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<br /> v � � 12a�1996 DEED OF TRUST Pega 6
<br /> .<,__.._.._�. �.� �ia�I�w�w •-----
<br />_ ..._.__..----- � n�� nae�+n a.►ununllt3u ei v
<br /> GVUi�I�V NYJI ��7 � I �V��A�
<br /> ��.�.��-�
<br /> (b) CommenC9 en asllon to foreclose this Daod of Trust as e mortpa�o,appolnl e recelver or speciAcAlfy entorce�ny o}liv�Covantlnts "
<br /> hereql;llnd
<br /> "" (o) ONlver lo Trustee a written declaratton of delauil end demand Por eale and s writtan nollCe oP detAUtt end NecBOn to C�tus�Ytustvre
<br /> Intsrest In Ihe Property to be sold,whloh notice Trustee shnli cause to be dury fibd(a reco�d In lho�pproprlate ofNa!of tM County In
<br /> whlch Ihe prop�ly Is Ixatod;and
<br /> �Nobnslc�Un�oim Commerclal C��th�Pcrranal Prcp�rty,Lend�r ah;Jl hav�ell th�rlph�nnd rem�dl;.�n}n c�curc4 p�Ay urtd^r 1M ,
<br /> Fotkfwaue by PowK of SY�. If Lendar decb to torectose by ex�rcfss of ihe pow�r ol Sab herNn containsd,Lendw OhaN notiy Trusteo And .
<br /> . � ehall d�poslt wiih Truslea this Deed of Trust and the Nota and such recelpts�nd eNder►ce o4 ex,n�rtdilur�mad�tnd seaured by thls D�d o1 '
<br /> ,�„�,,;�� Trust�s Trustee may nquire. > . '
<br /> ... �+r (a) Upon rocelpt of such nnYce irom lender,Trustea shau causs to ba recorded,publtshed artd deUV�ered to Trusta euch h'�Y��af 0►fault
<br /> � and Notice o}Sak es�hert requlred by law and by thls Dsed of Trust. Trustw nhaY,wilhoul domand on Trustor,aRer such t:�w w rtwy
<br /> then Ga rsquirod by taw and nttnr rccordntlon of sueP�Not!ca oi Detnuit anr!nJter tVotice o}Sa)e haNnfl beem qlven es requ!red Dy law,saN '•
<br /> lhe Proparty�t the Ume end place oi 3nlo flxed by It In suCh NoHce of Sol�a,aflhor u a whoie,a In aeparde I�b o►ptrcNs or It6ms a �,�•�:;
<br /> � Trusfee shall deam expedlent,and in u4ch oruer as it may determino,u!��14�Ic�uctlon b the hlphesl bidder fa cash In Iawfui man�y ot �t^ -
<br /> ` the UNted States payabie al tha tfmo cf 3�to. Trustae shnll deliver to sucU qurehuser a purohasers thereof ils pood nnd sufflcNnt d�d or —;::.-...-
<br /> daeds conveylreq the propedy so satd,bct wilhout any covenant or wananry,oxpross w impllad. The recitel9ln sucA deed ol any rtwtteia � �;'"
<br /> or facts shan be Conclushre prooP CP Ute truthfulne:s U�ereo}. Any porson, Includlnp without ilmltaUon Trusta.Trustep,or Lender,reuy ��;.��Y�.
