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• .�:r.�,�s�r�'-Jy.��� , , • .. _�.. <br /> '�S:- r- �'�a.: <br /> . ' . �� ;�`. . ,'tl • f '1R��; _ " . ...-- -- , <br /> • ,'Y r ---._.. _ . . - - ------- - - <br /> �.�'. � � �� �� <br /> 1 <br /> --- Nn�tioissy to th� parah��r or M�liciary. 92� 1�1 <br /> --.� - --- .a.. <br /> =• !. B� wiii lc� th� �aid pr�■iw� in a� qood ord�r a�fd aondition a� th�y ar� now <br /> --- and Mill not oow�it or p�r�nit any wa�t� th�s�ol, r�a�onabl� w�ar ar►d t�ar uca�pt�cl, and ia <br /> �= t.Iw �wnt o! th� iRilur� of th� Tru�tor to kMp th� baildinq� on �aid pr�oiN� and thoM <br /> � to b� �r�at�d on ��id pr�si���, or Laprova�nt• thfrwn, in �ood r�pair, th� B�n�fioirucy <br /> ° - " wy �at� �uoQ� r�pair� a� in th� B�n�lioiary'• di�ar�tion it �ay d�em n�c���ary ior tho <br /> .:'� prop�r pr�MSwation th�r�oi, and any �wu paid tor �uoh r�pair� �hall b�ar int�r��t trar ` <br /> tib� dati� o! p�yw�nt aC th� rat� �p�oiii�d in th� not�, �hall b� du� aad payabl� on d�aad <br /> - - --- au�al �hall b� fuliy ��our�d by �fnf� DMd of ^aru�t. _ <br /> q. W Will not without th� prior writt�n aon��nt o! th� e�n�liciasy voluntarily <br /> �.°°i���;=�i�-_`�.;,� or�at� or p�roit to b� o�nat�d aq�inst tih� prop�rtiy �ubj�at eo thi� D��d o! Truat any -- <br /> �-���� li�n� inl�rior or �up�rior �o �h� li.�a o! thi� ONd of Tru�t and lurttwr Lhat lf� will kMp <br /> ,-'""��;;i,�� <br /> snd �intaia th� �aaw !rN lram th� claim o! all p�rwa� �upplyinq labor or mat�riai� <br /> ����— �� �"' Whiah Miii �at�r into th� oon�truotion o! any and all buildinq� now l�inq �r�ot�d or to b� <br /> ��;; � � <br />— _ �--���=-�_� �r�at�d on said prmniaes. <br /> �:__-�.� <br /> .., _— <br /> -���� h. � will not r�nt or a�siqn any pare of th� r�nt o! �aid prop�rty or d�oli�h, <br /> '�� " ��'^�'�� rMnov�, or �ub�tantiaily ait�r any buildinQ �aithouL th� writt�n oo�NnC ot tl� � <br /> �.�. <br /> . �`' . �• :`�' B�n�lioiary. <br /> � •,.�,,:..r,� ..:.. n <br /> ;�;... .��l•..:.,;..:.��; <br /> �;.,�n���;�;;,�^�, 9. In tlw �wnt th� Trn�tor fail� to pay any ��d�ral, �tat�, or local tax a�����nt, <br /> = inaoa� tiax or ath�r tax li�n, cbarq�, �N, or oth�r wxp�n�� oharg�d to th� prop�rty h�r�insbovt <br /> � �-�t�',''" fi"• d��arib�d, th� H�n�liaiary i� h�r�by �uthoris�d to pay th� �� and any �nm w paid by th� <br /> �� ���,` e�n�lioiary �hall b� add�d to and boaom� a pas�E o! th� prinaipal aroount o! th� ind�btsdn��� <br /> ��`�:,''�.� '•�""` �;'. wid�na�d by �aid prami��osy not�. i! th� Tru�tor �hali pay and di�charq� th� ied�bt�dn��� <br /> :. . , �vid�aa�d by �aid pro�i��ory not�, and �haii pay �uoh �um� and �hall di�oharq� all tax�� and _ <br /> •�•� ' ��: '" '�R li�n� and eh� co�t�, iN�, and �xp�n��• o! makin�, �nlarainq u►d �x�cutinq ehi� DNd ot Tru�t, — <br /> _ ,��.