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1 <br /> � .. <br /> --.+�� . ' . . "' ' _ _ �.._ti._._._.. <br /> c� . .. . -'-- <br /> '�GAe,. � - r . .� 'J. � .. r.yy���.� .�I�.�T�.�. <br /> . <br /> '�: ' <br /> � . . . .. _. _ _.. . - ' r ,�.u.. _. <br />— — _ � . _ , . .. -11.�'"__._.. _ . .. . . ._ . ... �''Y_— .. <br /> t2-C�t 996 QEED OF TRUST �g Pspe 2 :�" <br /> ��._v <br /> -:,.,� <br /> _._....-`�--.__ .......u�ee�e,a (CoMinuedl �" �{���7 i� � <br /> . � MVI:��I\Y9 Vvo��v .w���.� _—_���.�+.��...��.�.���.-- � - <br /> f.�_�_�-'r'+T ___T_._'�==1�___ ...�� �..� .— _. <br /> iopdMr with aIl r�nswds,axtemlona,modlfVc�tbn�,reAnancir►Q�,and�ubitiluNand I�r ltw Nota. Yho mQtudty datY o}thl�D�d of Yrust ta Juna <br /> 6,19fl7, <br /> pK�pMl prppJrry. Ths words'POraonat PropeAy'm�4an eu�qulpm�M, 14ctura,Md otfwr�rtk�ia of perio�l prop�rty na�v Or h�tt�r <br /> own�d by Trustor,ond now or h�reafter etttci�ed or atpe0�t�.nR�Nt��h��p�������d����hou�t N�mlteUonaa�ll/nsurinc� <br /> npladmsnb of,and �II �ubsfllutlons fa, �ny ol such r �0 <br /> prxsedsi and r�funde ol pnmlume)hom�ny uN or othor dbpos tlon o}IF+�Prop�rty. <br /> . Ptppo„y. Yh�word"Prcp:l�y'rnan;.co:!CCAv:.;y th�RcRI Pro�fcrty end lh�Peronel Pmxrty. <br /> q�q prpp�fy. Th�wordf'ftW PropMty'm�tn ths prop�iy,lnlKMb�nd dphb daCdb�d abovs in Ihs"Conwytna ind((�r�nP a�ctlon. <br /> . qMM�d DoC�te. TM word�'AMat�d Docurrwnb" rtMan�nd Indud�wHhout Wmfktlon tlt promluory noto�. cndit �prNrt»ntr,loan <br /> ,,,j,�;_ �pr»rtNnb,envlror.rt�MW��b.ouwntlK�Nctuily��rNrtNnb�marlpa9N�dwd�oi Irust,and oll othet Instrumenb,�prNrtwnb tnd <br /> � documonb,whMh�r now a t�IMr�dstinp�axecutsd In Conn�cUon wilh tM Indrb9�dn�w. <br /> ,�. <br /> I Filnts. Th�word'1i�nts'mwm aM pnsent�nd futun�enb.nwnua,lncotr�,Istu�s,roy��Profit�,�nd olher bmsfib daived am <br /> ,' I T pN. Th�wad"Tnqtle"mean UNRED NEBSiASKA BANK tnd�ny eubsYtuU a succ��a trusteae. �: <br /> �,. <br /> ' TN�Ia.Th�ward"Tnnta"rr�n�any and an psrsorts end tntiiles�ocecutlnp tNs Deed ol T�ult,inctudirp wlthout NnNt�tlon aN Trustas ntrtwd �,.�rs�:f__. <br /> ,, ahow+. � <br /> .;.':�. <br /> TH18 pEEp QT TRUBT.INCLUQINO TNf: A881GNNDEMT OF REMT9 AND Tt�SECURITY INTEREST IN THE RQRS ANO PERSOMAL ;,�',r,: <br /> PqOPE'RTY,19 OIVEN TO SECURE (1)PAYMENT OF TFE INDEETEONES9 AND �!)PERFORMANCE OF A�'!Y AND ALL OBLIOATI�?JS Gf .. , . <br /> TFt/STOii UMDER THE NOT�,T!�RELATED OOCUNIEfiTS�AMD 7HI8 DEED OF TRUEiT. THiB D�OF 7AllsT is OtYEN AMD AC�PTTEED ���:, <br /> � ��•� ON T!�FOU.OWINQ TEi1M8: ieT"'�.;:.= <br /> , � PAYMENT AMD PEAFOIi1�AA!!CE• ExcaPt�s olt�erwlse provfdad in ihis Dwd of Trusl,Trusta eiwil y ta L�nd:r r�!Amaunla sxurod by lh+�Dr_d ;=ti ;' <br /> tQ !;*:t.cti <br /> of Trt»I u IMy b�coms dw.and shUl sUictly and In a dm�ty tnmrnr p�Aam aM W TnKtot's obMpt m�und�tha NoM,thb Doad of Tnpl,and th� : _: <br /> .-'f. Hs4it�d Dacumenb. �j=- <br /> t. POSSESSION.��/,�ll,yi0�MAIlrtE71A!!CE Qr THE FROPERTY. Trustar�qreK lhat Trustor�poss�ssion and usa of the Property sh�N b��owrr►ed by ..''.