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=Z .r,..�r�,... .y _..c.�..Gt.� <br /> .. -— --'s-' "�- �Y��� _ -----=—_ �_n- - _`___."----'-° .. __...._.__�-� <br /> .. . 7 <br /> - -._- ._ ._. -.- . ._.. ..__. � . ..�_. _.. ._ <br /> �. .. <br /> ---- -"_- . . �.--.. . - - T�-cr- - � . <br /> . _ . . -.-:�.:�� .__' __.___��. _. <br /> 1 '��c..__' ' " _"i.. "' <br /> . .. A ' T 1TR•.n�- .'..-+..--_'��-_ • _' .� ' ._- <br /> � . . <br /> 1 _ - <br /> ,,� , -� � .a.r99R'M�+y--ar/Ya�avl��a;'�f� �u � --- .' �-_ .. <br /> .._ t� ,. ��� _. -_ <br /> -� ���:������.' � 92- <br /> — attoreNy or aq�nt wikhout briaqinq any aation or �roa�dinq, or by � r�a�ivor to b� app�iAtb <br /> :- -}r. �v �_ bp th� aousic, rnE�r upan and �ai.o pu��aaicn o! aaid progorty or assy pnrt thQreol, ntld do nnY <br /> �ot� whioh pn�lioitry d�� prop�r to prot�at th� ��ourity h�r�ot, and �ith�r with or without <br /> � 6 " ' takinq po�s���ioa o! •aid proq�rty, coli�ot �nd r�c�iv� th� r�nts, royalti��, i��u��, and <br /> � : : ���� ' prolitr �Mr�ol. includinq s�at� �ooru�d and unpaid, and �ppiy th� �ao�, l��s ao�C� o! <br /> tA� <br /> : :.tiN_�L'�s,i.'�.�C'.. ap�►:ation �►nd aoil�otion �upon th� ind�btodn��• •�ous�! by thi� DNd o! Tru�t, ��id r�nt�, � <br /> royalti��, i��u��, and prolit�, b�inq h�r�by aesiqn� to th� Nn�iioiary a� lurth�s Nouri�y <br /> ''� _:►�, .:�;�". ,� !or th� paya�nt a! �uoh ind�bt�dn���. �nraiw o! riqht� und�r thi� paraqraph �hall not aur� —� <br /> �� ,"�• ' or waiw aay d�tauit os notia� o! d�l�ult h�r�und�r or invalidst� anx aot don� pur�uu►t to �uah <br /> " - - �•� ��x notia� but shall b� au�wlsliv� to any riqAt and r�y to d�a1Rr� a d�lault an4 ta aauu rweic� " <br /> .x , <br /> _ .,�`,.;� o! d�tault to lo� �naord�d a� h���inatti�r provid�d, ar�d cumulativ� to any oth�r riqht and/or <br /> ,,,,,,_ . • swMdy h�r�und�r, or provid�d by law, and may b� �x�roiNd conaurr�ntly or ind�p�nd�ntly. <br /> ��v� ssp�nN� inourr�d by e�rnliaiary t�r�und�r inoludiaq r�a�ona0i� a�ttorn�y�• lw�� �hali b� ` <br /> , :�::::: <br /> _ wour�d 1ar�by. <br /> �,.°—=���;-:.�,� . <br /> -- 4. Th� Tru�tor aownant� and aqra�� that i! M �hall laii to pay said ind�bt�dn���, or <br /> � „�:��'~ �ny part th�rwi, wh�n du�, or �hail laii to poriorm y oov�naat or aqr��nt o� thi� <br /> �i:i�':.- . <br /> � • ° ���� ia�trur�at or o! tlu praai��ory not� ��cur�d h�r�by, th��tir� d t�dn��� h�r�by ��aus�d <br /> -- --' �:'�-'-�'�-..<-- - ' �hall i.m�ditt�ly b�oo� du�, paYabl�, and aoll�atibli�� rt• at tih� option o! t!►� _- - <br /> �•�'� Y�n�liaiasy or a��iqn�, r�qardl��� ot aaaturity, aod !ha e�n�lioiary os a�siqe� m;y �et�r npon <br /> - ; � ° �aid prop�rty and aoll�ati th� r�nt• and prolite th�r�ol. Opon �uch d�lauit in paya�nt or <br /> ''' , p�riormanc�, and b�lor� or alt�r �uah �ntry,th� Tru�t��, aatiinq in tb� �x�aution of thi� Tru�b, <br /> - ; , ._� . �lC�r th� notia� o! d�lanit haa bNn r�cordod, �hail en�il a aopy o! !h� d�lault to �aah p�r�on <br /> , �`• • who i� a ptrty to thi• iastrum�nt, at th� addr��� �ot cut in thi� in�tirumont, a� woll a� to any <br /> .:. •" ` �'= p�rson who Aa� rpu��t�d any notia� o! d�iault and aotia o! �sl� by r�aordinq �aid r�qu��t !or <br /> - notia� with th� x�qist�r o! d��ds in th� county in which thi• instruawnt i■ r�aord�d, and alt�r <br /> � �,.!