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Beem and Tricia Beem, !`�`` <br /> '•• Ai�aY,anA AT(� TTIfP � here�ne►fter rnferred to ae tile �TY118tOT��� t0 P� Q;:� <br /> T 4c-_ <br /> seeure a Note bearing even. date heze�ith for the principal amount of Tpn thousand � �,,, <br /> and no/100------------------------------------- Do�lnxs ($ 10,00 . ) payab].e <br />-:� :� to the order of GRAHD ISTrAND INVESTl�lENT COI�ANY. hereinaftar refnrred to ae the <br />. � "Bcnafic�.ary". providing for paga�eat of the eatire principa]. balnnce, together � <br /> , �� witt� iuterest at thn rate of 14•9 nrceat ( 1`�•� x) per annum� v <br /> in moathly iastallmente of �'hree hun r seven and 62/1(�D-- <br /> Dollars ( 3 . each until �-15-2000 , 3&, at — <br /> which time ell principal and in�ernet provided for by thie Notn ehall have beea pa3.d, <br /> do hereby graat and conveq until AREND fit. BAACR. Attoxaey at Lew, Che "Trustee", <br />- the followlag-described propertys � <br />- . a <br />�:;, . .; �Y Lot Seventy Nine (79). in Hagges' Subdivision, to the City of (3rand Isiand, <br /> `'' ' ' ' Hd11 County� Nebraska. <br /> •r• . <br />_�..,, . •�'�f <br /> � . <br />?t�!AS�: <br />�v.�' r1:� <br />�Y,'r���•� <br /> �M� <br />�.�:r_i�;\�i <br /> -�J"`���'''�i TO HAVE AND TO HOLD Lha� together with all appurteaancea. in trust <br /> � �.=r.n„ <br />_�..-.�,'��,���-,-� {�;i aevexthelaea� and in caee, oE def�ult in the paqment of eaid Nota or eny part <br /> - -° L theraof or iatereet thnrnoa or i.a thn performancn of nAy covnnant hereinafter <br />��;'� setforth, tihea thn Txustee•slhal�. have the pawer to se11 ehe nbove�deacribed <br /> ____;-;,,�� property. and upon request of ehe Seaeficiaxy� thn �rustee sha11 file for rncord <br />__���as;�,>��l ia tt�e Regieter of Deeds' Office of ,a213 County� Nebraeka, a Not�ce of <br /> Default, eetting forth that n�breach of �aa ob],igation, for Which the eeid property <br /> `�"'��""�`�i wsa convayed ns seeixi.ty. hne oecurred. and eetting fosth the nature of euch <br /> - _ ��� breach and the Trusten's election to sell the propmrty eo satisfy the obligation; <br /> _--°---�R��:�}�.'�� aad a�tcr thn lapee of not leee thaa oae (1) montt�. thn Truetee ehall give <br />- --�=�=`�� written noticn of th� time and place of• eale which may be between 9:00 a.m. and <br /> -_—,�-__�j 5:00 p.m. at the psemises, or at tha. ' �li Couaty Couxthouee. and psrticularly <br /> �--__ describing the property to be eold; eaid Notice to be publiehnd �ia n aewepnper of <br /> -- - �_� a general circulatioa !a Haii County. Ncbraeka, onea a week.for five (5) <br />- �`=`_=-�'� consecuxive weeks, ehe 7.ast publication to be nt leaet tea.(10) daqs �but not <br />----���1=� more 2han thirtq (30� daye prior to the anln; aad tha Truatce shall thea eell eaid <br /> ��..�.�°Q!�"=` property at the time and placn deeignnted iu the Notice� in the�manner psovided <br />�����. by law in effect at thn timn of #413ng eaid Notice�e and pubiic auction to the <br />"'�':���K. higheet biddar for c�ah and ehall deliver to euch purchaees a deed to tha propertq <br />=R;�:.:. : '� ���J eold, coneietent aith the laW in effnct at �hat time. Additionnlly, Truetee ehaLl <br />-=": ` � ` mail Truator a copy of muy Notice of Defau�.t and Natice of e8�.e�hereunde,r <br />_ ' " upon default addresaed to tham a� 1419 W Hagge,. Grand Island,Ne 68801 Out of the - <br /> • proceeds of oaid sale� thn Trustee�ehall retain and paq firat �all feee, charges <br /> '��� � and coats of sale aad all moaies advaaced in the exarcien of the power of eale, � <br />�-_ � includiag tha paymeat of thn�Trueten's feee actunlly incurred, and pay aecond - <br />-;- " �. the obligatioae secured bq this Deed'of T,ruet; and eha balance� if any, ahall be -"- <br /> -' .•��'�—_ -? na1A tn ths nornnn nr e�ran�■ Len11v ant�r7sd M,s..fn �.,o n.r,en.. �..n7..A�..o �l.e �,` <br /> � .___..�^__�__ r—__ '_ _"_ r_�__� �� r_�_��� __o__I ���_���� �..�.����. ..«� r����»t �«��..��..Q �..� _ <br /> � � . Dcneficiary� mayr purchase enid propnr�y at euch eale. � <br /> .,.«,-�. i <br /> ' The truetor covenanta tltat at thn time of delinnrq of these presente, � <br /> • " t�ey are e�ized of eaid propesty in ien•aimple, and that said property is f�ee � <br /> - . �. of eacumbraaces� except enc�braacae, aaeemente� righte-of-�waq� restri.ctions and � <br /> rReervatione of record. and theg� will propesrly maintain the preperty, keep ell � <br /> -- � buildinge ineured for fire xnd eatended covernge in an amount equnl to the � <br /> usipaid balanca of the aforesaid Note, with loos payable to the BeneEicinry� and <br /> . . w 311 pay all taxna and aeaeoemante againot eaid preperty and 8mounte due on pri.or - <br /> " eacumbrances� ancl if they ehall fail to paq ineurnncn premiuma or tazces on <br /> j amounts due on pxior eacumbrancne, the Beneficiary may pay the eame nnd ali - <br /> amounts eo paid shal� become +sdditionnl indabtednese dun hereundnr; nnd in case <br /> �. " � o S foreclosura� Truetor will pay any reasonable attomey fees incurrad by . <br /> Beneficiazy or Txuseee in such foreclosure procaedingo. <br />