�-' <br /> �� � ..,c-1h�, <br /> .'F ' ����l�nQ�n��«�v�.�. ���.. <br /> �' pp�lelo�t�(f�. UntY ttw oocurrenca af an Event ot Deladt,Trusla rtwy (o)remdn in possesslon and contrd of th�PropwtY� (b)u�s� �-�-��----- <br /> ��ti_�_.._..:.. <br /> opKaM a aKnrqs ItN Rrop�ty�tnd (o)coMc1�ny Renb kom th�Prap�rty. _ <br /> � Wl�p b MM►bin. Trusta sh�N malntain the Prq»�ly In ten�ntQhis condRlon and prompW p�rfam WI rM�alrs.npi�o�m�r►b��"d m�InMMna 41 <br /> tvlCaaslry to pnlserw its YUus. _ __ <br /> Fi�rarcbus Sub�Ur�. The tarm"hwrdous waste�""h�zardous subst+ma,••di�os�l�'Y�Nas���nd 1h�MrNd nMa�,'a uMd:n tt� _- <br /> O�W ot Tnnt.shd!havs ths sartN msadnps as set torth in tM Compnhonshrs Envlronm�nW Fi�po��Com�naa Yon.and Ltab�ty A�1 M _ <br /> - 1oA0.a am�nd�d.12 U.9.�.S�ction 6601,at seq.("CERCIA��the Sup�tund Am�ndrt�and RMUlhorinYon Ac1 d 1�. Pub.L.Ido. - <br /> �,�.- gg..4gp I'SAF2A9,tta Fl�ntdou�Mataids TnnsportaUOn Act.49 U.S.C.S�c9on 1dDt,et eW.,ttw R�our'a Cons�rwGon��d FNco+wry Act� <br /> ,� � �2 U.B.C.S�ctlon 68D1.M a�q.,a oth�r appNCabio itat�a rud�r�i�s.a r.p�i.�::�+w+�:�+vs+�•�•^��r;�:!��^^'_..,.s�. 7ta <br /> tenns'fw�rdoin wasb•md'tilmcdcus substuice'sheM�so k�dud�,wltho�R 7lrt�tlon�Ds�rdwm�nd RM�'�m by-�odtxb or�ny k�cUon <br /> ..� �• nMnor and asb�ta. Tnntar�atsnis ana warr.r�s to�..t+eu wk W Durkq IM v«fod w Tru�ta'r owr�ntap a�n.Rov�N�uat.Iw <br /> rj,`�`;;�;� bMn no us��p�rsMCn�manuf�P.�ne�aiorape.riatmont,disPo�l.rM�aa a thrNt�d cMKS�of anY I�rdotn waM ar wbsiana bY�Y <br /> .._ p«son nn.un�:eb�.+t a trom tha F�rc{�1y; (bI Tnntor has no krwwwcip�of.a re�son to Mit�w that th�n ha9 bNrt.�000�Pt a D�M <br />_,• , dfsctowd to and vitnowMclp�d bY l�nd�►In wri8n�, (i)aeY us�,pen�ntlon�menufsr.'1us.slaaps�Madm�r►t,dtpo�l�nN�W�a Ux�twNd <br /> • nl�aM of any tMm►�ous wasla or subshtnca on.unda�.abatf or kom tl�Prop�rty bY�N P�owrnts or oocupu�ls of ttx'PropKlY a (i)anY <br />' � . ., �ctr,ad or MnaMr�d 1tlp�tlon a cWms of any klnd by�rry parson nlaUnq to wrch m�M�s��nd (o)Excpt a p�NouilY dicQOa�d b t� <br />�;.�...'.';;' • �dav�tQdp�d 6y I.�nd�r In wrfimp� p)nefiher Trustor na any tena��cWr.�p�nt ar other udhori�d usK af th�Propaty 6hiM w�. <br />-•_..r. :;�:� : p�xu��M.mtnu(actun.stor�.heat,disposa ot�a releese any hanrdous wasli asubsttnc�on.unde.�bout or trom the Pirop+rb�nd (�)anY <br /> T;.;,.,,� such K,ilvify shaN be conducted In comp8ance wtth aN appHeabfe feJ��1s.tnd loal tawi.nvJulatbns and ordln�noN,k�dudnp wNhovi <br /> :;,r,.�,,,,,,N,• OmHatbn those laws,reputations,and adinences d�scribed abova. Trusta aulhori�ae L+�ndK��d ib�pMb b�nwr upon th�Prop�rtY� <br />�;_; ; . ,.. meke such InspacEOns and tesls,at Trusta's Lender rt►�y dNm�pproprkt�ta dNandne cocepli�no�W tM PropKb�� <br /> 9 s�clion of th�D�sd cflYu�t My Inspsstiom or tesb mado by Lendor tihaA ba ta L�ndM'a Puq►osa only�nd sh�A not bs consktNd to awb <br />�`L�w r.:i'. �ny rMP�Mi�Y a��Y on lhv Put ot Lender to Trusla or Io�ny othsr p�non. TM ropr�nhtlons ind w�rtaniMs conloln�d if�atn w <br /> 3 � b�c�d on Trusta's dw dYip�nca tn[nvosUpadrp tha Propaty ta harardaus wast�tnd h�nrdotw aubstanas. Trusta hKrby(�)nNasM ond <br /> _�;i,"!x,;��::� <br /> y.