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� �yMi� • • . ' ' /' " <br /> ���y+7�lY,4�.-� . , ., ' . - - _..._ ��...,... �_: <br /> ,,: <br /> • "a - � <br /> ...� . �-, !..�ct'�r , � ,rw��1'i7k�'�w11Y�} ,�.41W'.. Y1.�t� ...e !*'S`�})TMi':!:!�S/f....�a .n_._L ._. . . .. . ._. __ <br /> � ..... <br /> � , .. . .Yy.�T.-_ . .. ... _. :.. . .. . ' �� <br /> ' � ..�NI::L�1L��'� IV� �.._ _...._...�.•�. . �_-__ __ _ <br /> . .�r.,:.___. <br /> 9�- �.�D9S�3 <br /> __. ... 4v1tc.iim�i�.�i ���`-----',: <br /> �, p�L��� ��wu r�r�to�ff,�e�,r ot(oi Elorrow�r's��benoflt�widll be�epptled Ilit to eny amounte Oorrower�oweaeon the�ie urod Aohi .. <br /> PoY►�lr q <br /> not reduf.t or excuti�71 ��Qh���u�d p�rreni untll th e,ocu�rid dsbt li pild in lull���repayment of the racureA debt occur�for any rnason,ft wfll <br /> y,CIMm�A�inat 7f1l�.Boerow�r wtll p�y dl t�x�e, nwasmmt�,�nd othu charQes rttrlhut�bl�to the ruperty whon due end wiil de}nnd titla <br /> M <br /> to the propnrtV ep�Inft�nV cl�lm�whlch would Imp�lr th�ll�n of tht�d��d o}trwt.Lend�r m�y raquln orro�v�r to��slpn�ny rlghte,cl�lms or <br /> dofonnoe whlch 8orrower m�y hav� agalmt partlu�who tupplY labor or m�terl�t�to Improve or melnt�tn the prapsrty. <br /> 3. Insurane�. Bnrro�vu wlll k��p th�prop�rty Intund und�r t�rms �ocept�bts to I.�nder st Bor�ower'o expente snd for Lender'� bonaflt. All ,y + <br /> insu:ence policysAnyliniurince proc e,di miy�tbi�ip plled�withln l,ndiP�ddl�cretonr thstlo{toratloneo�rep��of the�dimiped proP�tV <br /> or to the secursd d�bt.It Lsn�e�nqulm mortp�0s in�urance,Borrowu�prs��to m�lntaln nuch Insuranca for ae lony ea Lender requtro�. <br /> ",i„o-,,,,.++! 4.Prop�rty.Borrower will keep the propertY In pood canditlon a�d make�II rep�ln reasonibty nececttry. <br /> "`�""" 6.Fa�p�nan.Borrower�yreet to paY ell 4ender'�expenses Includlrtfl reaeonebte attornsys' feee, I18orrowsr breske eny covenentt In thle deod <br /> � of truot or in any oblipetton eecured by thle deed oi trust. �orrower will psy theee smount� to Lendar ee provlded In Coven�nl8 ot thle deod ot <br /> trutt. ��'-=- <br /> B.Ptia 8�eurity I�tents•Unteu Horrowsr flrst obtelns LendeY�wrttten coneent, Borrowar witl not m�ke or permlt any chanpe�to any prlor ,,,ti�:: <br /> �� tnciuding�6or ower'��covenen e��t pmeke p�ymsn a when�due���fl�tlonf under eny prlor mortp�ge,daed of trust or other security nOreament, ' ,,; <br /> �,iY"'' <br /> 7.Asstan�+t of R�na�nd P►olks•BorrowEr aasfpn�to Lender tho rento and profit�of tM property.Unleso Borrower nnd Lender hae�Qree _ <br /> epenL ov a�rnurt appointed ecelver maycteke poseiision�d m nego the propertYrand col ect�the rontc�Anyron c�Lender col ecti ahi 1 be <br /> nec�essary reteted e penseaf Tfie renlalnin�g IImaunt of rent5dwlll then appty to peymontsaon the aecurea aaei se�°o�aea i�CeovenaM lony other <br /> 9.LoosMold�'Co�do�ns%Pl�nn�d Untt D�wtopn�lU•Borrower a0roes ta comply with the provislona of�ny leaon it this deed of trust ic on `__ <br /> undar tfie�eovenente,byIewB or reguletlonat of theccondominlum or plenned unit developmentnt, Borrower wlli pertorm ell of 9orrower'e dutiea �4e_T <br /> � 8.AuthorFty uf l��d�r to Petotm fa Bwrowa. !f Rorrower f�ili to periorm eny of Borrawer's duties under thls deed of truat, Lenda may �;.