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. � .1'Ir'. �- . <br /> � .. �� � ., .> � -• '�� � <br /> ..�... . - --.._ ... <br /> ' --=�'- -._.. _. . . _..---�- --'---._.._.,_.-- �-`-'--y - � --'----- -- �""'�:�. <br /> . �. � �--'-'—'----"----- -.._.__..._ .� -- <br /> , r,s�.�.. . . . . . . �• . , � .. ,. ` '- — <br /> ,., �.. .... <br /> .. • n vn�N;� • , •• .^.rM`Lr_�l..x�.. . . •. . .�Q:..-..^..,��'�.�.�_.. <br /> . ' .��'�'� +..� . . � .. . . .� '+,��rr..`��_�=i.�`-�. <br /> s+, <br /> . �. ...�• <br /> .. _...__�. � ._. . ..� ..._.._... ..___' ' ' ' "' "_ ' ' ' .. . _ .'— <br /> .. . : _._.-.�. ._. ."—".._. ..— ._ ... . .. ... .. . . . _ _ '_ ' .... _ _ _ ._ .�...�a <br /> � - .. � • - ' , ., ' . " � - .s..:.. ..-3 _—.. <br /> - .� .. . _ , .. - .• . ,�- _ <br /> „ - ., .. , - ;•�j. <br /> : <br /> _ ""_.." . .._ -_._ �. ._. .... . . ._._._._._.. �� <br /> - � .. ' ' - _.: . .. <br />... .. —'. - ... _ .,, ' _ - � . .. . _ . . . �.. .." �_�. <br /> • ������y APPL# 001-61120021 <br /> � � ML# 0000000000 <br /> �.. <br /> .. � �� <br /> �,T. �-4 FAMILY RIDER <br /> _- Aasignmentof Rents <br /> .+.� THIS 1-4 FAMILX R1D8R is madc�his 6TH day of AECENIDER , 1996 ,and is , <br /> "� incorporateci into and shall be deemad W amend and supplement the Mortgage.Decd of'Ilrust or Securiry Dced(the : <br /> � "Securiry Insuument")of the same daw given by the undersigned(ttze"Horrower")to secure Horrower'�Nota to '"- <br /> �.:� <br /> i=- - <br /> ° r. _- <br /> HOMF I'PsDERAL SAVINCiS & LOAN A3SOCIATION OF �RAND I$LAND _ <br /> (the"i.endet") <br />- . �'� of the same date and covering the Property described in the Security Insmiment and located at: <br /> . ,� �- <br /> , � • 1018 W ANNA ST <br /> CiRP,ND ISLANA, NEBRASKA 68801 - <br /> . [Properry Addre»] � <br /> , - <br /> . ��:,. _. <br />_ ' '.,.a ,�, 1�4 FAI4IILY COVENANTS. In addltion to the covenanis and agree�nts msde in the Socurlty Insuumei►t, - <br /> ; �:'f�`'� Borrower and Lender faznher covenstnt end agrec�v folbws: <br /> '.A:k-���'`� A.ADDITIONAL PROPFRTY'SUBJECT TO TNE SECUItITY IN5TRZ1MEPdT. In additbn to tho ` <br /> .,-"���'� "i Property described in the Sncudty Instrusneut�d�o folbwfng iums:are added w ihe Propelty ciescription�and shall <br />_-,��,:1,..,.t � <br />��,:;:'�"� also wnadwts�he Propesty coverai by tho Security InswmenG building matedals�ePPlianccs and gooda of evrry <br />_`T,;•��.:;, nawro whatsoever now on c��zaftu located in.on.or osod,or intendad co be usod in coRnocdon with the Propaty, <br />-_.�5.. <br /> ------ t�scl�g,hui nci l�;,:3 ic.L..:�.. :cx t!x gus�,,.:�„�cf sap�:;;n; �: �� 'buL�n;��3tsg.�!i�tg,wlw�trfritv,�, <br /> ,;�.-r-;;'"�'��' watu.air and Gght,fire preveptiai and exdnguis'hi�g upparatus�scxurity and eccess conaol apparaws�Pliunbing� <br /> �::*-r.;..;. , <br /> -::,:y:".