agrce in wddng, the sums secured by td��a �'''�i``�_�- <br /> � ��' S�curIry Instrtuneut ahaU be�educed by tho amoant of Ihe proceeds muldplied by the following frecflon: (a)the total amount of ��*'=- <br /> � the sums socured irnmodiatel befara tho tnl:in ,dividod b <br /> � � y g y (b) Ihc fair ms�rrket value of�he Propaty immediately beforo the ��- <br /> -. ., � ic�ing.Any Fsafanca shall lu Fald to Batmw�..Ih tha event of a partiel tc�ing of the P:�pe.-zy in which t,he fsie na'iei velue of the � :Y <br /> • �. Property immeNetely befae tho taking is tess than the amount of the sums secured immedlately beforc tho taking, unless ----- - <br /> " '2 Bo�rowu and Lender otheiwiso eg�ee In writing or unless applicable law otherwlse providcs,the procceds shall be applied Em rt►x �'�'ar;;,;;.. <br /> sums securnd by this SecurIty Insnvmer►t whethei a not the s�.ims ace then due. ;_�-°`"� <br /> � If tbo Property is abandonal by Bomnwer�or if, atter notice by Lendu to Barrower that the condemnor offus to ma��an _.n�r,. <br /> , awncd or seale a claim far damages,Bo�rnwer fails to rapond w Lender within 30 daya efter tho date ihe nodce is glvun�Lcndu �;��° <br />�' . �.�,,� is auttwdaed to colkct aad epply th�e procoods�at its opdon,either co restoratio�or repair of the Property or w tha sums secund �:.Y-- <br />-,� '� by thLs Socurity Insuumetit,whetha a not then doe. � <br />- Unless I.ender and Borrowu othesatise agree in wridag�anY eRPllcsiion of pmcceds to pri�ncipal shall not eacterid or postpone �•=� <br />- �.��. the due date af tho monttilY PaYments reF�nrod W in psragraphs 1 nnd 2 or changa the amount of such paymer►te. <br /> �'_ <br />_ -:�;t'�' 11.BorrowK Nqt Itela�edi Forbsar�nce�y I.�der Not a Watvu. Fuse�s3on of tho dme for payment or modification E-�--� <br />;".�---� a:^ass:.,.^�!l�.,..''';.Z of L�a°�smo°�:ts�;th;s Sxur.h;:.�s�:m�.t�sia!h�:.���3 �ir.szi.,.-:,�i:,f�c--...;.a.:!! �: <br /> � � uot qx,r�te to:rka.90 tha llabillty of tha original Bomnwer or Bormwer's s�cessors in iretaesG Leader st�all not bo roquirod to <br />- ' commence pmcoaliag.9 eg,ainst eny suc;c�ssor in intaest or refuse to extend tim3 for paymeat or olhetwLse modify amartizatti�m of <br />-�;,' `- tR�e suma t�ci�n�d by this Security Ins�ument by reason of any dc�und m�ck by the orlginal Borrower cx Borrowa's succes.cnra <br />`°"' � ln interes�My forbearance by L�da in exGrcising eny right or ranedy ahall not be a waiva of or procludo the exerciso of any <br />=�r'�� � rIght or rtrr�edy. <br />��.,,..�.;,�: : <br /> ro;.<-,.�-�..°:� 12.Sucocarore and Asaigns Boyndi Joint and Seveeal LLability;Casi�oers. Ttb covenants and agreernen� of tt�is <br />===�q",r�'Y":"; ' Socutity Instrumrnt eltall bincl and benefit ttio succe.�,sors end assigns of Let�da snd Patrowu, subject w the provisions of <br />=?