�.I ' i^"'p.P.�'w' _- r 1��ii � . - 'J. --�![ M .. .-�- _-- __.�_ ,
<br /> . i . ;_t:1 r� ' iL_
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<br /> •-� � ...
<br /> , . �___. , . � -- �..' _ - - - �---- -
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<br /> .e, • -
<br /> _.�. - --_----.---� . ._._----
<br /> .. . " � (d)Trusl���iN�procured,parmitted at suHered,voluntarily or Involunterlly,eny creditor to obtoin a lien nat �
<br /> �° pe�milted herein upon all ar part ol euch propehy;Truator or eny pua►entor of the indabNdnssi a�cured hersby ahali
<br /> : ,� -- become Int�olvent of edmlt in writfnp ite ineb{Ilty to pay its debts es they mature,or maks en assignment tcN th�bend(t of �
<br /> cndiW rs a�pplY for or coRS�nt to fhe�ppolnqnent ol a rec�ivar or bustse for It or tor a wb�tondal pa�t ot such propsrty,or
<br /> _ N �• , A wch a recaiver or trwt�a sh�ll b�appoint�d�nd shall not b�di�ctuirped wuhm tniAy(:iu)aays alte��ppoi�fi�nt or
<br /> :�.. . „ -
<br /> ��� d (e)A writof exocutlon o�aitachment or a�y similar process shall be Issued or levied apainstall or any part of or intsre�t
<br /> �� � � in such proputy,o�any Judpms�t involvinp monetary dam��es�hall be entered a�airntTruttor whiah�hall bscome a Ilen
<br /> on auch propertyor�o►tlon thereot or Interest therein and such axecutfon,enechmant or similo�proa�ssor�udpmsnt ia not �
<br /> ; : .. ' � f r�l�as�d,bond�d,seUsN�d�vacated or smyed wllhfn �txty(80►doys�ftor Ib eniry or I�vy:or -- -
<br /> . � �..:,� (i)Bankruptcy, in�oive�cy, �eorpanization,erranpement, or liquldetion proceedinps or other proceedinq�for relief —
<br /> " ��� � under any be�kruptcy law or other law for the reliet oi debtors ahell be inatituted by or a�alnft 7rustor or any GluaraMor °
<br />--�=wt�'' • � � !'� hereotandilir�atitutedapainotauchpertyehallbeconsentedtoorshallnotbedismiss�dwfthf�sixly(80)daysafte►woh
<br />-���c?'� � insqtuQon:or __ .�_,
<br />_. > ��— .,. --
<br /> �'=.-z��.
<br /> —.:�' ,�� � � (g)Truato�or any succesaor in interest ot Trustor, voluntarfly o�InvotuntarUy should sell,exact,convey,tranafer,
<br />�� ; ��• � contract to aell,lease with option to purchase,aublease,dfapoae of,ahange the character or use of,or further encumber
<br />._ ,
<br /> ��;.; �.� auch property,or any partthereot,or any Interest therein,or If any said partfea ahall be divested of title to such real properry
<br /> �'"� � -�� . . . of any part thereoi.or any interest either voluntarily o�involuntarUy,or if tltle to auch property be aubJected to any Ilen o► �_ _--_
<br /> �• ' �� charge voluntarlly or involunlarHy,contreatual or atatutory, without the written con�ent of Beneficiery bsinp Nat had
<br /> • obteined,or
<br /> � i . � (h)If Truatorls a partnershlp and the interest oi a general partnerterminates,is assigned or transle��ed,or is diminished —
<br /> in any respect,or If Trustor isa corporation and a ma�oriry of thevoting corporete stock is transferred,sold or esaroned,o�it �� ��
<br /> ' , , the T►ustor is e Trustee of a hust and there is a chanye of eny of the Beneficlal interest of the hu�or ""'�"�
<br /> ,��..
<br /> � ' . (i)Trustor ahell.without the conaent of Benetfoiery,create o�conaent to the establiohmant of e dletriot whioh hes texinq �__
<br /> � powers.
<br /> ACCELERATION UPON DEFAULT,AODITIONAL REMEDIES:In the event of a�y defeult hereunder,8enetiaiery may,at —..___
<br /> its optbn,: ;r .�.; ,_
<br /> — T in onel ancea If p� b be mede under or r�uant to the Promi�ory Note or any buildinp loan �-'='�"�``
<br /> - (e) �rm ete�ddlt! 8dY , Y, P� - ------
<br /> , apreemenk or '"'�`
<br /> ' a ble and the�eme ahall the►e upon become due and � ^ -�
<br /> (b)Declare any aum secured hereby immedlately due and p ya
<br /> _�• payable without eny presentment,demand,protesl o�notice ot any kind;or -----
<br /> ,�� --_�-
<br /> (c)At any time,wffh or without notfce,either in person,by agent,or by receiver to be eppointed by the Court without r,;,.�;,::; .
<br /> � regard to the adequacy of any securiy tor the indebt�:dness secured hereby,enter upon and teke possession of such '
<br /> property or any paK thereof,make,cancel,e�force or modlty leases;obtain and eject tenants,aet or modly rents;in its own �. .�.� �.