�., '� VAQI�IIbS,water heaters,watet cbosets�B�IIkBr IBIIgG9�6�OVC9� I��C(B�OI9��IWBS�ICl3��QSR�.4�WASfI'(,t8��� <br /> -�-.:;;'`r'�,. awnings,starm windows,stoim doors.scroens�blinds�xhades,cur��u and c�utain roda.aluched mirras.cebLneta, <br /> - `�'�"` ��. panelling and auached tloor coverings now or hurafla auactaed to the Aroprrty. all of which, lnciuding <br /> '��� ' n.placements end arklirions theroto.shall bo damecl w ba and nmain a part of the Property wvetal by the Socurity <br /> _:�.v�:''i��.; <br /> - �,:�� <br />--'-�,,;�.i&�' Instmment All of the faegoing wgether with the Pmpeity descrit�od in t1►e Security In�t(or ttie kasehold <br /> -_�:_;±r?�• e(�state if the S•�ec�urity Instzument is on a k,asehold) ere refared W in this 1�4 Family Ridor and We Sec�uity — <br /> __..,-�lii�'•Fl�l� UISYW�{Ma�aJ YlG M�y�11 <br /> " 1 aV`M�� <br /> -='Y=�"'r�` B.USE OF PRUPEItTY;COMPLIANCE WITH L�►W. Sarc�wa shall noc seek, ngoc to or make a <br /> ------a� change in tha nse of the Propaty or its zoning classificadon,urdesa Lsnder hag agreod in writtng t�o the ctunga <br /> s Bamwu shell comgly wlth all laws. ordinAnces, regulations �nd requirements of any govemmental baly <br /> ----= appllcabk to the I�iopexty. <br /> --------- C.SIJBORDINATE LIEN�. Bxcept es pumittod by fedaal law.Borrower shall not allow any lien i��faior <br /> --- - ---= co�he Sccuricy Instcu�ment to bo pafecte:l egainst the Propelty wlthautLenclu's pdor eHrimer,permi.�sion. <br /> D.RE1VT LOSS INSURANCE. Bomowu shaU mnintain ins�rence against rent loss in addltioa to the ott�a <br /> --- - j�.erds for which lnsurnnnce fs coqniaod by Unifam Caven�t 5. <br /> -- --=---=-� F.."90RRaWER�S RI(iHT TO ItEII�iSTATE"DELE'fE?D,Unifo�m Covenant DS is delatod. <br />---�� F.BORROWER'S OCCUPANCY. Unkss Lendei and d3atower othuwtse s�ee in wclting, tha first <br /> _.____.__� senta�ce in Uniform Caveaant 6 concaning �o�rower'a oocupancy of the Pcoperty is deleted. All ra�naining <br /> --- covenants and agreenacnts seR fo�th in Un�form Covenant b shall rernaN in e£fsct. � <br /> .— IIRULTiSTATH 1-4 F/►MILY HID@R-F�nnb M�dFnddl�M�e Unlfoim In�trum�nt Fo�m 9170 3!@� <br /> ----.-.,,� Pap•t o�2 <br /> _� -_ _ � ��b�(Y�01).01 VNP MOPTOAtiE FORYB-(100)62f�MO1 InftUti�: <br /> =•aTi�3t:lid�dFi --- <br /> -w._i�sv�rs'i <br /> "' _=T-;�''� R-.. <br />=--�=y������� II�II�IIIIIIIIIIIIUIilI�Ililil � <br /> z.��:=�, - <br /> -=�:;;�-rv:.,-�� = <br /> ,,_,,...,,.�.�. , -- <br /> _ ��:"�, - <br /> _ e .:�:: ,N' �^ :�• e = <br /> i_ �1 �: � �. _" <br /> - �- , sYfli�`" ' _- <br /> . �„„�_. ._ . <br /> ` � - — -- - - - --- --- --- - <br />-. . <br /> � ,...n. <br />- _...- � !i' <br /> � S-,: <br /> �,�,...-------. .... --� -vn- --__.__-----.,.....,. -- - , <br /> ' ,• { ' � , . , . 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