<br /> y purcluse at such sa►e. � „•'"^�•,
<br /> (b) As may be permided by law,uHor ek.•ch+cN��p ell cosis,tees artd Qra.+��sas of Trustee snd of thls Tn��,i.xlradinp cosb of ovldor►oe of ':�-°-
<br /> .�r 8tle In aartnoCllnn wfth sate,Tn�stea Stra�E appty the proceeds of SAIO Ai 0.ayrtent of p)all aums e�ended under the terms of thb Dood of ---
<br /> Trust or�nder tha terms of the Nate not tAan�opeld. (ndudinp but noi 6,rftad to accrued Interesl and late charQes, (U)eM oth�r sums tMn , -
<br /> ;y secured Rereby,aed pN)tho remalnder.(f tny.to the pason a persons lepaliy entl8ed thereto. -
<br /> , 4 (o) Tntstee may In the manner proNded by law post�aw sale o!all or any portlon ot tha Property. ���:r�=
<br />�• �;� R�nadNs NaN Dtclu�lvs. Trustee and Lender,and eech ot them,shaN bo antlHed to oniaca payment�nd perfamance of any Inckbtidr�ess '
<br /> or obNpations sacured by thls Deed of Trust and to exerclse all dphts and powas undar thts Dead of Trust,undor ttw Note,undw 4ny of ttw _� v
<br /> � Rdtted Da:umonts, a under any other e�ement or eny laws now or hereuRer in toroe;notw(thstandlny,sorra a tb ot such Indebtodness �y��
<br /> and obifpatlons secured by thts Doed of Tn�R may now or hereePer be otharwtsa secured,whetfler by matp�pe,deed of fnrst,pNdpe,Ilen,
<br /> asslpnment or olherwlse. Ndthor tho acceptAnce ot thls Deed ot Trust na its entorcemenl,�vhelher by court acdon or pursuant tp ttw power of
<br />• sab or other powers conta1nad in this Deed of T►ust,shal pro�udlce or In any manner aHoct Trustee's or Lend�s dpht ta realiao upon a --
<br /> enTaoe any other seccdty now a hera:Rer held by Trustee or Lendar,it belnp apreed ihat Trustee and Lender,and eaoh of ttiem,shnU be
<br />�. enHtlsd to enforce this Deed of Trust and eny olher securiry now or hereatter held by Lender a Trustee In suoh adar trtd manner 4s lhey a
<br /> . alther of them may In ViAk bSOIpte dt�cre�inn determine. No rertwdy conterred upon or reserved to Truatse or Lender,Is InNnd�d to be
<br />- • exotuslva of Rny olhar roh�j/trt'thf}pAad af ltilst or by law provlded or permitted,but each shall bs cumutaUva and BhaN be In additlon lo
<br /> : �` e�nt�or{nr�riy nloan td IhCs��igad'of Yrust a now or hereafter exlstlnn�i Ww w In eciulty or by Btatute. Every powYr or romedy�I�,+en by!he
<br />-• ' Note Or any Qt Ilw�flildNM CbcunhtiMs to Trustoe a Lenc+,er Or to whtch�iMor of them rtwy tw otherwfso aniHled, mey b��x�rcis�d, —
<br /> concurrenHy ot'md�lhtiently,'Rom tlrtb to Hme and as c�lan as may be deem�d u�edMnt by Trustee a Lendor,and eHhor ot thsm rtuy
<br /> � purauo lncor�isunl nrtNdNa. Nothlrp fn thf!Deed af Trust sheM ba co�truW u�oh!bttlnp l.�nder Rom�Nclnp a daflCl9noy JudprtNnt --.-..
<br />=y�+��'� � ap�irtst tfwTnnta to th�ealeni such 4cHon hs permlthd by�w.
<br />.n. `� � R�quest Fa NoNa• Tnistcr,an behalf ct 7n:stor and Lende�.hereby rsqwsM thet�copy o4 any Notioe of petuutt end s copy of Rny Notice
<br />=i:�, .?.-.' , of SaN under this Dssd of Trost be mafied to them at the addresses set fath In ihs fks2 puapnph of this O�od ot Trusf.
<br /> :=y�;��.;.•,,' :� :r
<br />`':.,,,;,.:.� � 9kutv�r; Ekctlon of RNn�cMee. A weiver by any perty o1 a breach of a provfslon of thls D¢0d'ot 7n�d ahaH not constltut��welver of a
<br /> T'''`'�� -�; �� preJudlce the pertys rlyhts othenvlse lo demand stricl com�llenee wtth that provlslon a any ot��r provlslon. Electlon by L.onda►to punw any
<br />=�1i,:r.',:,,:�,,;� remedy provided In thl�Dead ot Trust,the Nole,ln any Rdated Docurr,ent,a proNded by law ehatl not excluda pursu�'t ot�ny other nrt�dy,
<br />�• �:._,,;� and an eleCtlon t0 make expvndlturas or to take aatlon to perform an obllgalion of Trustor under this Deed of Trust atler fellurs of Tnritor to
<br /> ,.:,,,,.f pertam 6hdi not aBect Lender's dqht to dectare a deTault and to exercise any of Ib romedias.
