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<br /> : •�-L� -�_�-��` .-- - DEELIOF TRUST 92-- 1(��44 - -
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<br /> _ ---��`-_---- - - Ti Hi8 DEED Q�1'iitiST.m�finii 2�—dey of �uiy , 19 92 ._,belwMn
<br /> . __- -- -
<br /> ' � Tbomae F. Groane and Carol C. Grooms an G as Trustor,
<br /> ' � FlrsTier Bank.Netfonal Aaociatlon,Omehe�Neb as�cabana °`nd Wife
<br /> . .�, `�. �uw .� �,4
<br /> as Trustee, ,�
<br /> � ..
<br /> _ � �. . _ Finli�r Bank,Nadonel Assoclaqon,Omeha,IVeb►aa iw Baneficfary: �
<br /> �
<br /> � • -
<br /> � .�;
<br /> n � *y� • �
<br /> . � VWTNESSETH:
<br /> _— . .. .,. .�
<br /> �;�:�,� ' ' � Thet T�usro�irrevocably�rents,transfers and aasl�nc to Trustee in uust with power ot tale,tho folbwinp deacribed � �
<br /> =� . ,:iti.,: p���'
<br /> _- �; „ • `'� Lot One (1) in Commercial Industrial Park Second subdivision, in the City - -" -
<br /> —'"`— � �� �' -`�� + og Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> .�f�` ..�`• , . :
<br /> ,�= - . a'
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<br /> 1.___.. _ � �___ __—
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<br /> �� ..' �`' .-�` to�ether with all Intereat which Trustor now has or may hereaiter acquire in and to said property and in and to:(a)all LL
<br /> ;. ° ' easements and�iphts of wey appurtenent thereto;(b)all tenements,hered(taments,buildinga,st�uctures,improvements.
<br /> • � � fixtures,equipment,(umishings and appuRenances now or hereafter pleced thereon;(c)all leasehold eatete,rlpht dde,
<br /> . • and fnterest of Trustor in and to all leases or subleases thereof or eny po�tion thereof now or hereafter exiaNng o�entered —
<br /> ' " into,andallrigh�tltle,endinterestofT►ustorthereunder.fncluding,withoutNmNation,allcaehorsecuritydepoaits,advance —
<br /> �entels,and depasit�or paymonta of aimfler nature,and(d)all mineral,oil,ges�iphb end proflts,water,water rights.end
<br /> water stock.Trunor aprees to execute and deliver,hom time to time,such tu�ther instruments as may be requeated by �°:.- -
<br />_ ` Beneficlary in form end subsfance setfsfectory to BeneBciary to confirm the lien ot this Oeed of Truat on any of the
<br /> ,_ aforementioned property.The property so conveyed to T►ustee hereunder is hereinaRe�referred to aa"such property".
<br /> The Truator absolutely and irrevocably grants,tranafers and esaigns to Beneliciary the rents,income,isaues,end protlls
<br /> of all properry covered by Mfs Oeed of Trust
<br /> � � FOH THE PURPOSE OF 3ECURIN(3: ---
<br /> , 1. Peyment of the principal sum of Fortv Seven ttiousand 3ix hundred Seventy Five �nd no/100------
<br /> -($47,675.00) Dollars --^--------------------------------------------------- ��,.�,�
<br /> �� - ,� avldencsdbythecertainpromissorynotedatedofevorsdwtehorowfth(horefnafterreferredt0esthe"PromieaoryNote"? _--_•____
<br /> �} executed by Thomas F Grc�ms and Garv K Sullivan �`� T
<br /> fi •"
<br /> � ° �� in said amount and payable to the order of Benei�fary maturfng on Auauat 12, 2002 , � J. . J-Y
<br /> � together with Interest thereon,late cherges,and prepeyment bonuses accordinp to the terms of the Promisaory Note
<br /> ""' � and all renewels,extensions,and modltications thereot ��=�=`��-�
<br /> ib �"--'r.•--.
<br />� . ' � �lMti�,+illi i`�_
<br /> . 2. Pe�lormance,discharge of end complience with every obNgetion,covenant and agreement of Trustor incorporeted by
<br /> reierence or contained herein or fn any other security ayreement or deed of t�ust at any time given tc secure any _
<br /> ��. • indebtedness he�eby secured,or any part thereof. ' � '�
<br /> 3. Payme�t of aU fees and charqes of Beneticfary or Truatee,whether or not set forth herei�. � �- •�Y--
<br /> . ;}
<br /> ..� .. .
<br /> TITLE:That It is lawtully aeized end possessed of a good and inde(easible title and estete to all of such property i�tee 1
<br /> � � simple free Irom any prior Ilen or encumbrance,has good right and lawful authorfty to convey the same,and will forever �
<br /> , �" � warrant and defend the title thereto egainat the clalms and demands of all persons whosoever;that it will,at fte oxpense, �
<br /> .• . maintain and presenre the Iien of this Deed of Trust as a first and paramount lien upon such property.
<br /> � :
<br /> MAINTENANCE:To keep such property in good condition and repalr;to complete or reetore p�omptly and in good and •
<br /> workmenlike manner any building whlch may be constructed,damaged or destroyed thereon end to pay,when due,all
<br /> ' ctalms for labor pe�fo�med and materlals lurnlshed therelore and tor any alterations thereoF,tocomply with the provisfons
<br /> , of all insurance policies coverfng said premisea,to comply wHh all laws,ordinances,regulalions,covenants,conditions
<br /> and restrictions eHecting such property;not to remove,demolish or materlally alter any building,or the character or use
<br /> - thereof at any tlme thereo�;not to drlll or extract nor to permit the drflling ior or extraclfon of oH,gas or other hydrocarbon
<br /> __ a��h�tancAU.water nr anv mineral of anv kind unless the wrftten consent of BenefiCfanl la hed and obtai ned;not to commit or
<br /> ^ '-� ' rmitan wastethereaf o�an act u n such ro �n vioiation oi iaw;io do ali othtlr bcls in a iimei and rn er ma�nar
<br /> - Pe Y Y Po P Pe�Y� Y p �
<br /> ' which lrom the character or use of such property may be reaso�ably necessary to protectand preserve seid security,the
<br /> specific enumerations herein not excluding the general.
<br /> _ CQNSTl�UCTIQ�:OF IMPR4VEMEPlTS:To cosnplete In good and v�rorkmaNike mannerany building or improvement�r
<br /> repair relaling thereto which may be begun on such property or contemplated by the 1 oan secured hereby,to pay when due
<br /> all costs and liabllitles fncurred theretore,and not to pe�rnit any mechanic's Ifen against such propeAy.Trustor also agrees,
<br /> � � anything in this Deed of Trust to the contrery notwfthstanding;(e)to promptly commence work and to complete the
<br /> . proposed improvementa promptly, (b)to complete same in accordance with plans and specifications as approved by
<br /> Beneficiary,(c)to comply wfth all of the terms of any building loan agreement between T�ustor and 8eneffciary,the terms of
<br /> which are incorporated herein by reference to the same extent as if fully set torth herein end mrade e part of this Deed of
<br /> Trust,(d)to allow Beneficfxry to inspect such property at all times during constructlon,end(e)to replace any work or
<br /> • materials unsatfafactory ta Beneficiary,within 11Reen(15)days atter wrilten notice Irom Beneficlary oi such fact,which
<br /> Z noNce may be yfven to Trustor by registered or certifled mail,sent to his last kn�wn address,or by personal service of the �
<br /> �FI'j same
<br />