��., tfi� lap�� ot tiaa� which is r�quir�d by law aft�r aoaili�q th� notia�, ih� TrustN shall hav� tl►� =;,r; <br /> -• pow�r to ��1] �aid proporty, and it �hall b� th� Tru�tN•• duty to �tll �aid prop�rty (and in �"`" <br /> � ' aa�� o! aay d�lault o! any puraha��r, to r���ll) at �ublia auotion, to th� hiqh��t bidd�r, <br />- ._-__ __ _'_"�_-,i:� lir�t givu►g liv� wwlu� notia� of th� tiaw, t�rm�, aad Diac� o! �ach �al�. b�r adv�rti��wnt — <br /> ' • not 1��■ th+ia onc� durinq �aoh o! •aid livo wwk� in a n�ir�pap�s publi�h�d or di�tribut�d in <br /> ` . • �� th� county or political �ubdivioion i.n which �aid prop�rEy i• •itaat�d, (and th� 8�n�liaiary or <br /> __ � any p�rsan on b�half o! th� e�n�liciary may bid and pusaha�� at �uch ial�). Buoh �al� wiil b� - <br /> "ji h�ld at a �uit�bl� plaa� to lo� ��l�ct�d by th� e�n�liaiary within �sid aounty or politiaal -- <br /> '""�,,.`� " ^ �ubdivi�ion. Th� Tru�t�� i� h�r�by �uthorisad to �xacut� and d�liv�r to th� purcha��r at �uah <br /> r�� ' �al� a �uflici�nt ao�v�yana� of ��id proparty, which conv�ya�na� �hall contain r�cital■ a� to <br /> ° th� happ�ninq ot d�fault upon whiah th� �xocution o! th� pow�r o! �al� har�in qrant�d d�p�nd�t � <br /> � , and th� �aid Tru�tor h�r�by con�tituto� and appoint� th� Tru�t� s� hi• aq�nti and attorn�y ia _ <br /> Y_� �.�M'" faat to sak� �uah r�citals and to ax�cut� •aid convQyarc� and h�r�by aov�nant■ and aqrN� that <br /> � �- �� . _: Lii� r�csitial� oo uuido ohall bo k�indiny �nd cnnrlurfv� upcm tih� Tru�►tar, and oaid eonvoyar�ao - <br /> ':•``~ �hall bo •lf�oLual to bar all oqvity or riqht ot rodomption, hom�st�ad, dow�r, riqht o! <br /> �� ' appraisam�n�, and all othQr riqht• and �xunptiona o� th� Tru�tor all o! whiah ar� h�r�by � <br /> }' �„ � ��cpr���ly waiv�d and conv�y�d to th� Tru�t�o. in th� w�nt of a �al� a� h�r�inabov� provid�d, �,:_; <br />; . . n,� � Lho Trn�tor or any p�r�on in por����ion und�r th� Trustor, �hali ttun b�coa� and 1� t�nant■ _ <br /> ' ��" holdinq ovor and �hall forthwith d�livor po�aaaoior to th� purcha��r at �uah �ai� or b� <br />� • �, _.. <br /> � �wamarily di�po������d, in acaordanc� with th� provi�ion• o! l�w applia�bl� to t�nant• holdinq <br /> � . � ov�r. Th� pow�r and aqancy hor�by qrant�d ara couplad with an int�rast and arw irr�vocabl� by -- <br /> d�ath or oth�rwi��, and aro grantod as cumulativa to all othor r�dio� !or aolioation o! �aid L <br /> �'� � " ind�btMahs. Th� e�n�ficiary or ]��sign� may taka any othor appropriat� action par�uant to . <br /> �� ° •• � �tat� os i�d�rYl �tatut� oithor in �tat� or 8adoral oourt or othQrwi�o !or th� di�po�ition o! <br /> . ..:.-. <br /> tih� prop�rty. <br /> • s r` . 5. In th� w�nt o! a �al� a� providod in ��ragr�ph 4, tha Trustoa ahall bo paid a f� by �:�:"=. <br /> , " �� '`= th� B�n�liciary in an emount not in acc��• o! � �i1'+�p�rcont of tho qros• amount o! �aid <br /> �°:�` � �al� or ��1��, provid�d, howavor, tbat th� amount of such fo� �hall bQ raa�onablo and �hali b� <br /> � " approwd by th� een�liciary a• to r�asunablono��. 8a 3d �oe ohall be 3.n addition to tl» co�t• t, <br /> . <br /> • .. Paqa 2 � <br /> t. <br /> . � • <br /> •� � <br /> _ _ , __ ...,..... .. . � � � ,��,i� • <br /> � . <br /> � __ . _ _ <br /> ._ -�-� — -_- , <br /> - � —--- <br /> , .� <br /> � <br /> t � <br /> ��' <br /> ---- � - - - --- - - <br />