�-�-'- <br /> pertorm tfie dutiea or cau�e ihem to be pertormed.Lendet m�y dfl�Borrower'a name or pay any amount it nacessery for performance. If any <br /> • ce uritryyrcintereat n the��oDDrtya�hlanmay Includo com(pletl�ip the conitructionmanner, Lender mey do whetever is neceasary to protect Lendsr'� �-,-- <br /> ���• . •��,, Lender's faifuro to perto�rm wili not pr�clude Lender from exerclstnQ eny of Ite other rtphto under the lew or thia dead of Vust. !:, <br /> Any�mounts paid by Lender to protect Londor's security intereat wUl be securod by this deed of truat.Such e:nounts will be due on dsmand E___ <br />__ � `'�� snd witl DaaT fntereat irom the d�to oi the payment unCil paid in tull at the interoat rate In effect on the aeaerod dn4t. -- <br /> .: ;,'`�:;:,°� .. <br /> �. <br /> ���`.!��4� cbllaaUo�n�aecu ed by t hi��O d}o f t u tt o r B nl y p r 1 0►a�t p a y ep o i d a e d o f�t uK.�Lende�m�y�accebrate tt►a mr�BltVhof ths cecu,ad dsbt�nd = <br /> �'�:. " i: demsnd immetllat�palr.rant and m�y i��.��a i�sa v%'M a!:��e and!ny�ther rerr.edlsa parmi tted bV�P N��b�Irw. <br /> ":'� t!�`�5: 11.Rp�wst tor Notk9 a4�afx�ft•►t la hereby requested 4hat copi�a of the notices of detoult and sale ba sent to epoh peraon who le e psrty <br /> �'���.'�:r�����-!'� heroto,at the address of each suah peraon,a�ceY forth hereln. <br /> ':+,,;.�.,�:.• <br /> --��:,.;.:,:.,,,;;r� <br /> �:�•-�;;,;,R� ., 12.Power of S�N.If the Lender invokee tM power of eeie,the Trostao�hall first roaad In the ottiaa of the regiater of deeds of o� county <br /> -.;.!(��,,{_; wMrein tM trust prc�eriy or some p�rt or pxcel thereof 1�eftuaud�notice of dafault contNni tha intwmition required by Isw.The Trosteo <br /> ereto,und to other persons aspr�:uibad by <br /> :�_�'. ahall also m�il copiea o3 tha notica of defautt to ths Borrower,to eer.h person who ia s p�rty s not in eny <br /> "` ' applicabte law. Not kss then ons month�iter the Truatee records the notice o!def�ult or two monti�s if tM truat proPe►tY 1 <br /> �ry'�•�`'�� incorpwatai city or vitlapo end Is used tn f�rmfrp operation�carded on 6y the truetor,ihe'�rwtae ehail piva public nottce of ade to the pe►sona <br />�.,3�..3_,. <br /> �.�x,.-.;�;f��� �nd In tM msnner pnscriDad bY�appplicsble law. Trustee,wlthout demand on Borrowar, ahniwo seperat Pi I,es ei equirid by ppiiciWa9lew. <br /> __=,,,�„,�;�, bidder.N�equired by the Farm Honectead Ptotectbn Act,Truatee shall offer the property <br /> ,.;�, __,� Trurtae may postpoM ss.te of etl or my parc�l of the property bY PuW+c announCemant st tM time and place ot any previously sch�dul�d seb. <br /> -- ��� Lender or iis des(goes may purchaa tM ptoPertY at my sele. <br /> _—�:•.-,��--- <br /> ��� Upon rec�fpt of pavment of ttw price bid,Tru�tee�hdl deliver to the purchaser Trustee's deed canveyfng the property.The rncitlds containe n <br />=---'���� Trustee'a deed chall be prima hcfe svidience of the buth o}the�tetemonts conteined theroln.Truatee ehall�DP�Y�Pra�eda of tM o�b in ths <br /> �--�� rN a iiimi i ti.i�1b1 to�all�sums aecured Dy this�de�oduofi fiist�end(c)tM belince,If eny bto tfN pe«��s�aOa��Y Ontitl d t0 recsl�vs�(t.f e» and <br /> �i� " 18,Fa�cio�ur�.At Lander'�option,this deed of trust may be foreclosed in the menr�er provide by appllaable Yaw for foreelosure of mortq�psi <br /> • on rotl proparty. <br /> --`--' --- �4, Lender mey otrtcr tho properry to inapect It if Lender gives Borrower no3ice befo►ehand. The notice muet state the re�sonabte � <br /> c�uao w Lendsr'o intpectlon• � <br /> �6,�o�dKm�yon.Borrowar assi ans to Lender tM Proceedt of any sward or clstm for dnmtges connected with e condemmtlon or other t�klnp <br /> , of atl w�ny