<br />�`^'���''��{ Attornhta'Fess;Expense�. It Lender Institutes any eult or aCtion to entome eny of the terms of thls Deed of Tnnt,Lender 6hak b�entld�d lo
<br /> ••��-•!s:d �
<br />�_.,:�� recovor such sum us the court may adJudpe rsesonebla es attaneys fees�t trlal end on any agped. WhethK or not I�ny couA acUon b
<br /> - =y tnvoived,au roasonable expenses InCUrted by Lender whlch lo f.end�era opinlon are neCOSSary at any tlms tOr the proteCUan Ot Its inber�st or the
<br />==�'���+'���« enlorcement ot its rlphb sha11 bacome a part ot the indebtedn�paya4te on domand and shoM beae Interest at thp Nota rate hom the dtte o1
<br />-:�::M���"�� expendituro until repai0. E�enaes covereA by Ihfs psngnph Induda,without Mmltaflon,hnv►ever sub}ect to eny Itmtb undw appNc�bN taw,
<br /> ,;,,,��,;,,;��,�; l.ondw's afta�eys'Mw wtMtfwr a no!thers b�f.�wsuit.Incfudlnp adansys'iMS tor Cankrupfcy procesdl�pnclutNnp Nf0�f8 to modity a
<br /> ----�,;,;;,;.,,�,�, ere�t�any autnma�alay or InJun�lon)�nAR�_b and eny anl��ated p�:••�ud�m;nt c�.M,'°^tlen s:rv'��M�oa.-t ot�:;r�N���^.ca��w�lr.'rr.� �
<br />—==�,.,.�`ti UW nports pnctudlnp laedosure nports).s�rveYors�roPorq,nPPrafsat fess,Uus t�uranc�,and lwes fa t7�e Trusbo,to the�xt�nt p�rmitNaR by
<br /> ��;�` �� appACabie liw. Trusta alsa wUl pay any court costs,In nddftlon to ad olher sums pravlded by law. —
<br />.ac�.:�i`.. �. a
<br /> - 1 ;_;
<br />_;;.;.,;,;,� ., Rl�fb of TrustN. Trvstoo shall havo all ot the rlphb nnd dutles of Lender ae eet fath U lhis seCtlon. --
<br />����. POWERa AND OBLIOATIONS OF TRUSTEE. 1'he lotlowlnp provislons reiatlrp to the powers and obllpadans of Trustse are pert of thfs tHed of
<br />- Ttust.
<br />- :�.:r'�`;::y°�
<br />--—,.��� Powers of T►usfes. In sdditlon to all powers ot Trustee e�slnp as a matter of Iaw,Trust�e ahall have the power to fek�tho tdlowinp�CHone
<br />��s . wifh r�apacl to the P�operty upon the wdtten r�equesf of Lender end Truator. (a)Joln In propariny and flitny a map or pkt of ths Rwl Propsrly,
<br />- ;_`�'�,. Includinp tM dedication oi etreeb or other rlphts to the publk; (b)Jofn In prantlnp any easertant or cretUng any resWciion on th�RMI Prop�rty;
<br /> _„�,.F,.... . and (c)Jdn In nny aubadinntlon or othqr apreement a8ecting thlo Dsed of Trutt or tM Intarest of Lender under thti D�ed o!TrusL _
<br />�'•=�=.. TnutM. Trusteo shall meet elt qunilflcatlons requtred tor Trust�e urtder appl�abta lew. In additlon to the riphts�nd nrt►edles sGt forih�bow,
<br /> _?:�;r'•c Vvlth MSpeCt t0 YA Or Hny pert of the Property,tlw Tnntae sheli have the rlpht to Porocioso by notk:e nnd sak,and Lender shall hava the right to
<br />_n,-.�-'`.:':_%:� • torocioss by Judtdel forecdosure,{n eilM►r case In�ccadana with and tp fha tuA axtent proNdsd by rpp'�lcabs taw, _
<br />�� '° �`' 8ucaa�or Tntstw. Lender,at Londer'e opHon,may kom tlmo to tlme appdnf a a�or T►usMe to any Trustee appdnted hersunder by An —
<br />� . tnstrument exsculed and�fckno�vladped by Lender ond rocaded In the oM�a of tFw recadsr o(FiALL Counry,Nlbraska. The Inshument shtN �b,.