�:;, �.,w;. wUvw any(trtura cWms epalnst L�n�Or tor Indommty or contribWon ln the ownt Trusta bocom�s Ii4bN for cManup a otha cosb undK any <br /> _._:�.c�`1� suCh kws.and (b)s9��s to IndemNty and hold harm'ssx L�nder ap�inst �ny and a1 Ckims.loss�e�InbrI11M.dur�t�P���and <br />—..`�""�0+7°`�°'+� �,��� wtdM !!rkk�r rt�y d�nc.�ly or Indfroclly wsUln a tufhr rosuwn0 lrom a brMCh d tNa e�ctlon of tM DNd et TnMt or q• <br />��==�:��:;�� W any usa,p�rnraUon�manW�ctutr�stoapl. dMPoW.r�kw or tht�afKNd ni�an oxurrinp Prb►b irustt��awrwr�i�ar - _ <br />::-;�'�:.`.�— In fn th�Prop�Ay.wh�tiMr or nol ttN artN wu w shodd haw bNn known(u T�uqa�. rn.�xowaor�.a�n a n,.o..a a rr�. <br /> �ndudnp tM oOMpauon to tnd�mNy.chall sunAw tta wf�of fh�Ind�btWr�a an0 tt»uYshction uid nconwywna of th�Mn of tNs <br />= -. �.i` Dnd oP Tnut and sl�Y not be aff�cSad by Lenders�cqulsnion ol nny lnwnat in th�Prop�rty.whNh�t by lanclosun ar oth«'wfN. <br />��,.,..: . . Mui�nce�WaN. Trustar shell not causa.conduct a penMt eny nulsancs rar cortumlt,P�nm.�x suftw�ny sfrWP�nG of or wtsN on�r tu tt� <br />'„�:'r..i�'�'�. Ropedy or a�y patlon ol ttw Prop�xly. Without IimHing the penerality of tM ta�pOdrW�Trusta wIN not rartww,or prtnt to any oth�r puty th� <br />�" .'.'�. rfpht to remova,any Gmba,mineraFs(InclutHnp nN end pas),soll,pravel ar rodc prod�wfthoul ttw prta wrttlan corn�nt of Lender. <br /> �___T�:�f.��. <br />�w..b1z�� Removd of fmprov�nNnts. Tn►stor ahal!not do�moll�h a remove eny Improvemon'ts 9rum tho Red Propaty without ths prior wrtlNn conant <br />�y�.�=,.��; ot L�, As e condiUon to the removal of any Improvemenb,Lend�r rtwy rmqulre Tnntor to mek�amnp�rt�nts ati�.laY�o��ntNr 10 <br />-_.:-=-"';•r:, roPl�Rt;Ch Imprmrem�nb wHh Improvomants of st leasl aqual value. <br />--_�,,;•r.,:,�,.,, <br /> "�'=•:};,,ti�,;::: �endery py/N tp Ent�r. LendAr and its apents and �epresentaHve9 may enter upon the Reel Propeily et�II�eason�bfe tlrtNS fo atterld to <br /> :t''h"'"••t• .r � Lendafs Int�ests and Co Irtsp�ct lhe Properry(or P�Poses�f Tn�storc comyYanco with thv terms and conditlo�n of thb Deod of Tnnt. --" <br /> . � wPln Paovern+n�niM fi�n�. 7nrsta shaY promPW comPfy wlth�I la�n�ordinanc��and ro�uktlor��now or Mroa1Mr tn <br />- ,of�I�a.remrrNrrol aulhaNNs�PPYcabM to tlw usa a occupancy a�4ne(Arop�rty,indudirg wlthout MmMatlan. th�/unKlcu�s VYNh <br /> Dis�b7f5�Act. 7eustor may cont�st In yood felth any such kw.ordinnna. or ropul�tlon v►d wHhhdd compCana dserinp anY D�M�. <br /> InC�udnp�pproPrkM�PPYat��60 lotg as Tnntor hes nofMed Londer In wittlnp prtor to dolnp s0 and so Wrg ts.In L�nda'e so�e opinion. __— <br /> • Undws inte�sb in tho Properly�re not Jooperdized. lender may nquYe Trustor lo post adsquata s�cwity or�tuntY bond.reasonabty R^--- <br />` catttf�ctory lo proWct Lendsra Interest. E:;�— <br />_ . � puly Ip p�tA�Ct, Yrustor aq+e�s naflher to nbandon nor leave unnttended th�Proparty.Tnntor shdl do W othar�cb,In additlon to th�acb �, <br />