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..:�r .,� ._. .._ = - <br /> . , . � <br /> ..� ....,..... .,. <br /> � .. .._. __.-- , -_ - <br /> .�i�Y.���, _.: <br /> i_��__�... '�J� _. —._�.. �_��.�_ � . • .I[i' ��ti Il-• , . . � „ �� � <br /> " �„Yti.��. - � • <br /> ' ._ -... ....�+�r•'�la�.r_'�y��F�� , '� .. . .n.. . ' -...-.�. _. <br /> .. �.r �T�.� <br /> —���+_��� .._" <br /> . � <br /> � __ �_�j .= <br /> , • �_ <br /> , :�� Yl)���03 <br /> � <br /> ` Lot 4 a diatance of 174.3 feet to the Northwest � <br /> " . corner af Lot 4, the point a� beginning, and con- <br /> � � taining 1.605 acres, mare or 1es�; and <br /> � ���� Part of Lot Four (4) of ��Palu eubclivieion��, braing <br /> a 9ubdivi�ion of p�►rt o� the NB�1V��C of eection 33, <br /> �•�'� in Township 11 North, Ra�nge 9 West of tho 6th <br /> "�y P.M., more particularly descr�bed ae follows: <br /> �� Commenc� at a point on the �ou�herly line of <br /> . �� ��id Lot 4, eaid poi.nt betng 158 fset Eaet of the <br /> �� : 3outhwest Qorner of eaid Lot 4; the�ce runni�nq <br /> • :,f. southea�terly along and upon the Bouth�westerly t. <br /> line of eaid Lot 4, a distance of 41 feet; thence <br /> � running South along and u�on the East boundary �� <br /> �� , ....,•4 : line of said Lo� �, a die�ance of 69 feet; thence = <br /> rixnning East along �he 3outh boundary l.ine of said <br /> � � Lo� 4, a di�tance of 78 te�t; thence running North _ <br /> _�. . .;;;,� along and upon a line 78 feet distant from and [- <br /> parallel to the East boundary line of said Lnt �, <br /> ;,, � � to the point of i.ntersection af said line and �the ,_ <br />-="� �'�•;�.�r �s shore line o� t�e lake situated in oaid Lot 4; ._ <br /> ;,,.,�: :,;;��; �" thence running Westerly along and upon the shore E;' <br /> ;j.:f,:�,:::�:":r' lins of eaid lake to a poisat Where sa3.d shore lin� - <br />_�n:;:�'.>>';:,:;;:;, � interaecte the East boundazy lir3e o� a tract here- _ <br />-L::r�,�•��;���'� �ofore dasded by Warranty Dae�l recorded in Brok - <br /> .;;A,��i aY"; <br /> -:• �.•,. 127, at Page 269 of the Aecd 3teaords of Hall <br /> us�%�'�`�:'���`:'� County, Nebraeka; thence running Southerly along <br /> �r`• '����>': �rg ��� �,�c, FAR't boundary line of said tract to <br /> .^E^:�.5.�_ <br />___,..�,Y�� the point nf beginninq; and <br /> ����=y,�'��• <br /> -.a.����� �,�ggp nQ therafrom a tract of land conveygd to <br /> �.....��,;;�� <br /> _.._____ __ - the State of Nebraska by Warranty Aeed recorried n <br /> -- ----— Boak 135, at Page 197 of the Deed Records of Hdll <br /> -- County, Nebreska mor�e particularly d�ecri.bed ds <br /> -_--,�., followa: <br /> -�~.1C���� A tract of land located ia part o£ Lot <br />--- - 4, in Palu Subdivision in tue Northeast <br /> -- Quarter of tha Nor.theaet Quarter of <br /> ___�� Section 33, Townehip 11 Nor�h, Range 9 <br /> _ West of the 6th P.M., Ha11 County, <br /> .--- Nebraska, described ae folZowe: <br /> _,� Beginninq at the northwaet corne� of Lot <br /> - 9 .in the Northeeat Quarter of the Nor�h- <br /> ��- east Quarter of eaid Secticn 33; thence <br /> ;4���� easter3y on the L�orth line of said Lot 4 <br /> a distanc� of 174.3 feet to the north- <br /> --� ea�t corner Qg said Lot 4; thence aouth- <br />---____- erly on t�e East liaP o� esid Lot 4 a <br /> --v�' diatance of 11.7 feot; �hence weste�ly a <br /> - --;:,_.�;�` diatance of 174.3 feet to a point on the <br />---�::_=��= Weat line of snid Lo� 4� thence north- <br />�=`n,�" erly on said West line a distance of - <br /> "u`�'`�"`�'" 1� .9 feet to the point of beginning, = <br /> �_��'�;w�? _ <br /> �,.��r._r���- � containing �.,982.02 square feet, more or __ <br /> "—'�-T�;Y:: leso, boing the arva horeby secured, - <br /> =��`�� - <br /> �w -���: - <br /> _.-�::;::=�<:::. reservi�g a right of ingrase or egress ov�er the _ <br /> '�=��` .I.��A��� � above de�cribed tract; over two private residen- _ <br />___��:4..R. �. ✓ .. <br /> • tial entramces not to exceed 20 feet in width the _ <br />-_ • - ��. ..e,.«o,. �3 re �f u�h�i rh are tco be located 37 f.eet and ' <br /> °-�-'!�� ' 161�feet easterly from the W�st line of said Lot 4 - <br /> � '��'�'' -. � as measured along the North line of eaid Lot 4; <br /> '..s.,,�#�" <br /> � arid <br /> ; �`;;;! e�����ncJ further t2�esefroxn a trac� of land con- - <br /> � .:�+��. veyed t� Susau R. Joh�n�ton and Carol jean A. Palu <br /> � in Docv..mant No. 91-104436 of the Racards of �the � <br /> " Register of Deeds af Hall County, Nebraslra, more <br /> � �� particularly d�escribed as �ollows: - <br /> - .. � 2 <br /> `� <br /> -.- � � _ _ <br />