<br /> � name sue or otherwise collectthe rents,income,issues and profits thereof,Including those pastdue and unpaid;and apply � �
<br /> �. , the seme,less costa and expenses of operwti�n,including reasonable ariorney's fees,upon any indebtedness secured i
<br /> ,i• •. hereby and In such order us Beneflciary may determine;and except 1or such applfcation,Beneticiary shall not be liable lo
<br /> • ). � any perAOn to�the collection or noncollectlon ot any rents,income,issues o�proNts tor the faflure to assert or entorce any ot -
<br /> the foregoing rfghts,nor shall Beneficlary by charged with any ot the dutfes and obligations of a mortgagee in possession. �� �•=��-.�>•-__
<br /> � �� The entering upon and taking possession of such property,the coflection of auch rents,income,issues or proflts,the doing � , ��:
<br /> � ..r... '
<br /> � : • ' ; ' of other acts herein authorized.and the applfcetlon thereof as aforesaid,shell not cure cr weive any default or notice of
<br /> „ del�ult hereu�der or Invalidete eny act done pursuant to auch notice:o� , '. . �°'
<br /> . " (d)Cause to be filed on record.e written notice of default and election to sell such propeAy.Atter the lapse of such tlme ,.._�_
<br /> as then may be required by lew following recordatlon of such notice of detault,and notice of sele having been given as
<br /> �•.._ . - _
<br /> • � requiredbylaw,TrusteewithoutdemandonTrustoraha11sellsuchprope�ty,eitherasawhaleorinsepareteparcels.endin � -
<br /> . � such order as it or Beneficiary may dete�mine at public auctfon to the highest bidder.The Trustee may postpone the sale of E _
<br /> � all or any poMion of such properry by public announcement at the time of sale,and irom time 10 time thereafter, may f • -
<br /> ;, ,��.,.- postpone tha sele by public ennouncement at the time and place tixed by the preceeding postponement Trustee shall ,
<br /> „ ,�. • � deliverto such purchaser itsdeed conveying the propery so sold,without eny covenent or werrany,express or impNed. �
<br /> „ The recftal in such deed of any rnatters of lact or otherwise shall be conclusive proot of the truthfulness thereof.Any person, ,
<br /> � including Trustor,Truatee or Benetfcfary,may purchase et said sale.Trustee may also sell at eny such sele and as a part
<br /> , thereol,any shares of corporate stock securing the obligatio�secured hereby,and Trustor wefves demand and notice of :
<br /> � such sale.(BeeefiCiary at its optfo�may also torecbse on such shares by fndependent pledge Bale,and Trustor waives ;
<br /> , demand of notfce ot such sale.)ARer deducting all costs,fees and expenses of Trustee,and of this trust,including cost of
<br /> evidence of title In connectlon with such sale,Trustee shall first apply the proceeds of sale to the payment ot all sums
<br /> expended under the terms hereof,not then repaid,with accrued mterest et the rate then payable under the note or notes �
<br /> secured hereby,and then to paymentof all other siams secured hereby,and if thereafte►there be eny proCeeds remaining,
<br /> • distribute them to ihe person�r persons legally entitled thereto.
<br /> • j If this Deed of T�ust or any note seoured hereby provides for any charge 1or prepayment of any indebtedness secured
<br /> � hereby,Trustor pgrees to pay Sald Charge,ii any of sa id indebtedness shall be paid prior to the maturity date thereof stated
<br /> _�� � � � �n saia note or tn:s ueea or i rust,even ii and retwitnstanding !fU9I0�Snall fl8v@ V@iBVfitlti i�i 4�f+yrTie+Tii ii�RiFri�i, i�i'u�
<br /> , � pertormance of any agreement hereunder,and 8eneticiary by�eason thereot,shall have declered all sums secured hereby
<br /> ' ! Immediately due and payable.
<br /> ISCHEDULE OF LEASES:W�thin ten( 10)daysafler demend,Trustor shall fu�nish to Trustee or 8e�elic�ary a schedule,
<br /> � i ceNffied by T�ustor,setting forth aIl leases of such property,mcludmg,m each case,the name of the tenants or occupants,a
<br /> 1 description�t the space occupfed by such tenant and occupant,the rental payable for such space and such other
<br /> i
<br /> informatfon and documents with respect to such leases and tenancies as the Truatee or Beneficiary may request.
<br /> � � COVENANTS OF TRUSTOR WITH HESF'ECT TO LEASES:�Nithout the p�lor wrftten consent of Trustee or Beneficiary.
<br /> Trustor shall not,directly or Indlrectly,wfth respect to eny lease ol space in such property,whether such lease is not or
<br /> . hereafler in exiatence:(a)accept or permit any prepeyment,dfscount or advance payment of�ent thereunder;(b)cancel
<br /> • or terminate the same,or accepl any can�ellafion,te�mination or su►render the�eof,or permit any event to occur which
<br /> . �
<br /> would e�tffle the lessee thereunder to terminate or cancel the same;(c ►amend or modlly the same so as to reduce the term
<br /> �` ' � --�-�-- --
<br />