<br />=� • cantatn,in addiNon to all othor m4ttera required b atale tuw,t�e names of th�ort�lnal Lender,Trusfee, and Truetor,lhs book and epa r^�•'�'�'
<br /> Y P (a a:_..-.•-.
<br />�'� Camput•r dyatem refennceJ when Nils Daad of Trust Is recordod,and tM nartN anti addnss of the euocessor trustee,tnd tho Irntrum�nt ahatl �ri°�'_
<br />�r.- be oxaouted and ecknowtedped by all the boneAclnrles under the Dosd ot Truat or thqr auccwsors In Interost Tha auxeosa kustN,vrtthout [:_��-__
<br /> _�=• � conveyanca of the Property,aliatl succeed to ell the Htle,power.and dutle�canfi�nr�d upon the 7rustee In tNs�eed ot Trust end by appNCabb —':
<br />�� • taw. This procedure tw subsNtuUOn of hustae shell @oeern to the exdasion of UI ott:er proNStons tor substitU�o�. l{•'
<br /> , lE07tG�8 TO TRUSTOR AND OTH[EA PARTIES. My�olk;e unCer thla Desd of Trust shell be In wddnp,mey be be sant by taletacelrnlYa,and shdl �(wr*
<br /> � bo eftocYive when actually deNverad,or wh0n deposifed with a nau�n�lly recopnlzed ovemfpht co��,i�,or,If matled,shill be deemed ef(eCUvs wMn '
<br /> deposllad in th�United Statos mail 11rst ciass,certlBed or repk�tarfld mull,posffige prepald,dlrectod to the addrosses ehown naar the bspinnlnp of "' �'
<br />- �w.naw nt Tn�d env na'iv mav rhonns 11e adrlrxz fnr nnlimn unAur lhlu�end n!Truc!hv dNna(nrmel u.rf".�n nnlltes!e Ihn n►hnr nei� '
<br /> - -`':`= - -
<br />. .,_. _•y,�.,l _. . _�_^__. . �.. ._.� �•_.� .._• ' _ �„ _ _"'__ ' _."_ _ " ' ' _' '• � � ' _
<br /> epectfyAnp that the purpose of the notice Is to chanye the party's nddress. All coplee ot notices of forectosuro from tt�e Adder of tny Ikn whTCh hts '��
<br /> pdority over thh Dasd oi Trust alwll be eent to Lender's address,as shown ra�r t�e bopinnlnp o}thls Oeed of Trust. For nottr,e purposse,TrrJStor � '
<br /> • apre�s to ke9p Lender nnd Trusfoe i�famed at all tlmes of Trusta's current addres�. '
<br /> MISCELLANEOUB F'ROVISIOWS.The tollowirp mhceNanaous provislons sr�e perl of thle Deed of Trush .
<br /> �� ArtNndm�nla. Thls D�d of Ti�ust,tupelhar wlth any Relate0 Documenb,consUtules ihe onUre underatandlng and aproemont of the pa�iles Qs
<br /> to tM maliers sel torth In thb Deed ot Trust. �o aitarallon ol or omendmant to this Dopd ot TruSt sh81i be eHacUvq unless piven in wrltlnp end ��
<br /> slpned by fhe parry or puties souph!tn be charped or bound by 1M altsnHon or artwndmmt. ,•
<br />_ .. Annu�l Reporta. If the Property Is used tor purposes other Ihan Trustor's residence,Trustor shall turnish to Lende�,uRon request,e cortifled •
<br /> statemenl of nel operelinp Income rocelved hom the Property durtng Trusta's preNOUS flscal year In such 4orm and detall as Lender shall
<br /> roqulrs. "Nel operaUnp Incomo"9hall moan all cesh r6Celpts�rom Ihe Properly less all cash exponditures made in Connactlon with Ihe opere!i0n
<br /> ol Ihe Property.
<br /> ' Appl�iWe L�w. Thts D�ad nf Tn�st hu been dellvered to Lender�rW�cceptad by L�nd�r In tAe State of�Ybr�w Thls Dad oi Trual
<br /> _ �
<br />