part of tfie property.Such procexls wLl be�pplied ae provided in Covensnt 7.This iacignment ts RubJsct to ths terms of ony prior <br /> -r--- �scurity�groemenL ' <br /> --r'"'�"� 18,W�ivK.By exerciafnp any remedy ov�ii�bb to le�der,Lender doas not pfve up any riphts to later use eiy other remedy.BY not�xsrcisin� <br /> —_-� eny remedy upon Borrower's dsfauit,Lander doa�not walve eny right to Ister conalder the event�det�utt If it heppena epa(n. <br /> -"__= ��. ,��g��a1 U�hYtty Co.siynKr. Succnson�nd As�tyn� Bound• All dutles under this deed of truat are Jotnt end wveral. Any __ <br /> _��� Borrower wlw coalp�s thls desd of Vust Iwt doss not co•sipn the underivin0 debt lmuumentfs) does co only to prant snd conv�y tfiet <br /> Bor�owa'4 intersst In the property to tM Trunee under the terms of thia deed oi trust.In eddition such e Borrowor�nr�es that tM Lendor and <br /> �ny other Borrower under thi�deed of Uu�4 msy extend,modify or make any other charxias in t�e terms of this doad of truat ar tha sscured <br /> � debt vai�t�aut that Borrower'�con:ent and without re►easinp thst Borrower from the terms ot thia deed�t trust. _ <br /> '==_°iw��aa'� TM dutiea and benefits ot thie deeA of trust shall bind end benefit tho successors end aasipro of Lender and Borrowor. __ <br /> �'�����` 98.Nodcr.Unless�oytherwise roQuirod by law,en notica to Borcower shall be piven by detiverinp it or by mafUnp it by certitied mail�ddrossed to `��_ <br /> �.•..;.,, . x p <br /> --� 2i:yi y�,��} mail m e�niler e iddrsss onpi9e 1 04 thia d�rd af�wstt ortto�any otharneddreae whichalenderrhas deatynited Any other notLiceo�Lendet shaidl ;_ <br /> �� � . bs aant¢o Lander'��ddw:�a�sUted on pa�e 1 of this deed of trust. ""� <br /> �:L�.�;:..y.�'_ _...._.... <br /> e =•— <br /> ;j;�;�;,`,�.<.. Any nctico shali M deemM to have been glvon to E1Mrowar or Ls:�av tuhen givon In the menner s4�f2ed ebove. - <br /> �i�:M: <br /> •��',.�.: <: 19.TnntfK nf tM Pra�tY o► •B�rn11elal{ntamt�^ftM s°rtow«.if ati or any part of the property or eny interoat In it Is cold or Venaferred t,;. <br /> witfiout LsndePe priar written consenL lenZer m�+ demtnd immediate payment of the sscurod det�t. Lendor may�Iso demand immedieto �,�_ <br /> ' dem,�psyment�f�n ths ahovo sltu�tlorurlf ipi,p oh�b'r��ed byederel law as ot U,e duta of ths ideed�of ttustensforroB. However, Lender mey not ,� <br /> _ ����., <br /> . h.; <br /> 20.Recw�wYanc!•_When tM oblipation se�wd b�ehi�of Nus�L ihe Tti�stee sha�li,up�on written request by the lender roconvoy the trust <br /> ___ �1J�rr w��1�� �..� <br /> .. .-�-;r+ty.T�- �Ifl�Qf RIO IfIfUUfRQIII�V1 •� • � •••._ _ �_ <br /> ��b� property.The Lender sh�ll�elivev to the Boriower,or to Bonower'o euceessor in inieroat,the ttust ueea eno me r�vie vi����:°•~°•~`'.-° <br /> . obi(paUon so s�Usfied.Borrower chell pay uny rocordeNon coste. <br /> 21.Suceasor TnutM. Lendsr, �t Lendx'e o tbn, r.iey remove Truatee er►d appoint� Quccessor truetee by tirst, meiliny e copy of the <br /> ' subatitutton of Vuatee�e requlred by appticabis Paw,and then,by tiiing the substlh�tion of trustee for record in tho office of tho ropistor of donds <br /> iue�eed to�11 ihe power,tdutb�apidihorttry end Yltle of tM Ttustee nemed inethe deod of trust ar�idsot a Visu easorVt ustee ot tM property,shall <br /> � Ip�Qe 2 0/21 <br /> - ' „ CIWREl155VSTEAAS.�NC•.6'f.CIOVD.MN6E30117-SOOJ97�1N11FON1AOC►�MT[FME!/1B/9� _ <br /> _ <br /> I _ .. _�— ..--'�-ar.�---_..___._�-'-"`... .-.. <br />