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�__ � •-•�„a ., <br /> . ' ' � , � - <br /> � r ��� � ��• ____lnJ1]I/�RIt}'c'_ <br />.. <br /> . �� _ _ ...-.. ._. __.-._._--_ -_.- <br /> _ <br /> _ "".___ . _"__-- .._._ . . - . <br />.. __..- _.�__ . . <br /> � -- ��+ � t r..:` <br /> ::-::� � � now C��y of Grand Z�1�nd, arar►d i�land, �Iall Caur�ty, N�braska� �� <br /> _.,,� th� �a��aents snd riOhts-of-way bt�nq aors pas�iaululy d�scribsd . <br /> - . - <br /> _ _ �_ - __ _ -' <br /> ^„�,�o�� <br /> ` ^� as lollowss . <br /> ,� <br /> ' �y. The Noz�h�rly tan (10.0) la�t o! tha Wast�rly <br /> - -=�,E,� �ot� (i8�¢f) ii�e� �i zo4 F�vQ (sj Bloax siqhty . <br /> - -- � ,���°;;�� Twa (8�) oriqinai Town, aow City o! arand <br /> --��;_:.�� Zsla�nd. The above-d�saribec� easamant and <br /> ���� right-ot-xmy aontaininq 100.0 squar� te�t j <br /> __„��� and <br /> �s:� <br />:�•��-�.+__:;�, �. The Northarly tan (10.0) leat o! the W�steriy <br /> �ti���"�� ton (10.o) laat o! Lot Seven (7) Bloak Eiqhty <br /> — �,�,:�,�;�;.;;�=„�� Two (82) Oriqinal Tow», now City of Grand <br /> - — �'""'' Iala�nd. The above-desari.bed easement and <br /> -=T�-�;:,:_�L,r., <br /> - ��T:--�..�.._. • right-of-way aontai»inq 100.0 square leotf <br />.= �� t��- �'�-�: and <br /> °�y-:: . ., ,.` <br /> � ���:�."3�;..�,`�._,. ���� �. Tha Northarly tan (10.0) taet ot tha Easterly <br /> � � ton (10.0� test of Lot Eiqht (8) Bioak Eiqhty <br /> • � ,''' �'� ���''��-*." ' Two (82) Oriqinal Town, now City ot Grand <br /> � `�'�'�'"�"�' � Ialand. The abovo-desaribed Qasement and <br /> . , .��,��,;r�-' ;� ` : <br /> '- �,;;4;,y�:._;,�;�_;•�� right-of-way aontaining 100.0 square ls4t. <br /> ' �y,: �� ���J� ;.�;' All saanments and righta-ol-way as Bhown on tha plat <br /> � _ —�-i�'±���.-- -- - s�atefl 7-?Q-g2II mnrkod Exhibit N�~! attached hereto and <br /> . . ,�;..�.: ��,:�:. -:.� <br /> _ , inaorporated heroin by relerence, <br /> � � � �� � together with the tollowing riqhts: <br /> y:��.-.. .. . <br /> . �' Grantao Qhall have un�rQStricted ingres� and nqraas to tha <br /> .. ���:.�..�;�.� _ <br /> :,a�.��;-. <br /> ����: <br /> , �\� . abova-dascriloQd oasementa and rights-of-way !or any pwcpose <br /> • . . .. �'� '? neaesaary tor the surveyinq, construation, inspeation, <br /> �• �.��: :,�;., <br /> ' __ . ' -5.:•.` <br />" �, ,.�,;,,�,.��h,�;.�,,� maintonanco, ropair, raplaaamant, relooatinn, oxtanofon, romoval, <br /> �.. . �.a�„�.. � <br /> "`i�{ � '""�� � and operation o! such aloctric utilitios and appurtonancos. Such <br /> ' ,�,Y...V.... <br /> �•' �����x�' .�.� ,� righta of ingrees and egress ahall be exerciaed in a reasonable ` <br />: �: � +r...,: .. <br /> .,, W <br /> .. �. manner• <br /> ,�. .. - <br /> . ,E. � . <br /> �:��::;. � °� Grantea shall hava the rfght to oxaavata and rQfill ditahac ' <br /> ., „ <br /> � ��- '. . � r. <br /> '� :•� and tranches necessary for such electria utilities and <br /> i:. - . ���a�,",s-.: .#;'. • <br /> ,� r.Y;;�.,., `' ° appurteaancos; to remave, claar, and keep clear, trees, bushes, <br /> •� � .� � m'� - hedgeo, undergrowth, and/or any other obstructiona intQrfQring _ <br /> - , � _ .. - <br /> b'_ <br /> ��_ '� + _ 2 _ <br /> W <br /> j _. <br />._'-cJ._ '__ �PAYi'_�!.S. _ .'..:.7���46wr:�':..z: �' �� A�... � . �.. <br /> . - . _ � . - --_'_' __"' _ _ _' ' _ —" " ' _ _' . ._ ' _"". '_ .-... _' _ '�_ '—_ " _,_ <br /> ��J��.. �t_ . . . , . <br /> -� .- - �'a--_r"_'�—_._Y' ' <br /> �' a <br /> r <br /> e . <br /> � i .. <br /> ' .h. t'j <br /> �. .. <br /> ! <br /> . y <br /> '�r . , j <br />