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<br /> s/1a, JoM 11. 11ad�r, N.D. and Oria Nad�r, bu�b�nd sad wil�, ("Tru�tor"� und�e thet o�reain
<br /> DMd o! Tna� dat�d Juiv 27. 1992 , 1"Dwd o! T�ust»� to b� �nt�r�d iato b�lwMn Trwtor, aa0
<br /> _ -_ - _ B�ssTi.�r �anl, N.�►., O�h�• t'Tr+��tM" asd `Mn�lloiary") ornr�rinq t?w t011owiaq duorib�d
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<br /> . Lot• 3 and +� Y�oak Z, t:roloniai s�ca's�s B�camt Q�ii�t�i�sa Co Ctw
<br /> Cily o! �irand I�isnd, Raii Ceunty, N�bra�ka
<br /> h�r�by aaknowl�dq� that it i� wld�rstood ehat (a) th� ONd ot Tru�t tio b� u��aut�d by Tru�tar
<br /> i� � tru�! dMd and not a �ortgaq�, artd (b) th� pow�r o! �al� provid�d !or in tha ONd o! Tsu�t
<br /> peovid�� �ub�anbiaily di!l�r�nt ri9ht� and obliqation� �o th� Tsu�tor than a �ortQaq� is tM
<br /> ��! o! a drtu�lt or bs�aoh o! oblip�tio�.
<br /> . _ .'� --- ..,. ..- Tru�tor �oknowi�dq�� that thi� lloknowl�dywant ws� �aa� prior to th� anaution oi tlt� D��d
<br /> o! Tru�t.
<br /> �°----.---..-- i�t�out�d uid d�liw�nd tbi� 27th �7 oe July _, 1992 .
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