�"�j. .:.... , ..x • <br /> _-, ,,,,,� , th�rt, upon writt�n r�qu�s! o! B��tioiary and th� sarr�nd�r o! th� DNd o! Tru�t and th� aot� <br /> - •_:«`=`�"`°%, �— to th� Tsw�tN, th� Tru�t�� •halt, att�r paym�nt by Tru�tor o! th� TrustN'• tN�, s�oov�ty bb� <br /> � prop�rty to tit� Tru�tor, or to th� psrwn or p�r�ons l�qally �ntftl�d th�r�to. <br /> , ., ,. <br /> �y:- 10. Tlf� Trw�tor aonv�naats that h� i� lawlully ��is�d and po��o���d o! and ha� th� riqht <br /> � to wll and conv�y �aid prop�rty� that th� �am� i� !rN iraa all onaumDranco� exa�pt li�n• and <br /> • `�� . �nauebraac�� now o! r�aordl and that h� hor�by bind� him��lt and hi• �uac���or� in int�r�st !o <br /> . warsant and d�l�nd th� titl� ator��aid th�r�to and �v�ry part th�r�o! aqaia�t tl� lawtul claim� <br /> . - ..� o! ali p�rwn� whaa�o�v�r. <br /> i_. !='s?:�=r:;. ..:�'";' il. !or b�tt�r ��curity of the ind�btedneae hereby eecured the Truetor, upoa the r�queat �- <br /> � � � �' . a! th� B�n�liciary, it• �uaooa4or� or a��iqn�, �hall �x�aut� and d�liv�r s �upplaa�ntal _ <br /> 'a`�•,., 4 9 9 Q 9 Y . P . I► P� Y <br /> ��. .,�'�!'� � "` eort a • or mort a �� aov�rin an addition• im rov�nt� or b�tt�rm�nt� mad� to th� ro rt <br />, /� . �•:..•�� c•�' "' . h�r�inabov� d��orit�d and all prop�rty acqairod attor tha dato h�r�o! (all in lorm �ati�taatory <br /> t. � to Tru�t«). lurth�rmor�, �hould Tru�tor �ail to aur� aoy d�tault in th� paya�nt o! a prior or <br /> ��������� inl�rior �naumbrar�a� on th� prop�rty do�ari.b�d by thi� instrum�Rt, Tru�tor h�r�by aqsN� to <br />` .. _ , p�ra�it ern�tialary to aur� �uch d�fault, but S�n�liciary i� not obliyat�d to do �o� and �uch r- ' <br /> �+ � " " advana�� �hall b�caa� part o! th� ind�bt�dno�� qcur�d by thi• in�tirua�nt, �ubj�at to th� �� � <br /> ry • l�ra� and conditions. <br /> �� . . • <br /> „ " „ � 1�. Thati all award� o! damaq�� in aonn�ction with any cond�anation !or publia us� o! or <br /> ,,,;�: > injvey to any of �aid prop�rty ar� h�r�by a�riqn�d and �hall bo paid to B�n�liaiasy, who m�y - •• <br /> ° apply �h� �am� to pay�ant ot th� installm�nt� la�t du� ured�r •�id not�, and th� H�n�ficiary i� <br /> m <br /> ��u� ,. h�r�by �uthori��d, in th� naaw oi th� Tru�tor to �aoaut� and d�liv�r valid aaquittanc�� th�rao! <br /> '� and to app�al lran any �uah award. F'=�`• <br /> I <br /> . 13. Th� irravoaabl� riqht to appoint a subetitute Truetee or Trusteo• i• h�s�by expr���ly . <br /> I� � . <br /> • Paq� 4 �;�s, <br /> r:-'(, <br /> t-_: <br /> � � � ' ��� <br /> . . � „ •� . <br /> �� ..��:• - .. _- . , ,. . ..�,; y ,, <br />, � �--�--• ' " ' • � . <br /> . . .:.�......_�:-:..,,. .,. <br /> , <br /> . <br /> - <br /> . <br /> ., <br /> � :.�.,�..,, . <br /> �� " . <br /> '_--- - - =r=--_- --.--- __ . . <br /> U). ., . <br /> . rw • � �.' <br /> ` .. �� <br /> . I! 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