~:"""•'f'�`'� paragr�h 17. Bomowu's coveaant� und eg[eernents shall be jaint and several. Any Bamwer wfio co-sIgns this Security <br />�,:r:':;,�>�'4 Inswma►t but does not ea�ccuto the Nota:<a)is oasi <br /> 8�B this Security Instrumetit oNy to mortgnge,gra�►t end caavey th�t <br />=�°y�;:,,:::�� Bamnwer's intaest in ihe Property oncler ihe tc7ms of this Securlty Insttument;(b)is noi pusatally obligetod to pay the sums <br /> _'-={tp�;'^• secured by thig Socurity Instrumatt;and(c)egees U►st I,cndrr end any other Bcxmwer may agroe w aatend,modify.farbar ar <br /> __��Y_r� malca any ax�mmodatlons with nganl tn the t,em�s af this Securiry Innhument or the Noce without that 8amwu's conseat <br /> -�=�;:r_.�, :�L • 13.Loan C6�rg�. If tho loan socured by thts Securtty Jns2sa�ment is subject to a law which sW mouimum lt�an chatges, <br /> -'�"=�� : and tl�at law ts Cu�aily iacapreted so that tho interest ar other loaa ch�rges collected or to be colk;cted in connection with the loan <br />----_-= ea�ceed the peYmiuod Umits�thrn:(�)eny such ban charge shall 6e ralnced by the smount neccssary to rodnoe the clwrge m the <br /> --�;:g� Pemvual limi�and(b)eny sums already wllected from Borrower whkh excadod pamitLed limits will be refundal to Ho�aowrr. <br /> -�'�Y�;;�� Lenda ma�� el�oose to make this refund by reducing the prinr,ip�!owed under the Noae or'b3r enaking a dicoct payr,r�nt to _ <br /> -:��_.:�;,�� Bo�mwcs. Yf a nfur�d reduces principnl, the reducdon will be trest�d a9 u P�P�Y�i wlthout anY P����B� _ <br /> :<i.;; uncier the Note. <br /> :•=y;�" 14.Notkes. An nofice to Borrower <br /> — :�-.�_`� y pravidcd fms in this Socurity Insuument shall be given by dellvering ii or by mailing it . <br /> _-��:� by fust class m�il�uikss applicablc law requires use af another method.7he notice ahail be directed to the Proparty Addcess a F <br /> -,�s�!o�;`.?�a . eny otha addrass Borrowu designates by nodce w Lander.My noticc to Lender shall be givcn by first class mail to Ltndc'a -------- <br /> -��=� addnss statod Naein or any othcr acktross Lendcr designat�s by nodce w Borroacr. Any notioe provided for in thls Sec�ity � <br /> ;`,�,,:,w;.�' Insuurt�eni shall bo deemed w havo boen givea to Bomower or Lcndeir when given us pnovt�cCed in this paragrapli. ' <br /> :�7�k. iS.Governioj Law;SevuabUity. This Security [nswment shell be gmve�ra�ed lry feckral lav� and the law of the 6 - <br /> _..� .` ��:;. jorLs�lict�an iu which the Pmpeny is located. In the evont thnt any provision or clause of lhis S2curity Instcuumen2 or the Note G�'�- <br /> _ cunflicts with appllca,bb law,such conflict shall not a�act ml�er pr�ovisions of this 8ecurity Instrument or the Note which can be r`:��.�----- <br /> `,�'�c,;''< given effxt without the contictiag pmvision. To this end the provisions af this Security Instnunent and the Note ar�e decl�coci eo � -�- <br /> � ,;.,.`�, be scvcrebla. -_--- - <br /> '���4,.;..• �_— <br /> , ;--- <br /> � Form�02t O/o0 �'"'- <br /> — . (�•aR(NF.)rosiP�.o� a.o•ame inmair.�— �.;��.:s:. <br /> . _ } ��'�� ._Y=__. <br /> .i. . �,�� • �� 1 . '.:. ._ <br /> I � v�'�� <br /> .r� �. <br /> ... �_.��._e...,..�.�.._.....—'—..--�m- -- .. '�^'^,�TfV� S:{.5��.�.:� <br /> _.. . . . . . � ., , . .. .� . <br /> �ara. <br /> _ •. . ' . .. �� • � . . �h. <br /> .. ., , ... •, . `_ <br /> — '� M <br /> .. . ' - . . ' � vl" ' . <br /> .. . .. � � � ';�.1e. .. 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